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Everything posted by tgw

  1. a photo is worth a thousand words.
  2. From the ones you listed, I'd go with Qatar. With Emirates, Lufthansa and KLM, you can expect standard minimum comfort and service and a higher risk of petty additional costs (for example them weighing your carry-on).
  3. so... they didn't. probably because they weren't violent enough.
  4. did they also violently breach into a building where Trump was present ?
  5. The title of this article is factually wrong and misleading. The president's immunity is for official acts of government while in office. Encouraging a mob to storm the capitol and kill the vice president isn't an act of government. So there is no partial immunity in the Jan 6th case.
  6. It doesn't necessarily mean the content is true, but it means they have a credible and verified source which gave them that information. as for Ruzzian media, well... Russian journalists get killed and foreign journalists sent to prison and charged with "espionage". I can see how Ruzzia can consider true journalism as being espionage. What you read in your sources is stuff that Ruzzia doesn't consider espionage.
  7. you mean non-prescription off-the-shelf glasses for 25 baht...
  8. Runaway prices have caused me to not have a favourite beer in Thailand anymore. I never really liked the local brews. If I feel like drinking a beer, I go for Cheers X-TRA.
  9. I will gladly concede Ruzzia "successful withdrawal" from Ukrainian territories and Putin's "successful defence of statehood"... behind his iron curtain.
  10. And another Ruzzian propagandist ...
  11. I meant your hate drivel about the Ukraine war in general, not that specific quote
  12. I think it's time to ban people who support the deliberate, targeted murder of civilians as an answer for an unintended collateral damage, as regrettable as it is. This in addition of supporting the murder of civilians in general. BobBKK, you are spewing hate speech, as well as Gweiloman does.
  13. It certainly didn't worry about it - which government would maintain beaches opened in a war zone that is also an occupied foreign territory ?
  14. what a big joke this all seems to be
  15. Here is the BBC story: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c6pppr719rlo relevant excerpts: so the beach wasn't a target. the difference is that Ruzzia deliberately targets civilians EVERY DAY. who will put an end to your disinformation, Gweiloman ? Ruzzian officials' feigned "indignation" following this regrettable unintended collateral damage makes me vomit. how can these disgusting sacks of bile look at themselves in the mirror ? and why do Ruzzian occupation authorities keep beaches open in a warzone ? probably hoping for incidents they can later exploit in the media.
  16. Why the sarcasm ? Would you want the appearance of people to not matter ? How could "rebelz" be "rebelz" if they dress like "rebelz" but then are treated nicely ? People who dress like that are just fishing for triggers - I think in general people should be happy to oblige them.
  17. some people here a very obviously a piece of Putin's propaganda machine.
  18. okay, went to Dr. Google searching for pictures to get an idea how it looks and ... hooooooooooly <deleted>. If you read this, don't look.
  19. things are not always what they seem
  20. Since you are so strongly devoted to helping Ruzzia kill and oppress other countries, have you thought about volunteering your services, or maybe those of your offsprings? You know, put your money where your mouth is? It looks more and more like Ruzzia is going to lose in this war, and Ruzzia needs your help.
  21. Those countries aiding and abetting a criminal sought by international arrest warrant ...
  22. You will know why he won't answer your question if you watch the video I linked here. It's part of "black propaganda".
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