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Everything posted by tgw

  1. you need to visit TOP CHAROEN OPTICAL you missed the ondulating laminate (because of water damage) - most furniture looks like a writeoff too.
  2. You will find he's not the only poster here seemingly very skilled at following the propaganda instruction manual.
  3. or a KA-52 heli crew defecting ...
  4. the story is quite unbelievable. this must have been some strong chemical to act this fast while the doors were open (I assume they all were open, that's what Thai police usually does). I would think that if smelling such an odor and trying to rescue a downed person in the bathroom, I would hold my breath for the time it takes me to drag that person out. ... one thing the police should look for is if the bathroom door can be locked and unlocked from the outside.
  5. repeating enemy propaganda is criminal.
  6. A propos X, for all monty python fans :
  7. no no ... there is only one side TARGETING civilians, and it's your darlings the Ruzzians. indeed, your buddies the war criminals did far worse, but that isn't the point. the point is that your idols are targeting civilians, which amounts to mass murder and make it a war crime. I don't believe you are stupid, so that makes you an enemy agent and a criminal under section 14 of Thailand's Computer Crime Act, deliberately posting lies and disinformation.
  8. Read up on what Ruzzia's #2 after Putler, Dimitri Medvedev, has been saying.
  9. resources and people. because Russia is demographically <deleted>
  10. a more recent map https://x.com/JayinKyiv/status/1821852269660316127
  11. yes - although the reconstruction will be profitable for many more than just investors and company owners, whole sectors of industry will benefit as well as their workers. We are talking big industries here, construction, energy, civil engineering, etc. Heavy stuff.
  12. and that's exactly why Ukraine's debt will be a non-issue after the war.
  13. doesn't even need a link as it's non-news. combats happening, there are wounded, blood is needed. nothing unexpected.
  14. as expected, sadly. Ruzzia's army : - before 2022, second best army in the word - end of 2022, second best army in Ukraine - now: second best army in Russia
  15. https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/83a2f24901c941d581c0c523ecd2619b this is yesterday's map. I guess Ukraine's objectives are Rylsk, Lgov, Kurchatov and NPP, and the area where the bigger roads intersect just east from Kurchatov and south of Kursk. I hope they made good progress since then. Yesterday's map shows the Ukrainian spearhead just 10-15 miles away from what I would guess is their primary objective. Maybe it's been taken by now. The area is very defensible in the long term, attacks from the north are unlikely due to unfavourable terrain, which only leaves the eastern flank to defend. Taking the NPP would be good for Ukraine, and it would also for the first time put some pressure on a Russian city. They should cut off Kursk from power and instead redirect it to Ukraine. Might take some time though, lines are probabably either inexistent or damaged. Just out of spite and for comical effect, I would definitely suggest conduction a referendum there for the establishment of an "Autonomous Kursk Republic". 137% of Kursk Oblast's population will vote in favour.
  16. the first map of the incursion showed just a little territory lost by Ruzzia, but Operator Starky's video hints at much larger Ukrainian gains, including larger towns such as Sudzha, Koronevo and Rylsk
  17. Your premise is probably false, since it's estimated that there are over 11 million draftable men and over 3 million have updated their military information.
  18. zero chance of that with biometric passport check
  19. you got the wrong idea. the West does not want Putin's regime to collapse, because if it did, Ruzzia would probably breakup into smaller pieces, each with its own warlord and its own nuclear weapons... So the West protects Putin's life and will ensure a government transition in Ruzzia that preserves its statehood.
  20. this bit already tells everything: I bet police on both sides did something. They checked what they could check, probably got him on CCTV and got his immigration checkout photo, and the Finns are also guaranteed to know where he went. BUT as he is a grown man over 18, his travels, visa status, passport details, entry and exit stamps and whereabouts are nobody's business but his own.
  21. thank you, that's what I thought as well
  22. Got a question regarding the following situation: Guy with British passport has an extension of stay (NON B) until mid-2025 with a valid work permit (which expires end of August 2024). He goes play the casino at Poi Pet but forgets to make a re-entry permit and leaves Thailand at Poi Pet. What happens when he presents himself a few hours later to re-entrer Thailand ? Is he granted entry, and which stamp does he receive ?
  23. only 7 ? what a meager crop
  24. thanks for setting the record straight. so: 2016 election was successfully rigged by the Russians because Obama's FBI acted too late 2020 election was not rigged because the FBI finally took action against the riggers
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