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Everything posted by CecilM

  1. PayPal is blocked in TH for private users & Bangkok Bank is a Thai bank. That’s the only connection I can see.
  2. Gotcha. ???? I was starting to get annoyed why my layman’s suggestion (get a one year non-o retirement) is causing such a fuss. Thanks. I can now happily move on with my life.
  3. Isn’t that what I’ve been saying all along: get a one year non-o based on retirement…???
  4. So what is the correct name of the one year visa for which you need 800k in the bank?
  5. You need to check your facts. A non-o marriage or a non-o retirement visa is for one year and can be renewed indefinitely (as long as you meet the requirements). Neither marriage nor retirement visa have anything to do with non-o multiple entries, each for 90 days.
  6. Of course there is. Retirement Visa. Marriage Visa. Both are one-year Non-O visas.
  7. Not entirely true. A Retirement visa is also one year. There is no long term visa for Thailand (at least none that applies to the OP).
  8. You’ll have to get a 1-year visa & do yearly renewals.
  9. No A/C, stuck in traffic, breathing exhaust fumes. No thank you. A short ride from point A to point B, sure, a must for a tourist. A city tour, never.
  10. I’m happy to sell a full tank (9kg?) for a very very reasonable price. I don’t need it. Or trade it for a smaller one. If anyone is interested, feel free to reach out. THX
  11. I was told at Immigration Chaengwattana that I only need to do it upon arrival in Thailand and not if I travel within Thailand. (Seems to be a hint that it’s not done by hotels anymore.)
  12. You go by what’s stamped in your passport. Your work permit is irrelevant in regards to overstaying your visa. (And it’s your responsibility to check dates/stamps in your passport.)
  13. Thank you. ???? There’s bad players in every country and every tourist spot around the world; and many are more aggressive than ‘no meter taxis’.
  14. How could I be wrong when I am quoting from my experience with countless taxi rides? Like I said, experiences may vary at tourist traps or night life districts. (Maybe you tend to only frequent those?)
  15. I’m curious why you want SSD for backup? (They’re great for running a system, but I don’t see any advantages as an external backup medium.) Not trying to argue, honestly curious.
  16. A decade of using taxis pretty much daily - and I only had a handful of bad experiences. The vast majority of drivers are decent. It might be different at tourist hotspots, but ‘no meter’ is nothing newsworthy and nothing prevents you from taking a different taxi.
  17. I think a return to your home country for a reality check might help. You might even return to Thailand with a normal view of life; and appreciate living here.
  18. What is the incentive for FB to do anything? They’re only concerned about the number of users. (And maybe serious crimes being committed on their platform.)
  19. Love the stuff. Have gone so far as to buy many different brands to explore taste (salty, fishy, sweet, umami, etc) and usage differences (better for cooking, better as condiment, etc). Even the ancient Romans had an equivalent and were mad about it. Popular then, popular now. I’m hooked.
  20. Lots of slippery tiles here. Everywhere. Abandon style and start wearing some footwear with rubbery good traction.
  21. Nothing you can do except ask the neighbor and/or village headman (or equivalent). Will the situation improve? Highly unlikely. Show your appreciation to the village headman with a few bottles (or one expensive one) and _maybe_ your chances for success improve slightly.
  22. CecilM

    tap water

    Sorry, it’s impossible to answer that question. It totally depends on the pipes leading from the treatment plant to your building. The water leaving the plant exceeds int’l drinking water quality standards (MWA was a client of ours and we toured their facilities) but the pipes can be quite old and deteriorated. I use tap water for boiling pasta, but not for making tea/coffee.
  23. FYI: I also have yellow book, pink ID, and driver’s license. Neither required translation of passport. (And like you said, you can always get another.)
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