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Everything posted by tgw

  1. My opinion is that locking the phone would be nearly useless, since I consider the biggest risk to be hacking. Harmful code comes onto phones via security vulnerabilities, not via unlocked screens.
  2. yes, but ... the OTP is no problem, it served as a second media to provide authentication to the transaction made on another device. With banking apps, everything is on the same device, which becomes a single point of failure. That's why I have no banking apps installed on my phone, not to mention the crippling effect when the phone is stolen or lost.
  3. Regardless, I think it's alarming if a bank requires a phone to be locked, banking apps' security should be good enough to not rely on the phone lock.
  4. I'd be quite happy with him to continue on his trajectory of the recent days and that he gets no chance at all in November. And I believe he will get no chance. He will burn before that.
  5. okay, so the victims of muggings are at fault because they didn't hand over their belongings. victims of rape are at fault because they didn't agree to the sex (seems you agree with Trump on that one). I guess that's one way to look at things. and you came to this thread to post: LOL your views are nothing but disgusting.
  6. aaah, yes. you don't care but you support Putin and Ruzzia any chance you get.
  7. nope, Putin said it himself. WW2 is Poland's fault. It came from his own mouth.
  8. I wonder what you think of Putin's opinion that Poland started WW2 by not giving territories to Hitler. here is a nice detailed rebuff of Putin's historical hallucinations:
  9. I hope someone will dissect what Putin said and explain in detail the gaslighting. Hopefully you will watch that detailed rebuff, understand it, and realize RU was, is completely wrong in their actions against the Ukrainian people.
  10. Be careful with absolutes. I don't remember Putin ever saying anything in public about Evan Gershkovich for example.
  11. do you have a VPN ? that would solve your problem. I'm not an Apple product user, so I don't know much about Mac, but I'm very surprised they allow gateways to mess with clients' DNS settings.
  12. I'd be amazed, because right now there are no tools to even just properly translate from and into Thai.
  13. you two, please read the articles of Thai Law : https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/criminal-code-defamation-sections-326-333/
  14. https://library.siam-legal.com/thai-law/criminal-code-defamation-sections-326-333/
  15. It's not that simple. There are different aspects to what people commonly call "defamation". If proven true, a defamation is not defamation anymore but can become in some jurisdictions "denigration". Damages from denigration include for example the loss of business a company would suffer because of lost sales (regardless if the claims made are true or false). I'm not sure if the customer's complaint would be able to show damages of that nature. I'm not knowledgable enough of Thai law to give relevant details, but OP should consult with a competent lawyer.
  16. You are correct in the sense that contractual obligations can be stipulated in contracts, including the arbitration court or instance, but a lawsuit will in most cases always remain an option, especially when at least one of the parties is a private person. That's why I make a distinction between "contractual obligations" and "Rights". A private person enjoys rights granted by positive law ranked higher than contracts (for private persons), such as a constitution or consumer rights. This might be different from one country to another. We basically agree.
  17. ToS can never cancel a right. You can write whatever you want in ToS, people will always have the right to sue you.
  18. no. I mean airbnb terms of use which users of the platform have to agree to. so, if using airbnb to book a room, you accept to be reviewed by the owner.
  19. you could have asked airbnb if their terms of use include accepting reviews by owners - if they do, he's screwed.
  20. you might want to be cautious, if he has his worldly possessions in it, he might be under a lot of stress and might not act rationally at all times.
  21. yes, I missed the food from the old countries. then, I went back to the old countries and tried the food that used to be "cheap as chips". that food that is still "cheap as chips" is <deleted>e now. if prepared correctly, the good food that used to be "cheap as chips" is now freaking expensive !
  22. The GLiSDiBs are six months late BTW. They were first announced for delivery in the summer 2023... I don't know the reasons for the delay. Boeing is co-building them with SAAB - oh well, at least they can't loose doors and I hope SAAB built the guidance system.
  23. Don't worry, the GLiSDiBs have arrived in Ukraine. Better news are coming soon. Boom here, Badaboom there.
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