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Everything posted by tgw

  1. don't ... Biden is very happy with the outcome. I have a hunch that this move had been planned for some time. After Trump shot himself in the foot by nominating JD Vance, Biden just had to withdraw for Harris, et voilà ...
  2. I don't think that's an obstacle. Look, even Trump got elected, so what's your point ?
  3. but did you ask yourself the question whether a person would make a good president just because you can relate ?
  4. my favourite moment was when I showed a piece of paper to a shop attendant, with a picture and a description in Thai of what I was looking for, just to get a "mai mee, sorry sir" and the item was on a shelf just behind her head, about 20cm away.
  5. hope and prayers ! very much the same that Vance wants to use to "support" Ukraine.
  6. might might be completely right with your comment. an alternative power base wouldn't be a good thing for Ukraine in times of war and Zaluzhnyi clearly overstepped making political statements as chief of armed forces, so he was reassigned. maybe the author of the youtube video is a Zaluzhnyi fan. but ... that wasn't the topic. it was about Ruzzians rescuing their men who are encircled in the Vovchansk aggregate plant.
  7. It seems the jury is still out on this
  8. correct, and we are free to loathe him for what he's doing with it.
  9. Do you have a source for that claim ?
  10. yes, I do have a very special rapport with languages. but I'm very bad at memorizing things. As a child, I won prizes in both French (in France, "La dictée de Pivot") and German in nationwide competitions dictation/spelling but I scored awfully in both for grammar which distressed my teachers, haha. things just "sound right" for me, don't need to know any rules.
  11. nono... I will memorize the sound I hear, I won't learn the sound from the transliteration, the transliteration only serves as a cue to differentiate things from each other in my head, like "oh, that's the "nang" which in fact is "hlang" but one doesn't hear much of L. it's like different memory boxes, just a way to remember things, not a basis for pronounciation, which will come from the actual sound. I know it sounds like a hysteric mess, but Thai is my 5th language, I know what I'm doing :)
  12. huh ? you are aware UK joined the EU in 1973, right ? and you are aware that UEFA has nothing to do with EU ?
  13. and why? do you have an explanation why England should be disqualified ?
  14. I didn't mean the sound/pronounciation but the transliteration. My brain needs something to tell me that this is a special case where my ear will hear nang, but it also could be hlang. I will remember it when reading it and it will then also imprint on my listening comprehension. I can't do much with general "references", but I'm very good at remembering individual words and forms of their their usage. It's like in German - most native speakers who speak it without mistakes won't know much about its grammar. After a while, meaning when reaching school age, things just "sound right", no need for grammar courses. That's how my brain works and that's how I want to learn Thai. I suspect one's first mothertongue has a significant influence on hoe one's brain learns.
  15. regarding health issues, has science provided a definitive answer on that ? my understanding was that to date, long term effects aren't clear. regarding the environmental issues, they stem from uncontrolled crop growing and deforestation. There are no environmental issues with palm oil where an audit trail proves the production is not linked to deforestation.
  16. It's ironic that the shooter's actions have an effect quite opposite of what he wanted to achieve. But the attempt on his life doesn't make Trump a good president.
  17. If the property is in the name of the Thai company, then when the company is liquidated, a number of legal processes are required by Law. I think only a specialized lawyer will be able to give you a complete answer about theory and practice of how such processes are carried out.
  18. I am now playing with this: https://thai-notes.com/games/freethai.html it took several CTRL+F5 to get it working, maybe there's a problem with Cloudfare or caching. but I got it working and it's quite nice, I like it ! one thing that is missing is a transliteration of the Thai pronunciation. I often have difficulties hearing the first consonant correctly, a transliteration would help. Maybe make it appear with the correct answer, if possible ? for example, for หลัง , I hear "nang". of course there clearly is something wrong with my ears, but it could help if somewhere it said it's actually "hlang". your site is impressive ! many thanks !
  19. API - when the webserver requests an automated translation.
  20. BTW, if this relies on google translate API, you do know that free use was discontinued by google and now costs a fortune ?
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