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Everything posted by CecilM

  1. Well, as a homeowner I can say that cats doing their business on my property is very unpleasant and stinky. I don’t want to argue, I’m just saying that if your cats do as she claims, then it’s a good idea to stop them from going to the neighbour’s garden. (Not only to make her claim untrue but also to avoid craziness like people who put up traps/poison/etc.)
  2. Can’t do anything about the loud conversations. TiT. Put up a privacy fence. Or a cheap version, with a few poles and netting. Put up a chainlink fence to keep the dogs out. If your cats roam, then she has a valid point though.
  3. You can order plywood, particle board, mdf, etc from Lazada or Shopee. Everything I’ve ordered was quick delivery and decent quality.
  4. Just sharing that I didn’t receive any mail from overseas for consecutive years, until I told family to stop sending anything (postcards, letters, parcels, etc). Local bills were all delivered. Definitely something fishy going on there. Moved to a new address recently and received the first package sent from overseas.
  5. I loved my Siemens. It worked for 16 years. Samsung (12+k) are good. The very cheap Samsung are produced by TCL (a brand which I wouldn’t trust for longevity). I got a Bosch for 16k from Powerbuy. Walk in, free delivery next day, setup and free removal of the old machine. (Cheap Bosch made in China, medium priced Bosch made in Turkey, expensive Bosch made in Germany.)
  6. Quite possible. It has been like that for every extension I did. (And I don’t question when asked to do sthg at Immigration.)
  7. Chaengwattana. Photocopy of balance is required when picking up the marriage visa. Has been like this for years. (And I’ve heard many people being verbally reminded to follow this requirement.)
  8. Maybe it’s different for volunteer visa.
  9. Right. Each renewal of my marriage visa I had to show 400k when picking up the stamp a month later. And one can hear the officers say the same to other applicants: leave the money in the bank until you get your visa approved.
  10. No. AND the money must remain in the bank for one month after the application has been submitted.
  11. There’s more to Thailand than Pattaya. A yellow book will help in many situations (banks, visa, driver’s license, tm30, etc).
  12. Minimalism is not the same as renouncing the comforts of a modern life. I consider myself to be a minimalist (and have read many books on decluttering) but I also enjoy TV and A/C.
  13. OP, don’t believe this advice. Yellow Tabian Baan is one of the most useful and important documents you can have as a foreigner. (I got mine in BKK and didn’t need any witnesses.)
  14. Not a bad idea. ???? And added benefit that, at least for a while, I wouldn’t have to be the usual designated driver.
  15. I deposit 400k at 4 months before my due date. (Never know when I’ll go to renew. A month before. A week before.) And then bi-weekly 100 Baht. Luckily, for now, new bank books are still free. ???? After a few years, one has a system what to prepare and bring. Then, actually, it’s all smooth and easy.
  16. Why do you want to know?
  17. Two choices: pay or stay away. I stay away, as more and more places now refuse driver’s license, work permit, pink ID in order to get Thai price.
  18. That’s what I did (for my first renewal some years ago) but was told “it’s not correct way to do it”. Since then I’ve always deposited 100 Baht bi-weekly. Go with the flow, is what I like to say. If that’s what they want, I’m not going to argue.
  19. The colour print from the bank was a challenge, but a few nicely phrased requests and explanations why and the bank officer gave me a colour print.
  20. Yes, the amounts are different; I am assuming the procedures confirming the amounts are similar though.
  21. That’s how it has been for me for the past couple of years. (Last, Dec’22.) Bank statement AND confirm account balance for each for the 2 required months. So three sets of documents: photocopies, bank statement confirming amount, and bank statements for each month.
  22. Renewal of marriage visa: Photocopy of bank book & bank statement. I can’t imagine it would be different for a retirement visa. Depending on the officer who processes your application, they MIGHT ALSO want to see small INCOMING transfers (100 Baht) during the 2-month period… to show that there are no OUTGOING transfers. ALSO, request the bank to print the statement in colour ink/laser to show it’s original and not stamped & signed photocopy. No arguments, please. I’m just sharing from experience.
  23. The statistics for lasting love/successful marriage are against you.
  24. I had bees in front of my kitchen window (balcony/condo). Unfortunately that was unacceptable. Wife didn’t know of any easily available service to remove them. So DIY with bug spray. So sad.
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