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Everything posted by tgw

  1. you got what you deserved for "assuming" and taking no interest in what someone else was trying to tell you, and lying about understanding. 100% your problem. it wasn't even about watching the bag or not, so this thread's title is a misrepresentation of what happened. title should be "would you listen to what someone says to you on the beach" ?
  2. 1 to 2 minutes oven time for napolitan pizza.
  3. and this is reliable intelligence relayed by ...
  4. Thai politics aren't boring, that's for sure. Apparently, the corrupt red establishment has sold out and allied with the corrupt "conservative" establishment (to put it lightly) to counter reformists who actually won the election... I wonder how this will end, or when the next episode of this struggle will take place. tears would certainly be better than what flowed in 2010.
  5. I watched some interviews of Kennedy, the guy is a nutcase.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mao_Zedong Mao's policies were responsible for vast numbers of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions, and his government was described as totalitarian. And that's just Mao. Chinese emperors and feudal lords were known for their cruelty. Why don't you educate yourself about the subject before posting disinformation.
  7. I'm sure that could be arranged if you were to decide becoming a customer of AN, i.e. pay them money for the service.
  8. it's the first hit when googling "radio kawaii tokyo" https://onlineradiobox.com/jp/jpoppowerplaykawaii/
  9. I dislike the majority of K-Pop music, except for a few which are great for driving in the night on the Autobahn or for cleaning my room, washing the dishes... For example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7_lSP8Vc3o some K-pop / J-pop are also great as background noise for working - I listen to Tokyo Radio Kawaii, non stop Jap girl groups, no ads :) I wouldn't call either music though.
  10. Ignorance is not an opinion and deserves no respect other than being corrected politely.
  11. I guess I am, since I don't get replies to my arguments. Or maybe he's just too overwhelmed by the undeniable truth that he finds it impossible to respond. It's rather ironic, as he posts in this thread, and I am the threadstarter, but he ignores my posts, lol.
  12. You should rephrase, I don't understand who your post is about
  13. You ignore users that disagree with you - that's different.
  14. Ukraine has negotiated. 1993, Budapest Memorandum. Russia took Ukraine's nuclear weapons in exchange of guaranteeing its independence and borders.
  15. I find it disturbing that people like this can put others on ignore and then continue to post their ignorant drivel without risk of being contradicted by the posters who know the most about the subject at hand.
  16. I downloaded and read the file, since I have been moderating forums for over 20 years, some very toxic, and I would have welcomed some fresh insights into the problem. But I found the document underwhelming. Of 10 pages in total, there are 5 pages of content, but the font is very big, like when I was a student and lacked inspiration, lol. Maybe it can serve as a short introduction for new moderators and new forum owners regarding the basics, making rules and the handful of tools they describe. Other than that it doesn't bring any insights at all, and is seriously lacking in the tools department. How to prevent bot registrations ? How to place individual users on pre-moderation ? How to prevent spam ? How to use BHL / Blacklists / Spamcop ? How to recognize multiple accounts and banned users coming back with new usernames ? How to handle VPN / anonymizers / proxies / TOR ? What are today's tools for permanent fingerprinting / persistent cookies against fraud ? How to prevent phishing ? Just to name a few issues.
  17. apparently you are ignorant of, among other things, the meaning of "nested quote". educate yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nested_quotation that rule is probably left over from previous forum versions which allowed for quotation of nested quotations. the current version's UI prevents this anyway. you would probably also benefit from educating yourself on the other subjects this thread is about.
  18. What a ridiculous thing to say. At the very least, the USA have achieved that Ukraine still exists as an independent country today. Your comments about how countries should submit to Ruzzia are disgusting. What first hand or second hand experience or memories of Soviet / Russian occupation and oppression do you have ? I have family in the former Democratic Republic of Germany and currently in Ukraine.
  19. you don't know the persons - they deserved every bit of it
  20. I told to some female acquaintances of mine (of no consequence) that filling the nose bridge changes the angle and looks of their eyes and makes the previously cute Thai eyes unattractive after the operation. Almost all were quite upset with that comment. "up to me" quite certainly so, I said, but up to me to find these eyes attractive or not...
  21. Regarding my first post in this thread, it seems that Ukrainian defences are holding for the moment. The situation is reminiscent of Bakhmut, with the difference that Avdiivka has benefited from years of fortification work, since 2014. I wonder if the Ukrainians aren't holding back some firepower, just enough to make the Ruzzians believe they could breakthrough if the just throw enough men at it. I hope that is the case.
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