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Everything posted by tgw

  1. it's an open secret that many factories subcontracting for brand names produce more of the stuff than their customers will buy and will re-sell their production under a different name, but the product is the same. the quality is a crapshoot though, because these moonlight products won't have the same quality control, and might even contain rejects.
  2. as far as RAM is concerned, once a memtest has been run without errors, it's pretty much safe to assume that the RAM won't have any problems in future, I only once had a case where a RAM module "became bad". there are several programs to test RAM, serious tests can run for several hours. it's not really relevant which chips are used, the important thing is if they perform at the required spec: frequency, voltage, bandwidth
  3. neither you telling them nor customer reviews are evidence. it would take significant time and effort for these platforms to establish these claims. then they do what ? exclude one or a handful of sellers ? how many new sellers do you think could register on the platform in the meanwhile ? and how would the platform benefit from excluding these sellers ? it's just a non-starter. no, you won't find brand name RAM at a fraction of the price. just order from JIB or invadeit if you want brand name..
  4. a nice demonstration of what I wrote earlier, that electric vehicles won't be operational in case of emergencies. but I should have added "abnormal conditions". EV work when everything is normal. normal weather, normal society, normal schedule.
  5. BTW, you most probably didn't receive anything from "the usual suspects". You received the wares from merchants advertising their business on the usual suspects' platforms.
  6. Considering risk and scale of damage to the Western world : Trump. Closely followed by Xi and Putin.
  7. you will find that these modules are even cheaper when they are not used to counterfeit brand products. just the regular no-name ram modules. you say half the price, maybe you could have them for 30% of the brand name price. run a memtest for your specs and you are good to go.
  8. Temple grounds - a matter best left to the Monks to deal with.
  9. maybe it is contained in the list of items I listed. please check the list.
  10. vetting means you yourself make up your own mind about the seller, based on how many sales, how long has the shop been on lazada, how well are the descriptions written, look at low rating reviews, is it a lazmall shop, is the sale fulfilled by lazada, is it a pure online shop or does a brick&mortar venue exist, do you find the seller on other social media, website, does the seller reply well on chat, etc etc etc obviously the more valuable the item, the more time I will spend doing this.
  11. I regularly buy stuff that is cheaper on Lazada than at the supermarket. Vitamin pills, crisps, chocolate, sausage, salami, but also computer parts, household items and consumables, razor blade cartridges, etc.
  12. we have your word for it that you "did that" and "it didn't work". as I sometimes help people with their computers, it's like a déjà vu situation. of course that RETURN button is only usable for a limited amount of time. I've ordered probably over a hundred items on the Lazada platform including pricy stuff, and can't complain about the return and refund procedures. One thing to do is take 5 minutes vetting the seller before ordering from him.
  13. to each his own I guess, but with 0.08 the average person is only slightly inebriated, albeit with significantly increased reaction times. that's why this was the old limit in Thailand as well as in many European countries. here is an overview: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/nursing-and-health-professions/alcohol-blood-level
  14. it's as easy as looking at your order status on Lazada and then click the link "RETURN" on the right
  15. I don't agree with wait and see. In tax matters, it usually begins with "starting this year ... will be taxed", and then sometimes years later the revenue department could claim back taxes, using retroactive directives. no thanks. better to be prepared.
  16. maybe part of the problem is that we aren't getting any younger as the years pass by
  17. You are mistaken. Every Ukrainian that is killed is a lost Western life.
  18. these factors always have to be considered in the investigation when there is human error.
  19. yes, systems for positioning exist of course, it's the display of the data that isn't handled too well inside planes and ATC, and then the use made by systems of that data.
  20. I think you will find that any evacuation of this type will be "incredibly orderly" with Japanese people. If you have ever been on a cruise ship, there are mandatory evacuation drills. I had not been slow, but when I reached the rally point, not only did the Japanese have their lifejackets on, but they were neatly standing, almost at attention, in a military style rank & file formation.
  21. I don't know if an incident is interesting when what happened is so obvious. The only aspects that still need investigation are what happened inside the cockpits and how this accident could have been prevented. I have always been interested in cybernetics, and ATC fits this interest pretty well. Seeing how many deadly incidents have been caused by the pilots/ATC not knowing where their plane was, and considering a simple smartphone location service has a precision of 2-3 meters, I have been wondering for years why planes are not equipped with a locator (GPS) and a map (akin to a google maps navigation). This could even be paired with ground infrastructure to allow for very precise location in realtime and broadcast to both ATC and pilots, as well as plane systems. "Hey, on the runway you want to land on, there is a plane". It's really baffling.
  22. yes, I believe you are right The Dash 8 - q300 has a tail height of 7,49m and if this diagram of the A350 is correct, the middle of its nose is 5 meters above ground, so the A350's front wheel would still have been about 2m above ground at impact. Japanese TV also explains the same :
  23. here some footage of the evacuation. note the difference with the footage I posted before
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