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Everything posted by tgw

  1. it was an ambush by Ukrainian air defence. well done Ukraine !
  2. none of these car insurances offer unlimited medical costs coverage, they are all capped at 500.000 baht.
  3. I was unable to get RooJai motorcycle insurance, I'm driving a Yamaha Nouvo LC Elegance 135cc. Their system "no have" and when I inquired by phone, they said if system no have, then RooJai doesn't want to insure that model. I can't quite understand why not.
  4. it remains a mystery to me why Thai authorities don't leverage the numerous English speakers to improve the quality of the signage everywhere. they could even create a collaborative website where administrations could post what they want to have translated and for example give away some free entries to national parks or similar as a thank you.
  5. the headlines, sadly, are correct. your comments are nonsense. Ukraine needs ammo, fast. The Republicans should be ashamed of holding Ukraine hostage.
  6. lol, the scale worked ok for all brand products. only for roughly 50% of in-house brand products it didn't, and strangely enough, it always came up short for these products. I also checked with items of known weight that is reliable. "worth the hassle" ? what's the difference between cheating on 8% of a ton of sausage and 8% of a Kg of gold ? I see there are enough mugs who don't care what they pay ... Many business owners buy their wares "en gros" there, my post was meant for them, I know they care about paying a 5 to 8% hidden tax on their purchases. true, TiT, my interest wasn't naming and shaming (although I would have done it in Europe after being dismissed in such a manner by the aftersales dpt.) I can only hope their clients will weigh their purchases and complain if they got cheated.
  7. Recently, after purchasing some products at one of Thailand's large stores, I had the feeling that something wasn't quite right with the weight, so I weighed the products. Brand products were ok, always at or above the weight on the label, but several products sold under their own in-house brand were under weight by 5 to 8%. I contacted their aftersales department and got a dismissive reply, saying at the time that I weighed it wrong, that I should have kept the product to show it, that it's not their problem because the producer is responsible, bla bla... Considering that store's price advantage vs other retailers is usually in the range of 0-5%, these antics completely nullify their supposed competitive advantage.
  8. so, how much hours of driving per day for doing 13.000Km in 10 days ?
  9. most pros don't make a lot of money though. 90% of pros, especially teaching pros, make just normal money to live.
  10. France ! some people would say it qualifies as "rural Africa" by some aspects. regarding the rest of your post, I'm all for electric vehicles where it makes sense. I don't use the car much anyway, often 2 or 3 weeks without using it, but when I need it, there is no alternative. Another question is whether it makes sense economically to leave the car charging for 3 weeks without using it. If governments were really serious about EV, they would subsidise car sharing through car rental companies, making sure the cost of use does not come more expensive than owning a highly efficient 15 year old ICE car.
  11. err... the driver said "you’ll need two drivers and you almost have to drive 24/7,” Murphy told The Driven. (quoted from the page you linked) ??? is your post a joke ?
  12. QR codes only if you are confident enough with security for having the banking app on your phone. The better solution from a security point of view is an online wallet that you top up from the bank account, and use that online wallet app on the phone.
  13. "range anxiety" is not a good term for a rational huge disadvantage of EVs : chances are, your EV will not be available in case of an emergency, nor can its range be extended, nor can you stock up on fuel. it's not a big risk when living in a city, but outside of cities it could make you into a sitting duck. my mom and dad live in a place where the next hospital is 30 minutes away, sometimes there are storms and electricity is repaired after 2 or 3 days. another huge disadvantage are the downtimes. I occasionally drive 1400 Km, an EV would add significant time to the trip, possibly causing additional costs for a hotel and food stop.
  14. if Putin is admitting 300k dead and wounded, we can safely assume the real number is at least double. the Kremlin has been lying about nearly everything. and when the Kremlin talks about "Russian losses", they mean Russian losses, still lying about it, but they limit their lie to Russian losses. Not Wagner, not LNR, DPR, Belarusian, etc. losses. unsure about Chechen. They don't include all losses of Russian-uniform-wearing soldiers in their lie, only those that were provided with a Russian military book. In the meanwhile, Ukraine is reporting 342.800 enemies killed and ~1.028.400 wounded.
  15. maybe watch a couple of videos from this Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvsny1x119U It's a Russian draft dodger who explains what is happening in Russia and why things aren't likely to change quickly. How the war will end is a grim prospect at the moment - both sides think about 2025, 2026 ... 2030. Putin wants to grind down Ukraine and Ukraine wants to exhaust Ruzzia. Currently, Ukraine has trouble defending because it's low on ammo, so Ruzzians keep advancing even incurring huge losses, but Ukraine holds the line. Once ammunition production ramps up, Ukraine's defence will be much better. Support from Western allies is also crucial. And think about it: if Putin is able to do what he does without much opposition from his citizens subjects, what will stop him once his strategy will have worked in Ukraine ? Putin and Ruzzia need to be stopped at all costs.
  16. That was indeed my understanding as well, however, as AFAIK the EU does not have a defence pact, I'd guess war with one EU member would not mean war with the others.
  17. Yes you are wrong. They are only starting the accession talks, and then maybe starting the process. The process involves preparing institutional structures in Ukraine for EU membership, for example changing Laws, Customs procedures, etc. In no way does this mean membership. My understand is that EU membership, as well as NATO membership, can only be granted once Ukraine is at peace. I'm sure about NATO, but even if I'm mistaken about the EU membership, the EU does not have a defence pact. So even if Ukraine was to become a EU member, it wouldn't mean war with the rest of the EU.
  18. which "all the links in the article" are you referring to ?
  19. For the past weeks, the internet has been awash with warnings about that UEFI / BIOS vulnerability, urging everyone to look for mobo manufacturers' firmware patches and update their mobo firmware. Hackers can exploit that vulnerability if they replace the logo image file within the BIOS firmware. And that code has to somehow get there in the first place. In other words, the hacker needs to find a way into a target system by other means – such as an unpatched security flaw – and gain elevated privileges, or via a physical attack vector by using an BIOS flash program to inject the malicious image. This could be a real threat to organizations where people have physical access to machines. For home users, the threat should be very limited if their software is up-to-date, but anyone who is potentially a target should be aware of the vulnerability. And doubly aware : 1- it's still possible to be targeted by hackers using zero-day exploits that will enable the attack vector 2- rushing to manufacturers' websites to download firmware updates could potentially lead to disaster if the manufacturer's website has been spoofed, or if a man-in-the-middle attack delivers the wrong file to the downloader. In the case #2, it would mean that making the target aware of the threat, and if then the target takes the expected action, would also enable the attack. Very elegant.
  20. "Monarch legacy of monsters" is streaming now. started out quite ok, but from mid-episode 3 it all becomes nonsense. entertaining nonsense. after a while, it feels like 50% of episodes are made of sentimental flashbacks.
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