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Everything posted by tgw

  1. Maybe. But that would be the worst outcome that can be anticipated based on the current situation. And that's thanks to Western support to Ukraine. If there had been no support, Putin's Ruzzians would now probably already have made Ukraine a puppet state and invaded Moldova, as well as launching provocative hostile actions against the Baltic States. And the Chinese would be all over the Spratly, weighing attacking Taiwan or not. Instead, Putin's ambitions have been severely cut back. The West stopping now would of course be not only a betrayal but also a huge strategic mistake. Putin's Ruzzia is an ENEMY. The little man is a machiavelic, evil paranoid narcisst and cannot be allowed to develop any further plans.
  2. As you mention USA (and by extension, NATO) "staying too long", this joke told by Zelensky at Letterman's late night show comes to mind: “Two Jewish guys from Odesa meet up,” Zelensky says. “One asks the other: ‘So what’s the situation? What are people saying?'" “And he goes, ‘What are people saying? They are saying it’s a war.'” “What kind of war?” “Russia is fighting NATO.” “Are you serious?” “Yes, yes! Russia is fighting NATO.” “So how’s it going?” “Well, 70,000 Russian soldiers are dead. The missile stockpile has almost been depleted. A lot of equipment is damaged, blown up.” “And what about NATO?” “What about NATO? NATO hasn’t even arrived yet.” The joke is almost a year old, so of course the figures need to be updated, multiplied by 4 or 5. So much about "staying"
  3. here: http://www.kubeef.com/
  4. "tiny" certainly has a different meaning in the West than in Thailand.
  5. Until 3-4 days ago many news and videos were gloating over Ruzzian losses in Avdiivka, describing the terricon as formidable defensive ground. Now there are much less news from Avdiivka, the terricon appears to have been taken by Ruzzia, it is marked as under Ruzzian control on deepstatemap. https://deepstatemap.live/#15/48.1829/37.7153 Meanwhile, Ukraine evacuates civilians from the region: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-disregards-losses-presses-ukraines-avdiivka-2023-10-25/ The Ruzzians sent 3 brigades in, lost at least one: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/10/23/the-russians-sent-three-brigades-toward-avdiivka-just-two-came-back Ruzzian losses during that offensive are probably between 7000 and 10.000 personnel and about 200 armored vehicles in the last 10 days. https://news.yahoo.com/none-made-sense-understanding-russia-213145335.html Despite these losses, they are still pressing on. I do not fully understand how this war is waged and why these attacks cannot be squashed be the defenders. For example, the French CAESAR SPG shoots 6 shots a minute, a battery of them can thus fire 48 rounds per minute at 40+ Kilometers with a precision of a few meters. Even just one salvo of 155mm fragmentation rounds would annihilate everything in a smaller target area, and I do mean everything. Let's imagine a full minute of fragmentation barrage. Then, mines can also be deployed via artillery or rocket artillery. So I wonder about why this isn't done, there must be reasons I don't understand.
  6. yes. no need to go to a hospital to carry out simple blood/urine tests.
  7. I'm suspicious of apps, if anyone wants to watch sports on the internet, there is a website called "vipleague", but it has annoying interruptions and popups. but it's free and better than nothing.
  8. Amir Weitmann, a prominent member of Israel's ruling Likud Party, has openly threatened Russia on the Russian channel RT
  9. If he didn't say that, I would still think it's stopping short of the target, it takes (a minimum of) 2 people to breed murderers.
  10. I'll gladly take any reliable figures you have, especially those about the territories under British mandate in 1947 or when it was turned over to UN.
  11. to exercise medicine in Thailand one just needs to pass the Thai medical doctor exam incl. the speciality. It's not impossible, more than a handful of Western doctors did it.
  12. yes, blaming Israel's expansion is justified ... to an extent. BUT ... 1- would Palestinians agree with the partition decided 1947 - 1948 ? 2- do they even have leaders that can agree ? 3- are they able to elect people and accept their rule and enforcement ? all criticism of Israel's policies is moot if the only thing Palestinians can agree on is killing Jews.
  13. what's not a false belief is that many Arabs from that region have been pushed out of their homes and their lands, including by murder. I'd be interested in knowing how many Jews and how many Arabs were present in the area in 1947. As the area had no "rightful owner" after the British left their mess (thank you the British), it's clear that both ethnic groups had their chance at building their country. Typically though, Arab Muslims aren't very good at democracy, so I guess they would need a ruler to oppress them first before being able to agree/submit on how their country is run.
  14. if your vision of justice becomes reality, what kind of justice should Palestinian murders face ?
  15. and what does it say about these people ? according to some Muslim clerics, people supporting the indiscriminate killing of innocents have no right to call themselves Muslims - or do they ?
  16. That's why I wrote in another thread "there must be more to the story" I wonder if Hamas wants to provoke some kind of casus belli, if Israel goes hard on Gaza and Hamas, which countries would intervene to defend Palestinians ?
  17. after Hamas' actions, it will be difficult to find people that support the massacre of civilian people in their homes, foreign workers at their work or music festival goers. yes, Palestinians were treated badly. But what's missing on the Palestinian side is the conditions for long lasting peace and stability. What does Palestine need to become a stable country, content with its borders ? What will it take ? As far as I understood the Palestine conflict, they don't even have leaders who agree on what they want besides kicking Israel out of Israel.
  18. soon the orange clown will pretend that even Trump wouldn't have happened if he was president ... oh wait
  19. the Wikipedia article is rather light on the role played by the elephant in the room : the Khmer Rouge. I'm not sure if the massacre was avoidable or if it contributed to keep events similar to what happened in Cambodia from happening in Thailand.
  20. Iran might want to prevent normalization of relations between Israel and ordered the attack. I'm not saying that Netanyahu might not also have had a motive, but it seems remote. If we ever know about it, it will be interesting to learn about what led to the attack and how it was organized. Also, I'm doubtful this is a localized attack. There's probably more to come, as it doesn't make much sense to just attack around Gaza.
  21. there's certainly more to this story. especially with Netanyahu at the helm. what's the story behind the story ?
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