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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. I'm not in the habit of lying, I'm just properly organised. Any 7-Eleven will take a 1000Bht note, I'm not stupid enough to expect a foodstall or tuk tuk driver to have change for a large denomination note, so I don't try. You really don't need to be traipsing to an ATM thrice daily to get a supply of 100 Baht notes. .
  2. Neither are you, Russian or Chinese would be my guess.
  3. Can we please have a sub-sub-sub forum buried somewhere deep in the website for all the US Election spamming trolling whathavery - and not referenced in the side-bar. Trying to find topics of interest is increasingly difficult due to the ever increasing number of Trump/Harris pro and con threads that seem to be dominated by a handful of very recent members who do very little to illuminate. With two months still to go to the election, I can see the forum as becoming simply a place to avoid, probably at least until after January's inauguration. .
  4. I should have said the greater proportion of the journey will be in the dark. As for flying versus the train, that's a matter of personal preference, I prefer to fly.
  5. But when will they upgrade the line from Chumphon to the border, it's still single track? Malaysia has already upgraded to double track and fully electrification. The journey from Butterworth to Bangkok will be about 16hrs, train I presume will be an extension of the current overnight express sleeper, so not much sight seeing, easier to take a flight.
  6. If they're American Express TC then you can go to their website and redeem them online. https://www.americanexpress.com/us/travel/travelers-cheques/ Last year whist clearing stuff I came across a $200 in old travellers cheques from the the 1990s. I was able to redeem them online, there was no charge and the exchange rate given was good, money was paid to my bank account within 7 days.
  7. Steamed sea bass with lime and chilli
  8. Third time's a charm
  9. Hardly a small detail, considering the person he claimed was in the helicopter was a former partner of Kamala Harris and he used this supposed incident to suggest "he told me terrible things about her." When you remove Willie Brown from the story then there could have been no conversation about Kamala Harris. He's just lying. As Trump's former security advisor John Bolton said “It’s not that he lies a lot because to lie, you have to do it consciously. He just can’t tell the difference. So he makes up what he wants to say at any given time. If it happens to comport with what everybody else sees—well, that’s fine. And if it doesn’t comport with anybody else, he doesn’t really care and he’s had decades of getting away with it. So in his mind, the truth is whatever he wants it to be.” https://newrepublic.com/post/184721/john-bolton-donald-trump-mental-health-reality
  10. Yes, it usually takes about 15 minutes with Krungsri here in Hat Yai.
  11. Untouchable, no, there's only one untouchable in the Kingdom, and it ain't Thaksin.
  12. But she's not expected to actually think or do anything, her dad's pulling the strings; and the shadowy forces that have no name are now pulling daddy's.
  13. Thaksin's latest sock puppet, but better than Anutin. No doubt the powers that be think the lese majesty charge against Thaksin that's on ice is sufficient collateral to hold him in check. But at least the 10k freebie lunacy will likely get shelved; though the military probably have their eyes on that money for subs and fighter jets. .
  14. Could have been worse, could have been Anutin. Hopefully the new PM will do as daddy asks and shelve the bonkers 10k handout.
  15. Lethal injection, it replaced the firing squad in 2003, though I don't know what they inject. That said, they don't seem to carry out many of these death sentences anyway.
  16. I suspect it depends on where you live, I've never really had an issue with receiving my change. However, in popular tourist areas there's possibly a hope/expectation you'll let them keep the change, but I don't live in a city with many farang tourists. I wouldn't expect a 10 Bht bus here to change a 1000Bht note, but they'll give change to 20, 50 or 100 and if I get Bht5,000 from the ATM buying goods in a shop or meal in a restaurant will generate the change I need. I've never thought to take Bht400 from the ATM to get Bh100 notes. Obviously needs must wherever it is you live, but it's not a problem I've encountered, so never given it thought until now.
  17. Why on earth would you be visiting an ATM machine more than 3 times a day!? I take enough money out for a week or two at a time, or at least I did, now I use scan to pay for most things, so maybe use an ATM once every couple of months.
  18. I use the aggregator sites to identify suitable hotels, flight options, relative car hire rates, then more often than not book directly through the hotel, airline, hire car website or app, unless Agoda/Booking/Kayak etc prove cheaper. Most of the "lowest rates on the web" spiel is about as accurate as the "this hotel/city is popular right now" and "hurry, last room" pressure selling crap. Agoda were reliable years back, but now there's little real competition as they all belong to the same couple of parent companies.
  19. I'm Wise enough not to use them for currency exchange.
  20. I've accounts with both Kasikorn (20 years) and Krungsri (15 years). I find the Krungsri bank staff to be the most helpful, but the Kasikorn phone app is better; though I've few complaints with either.
  21. The Clever Dripper is my preference, but make sure you avoid the cheap knock offs; they don't use heat-resistant BPA plastic, so they start to crack and leak.
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