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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Similarly to the OP, thinking about spending a week (holiday) in Laos next month, starting in Vientiane. Never really spent much time there, only visiting the large power plant in Hongsa, where my company does regular work. A few questions I had have been answered in this thread. Thanks to the contributors. I will update this thread hopefully after our visit. ????
  2. Sounds more strategic than bacterial. ????
  3. If he was "petitioning" for the other side, he would have disappeared a long time ago.
  4. The "soft loans" handed out to people during the past few years are a time-bomb for the next Government.
  5. He would have got away with it, but for the rather conspicuous hair-do / dye..
  6. A few houses in our village were broken into a few years ago. The culprit was a kid (used by criminal gangs, so they can't be prosecuted apparently), who evidently from c.c. footage was pretty skillful it must be said. -Until some Thai houseowner shot him.. ???? I would improve your security features, if you know how the thief got into your house? One or two Thai dogs are great security and deterrents also. You sound a tad pi$$ed off, but it's not your fault. Just take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again.
  7. She's had a busy life, and still only 20 yo...
  8. If he is indeed coming back, then obviously deals have been done upstairs already, preventing him from any serious punishment and how he will slot in to the present political "crisis". He has led a charmed life, so is probably aligned with the WEF, Soros, & other major Globalist orgs.
  9. Maybe the writers of this piece ought to meet up with the authors of this:
  10. Critical thinking is discouraged here, only deference to authority. The Thai language bubble also limits the information available to normal Thai peeps.
  11. "True grit" in this case is obviously rhyming slang.
  12. Wresting the "economy" away from a bunch of venal thugs and their enablers might have a (very temporary) effect on it's performance. Small price to pay, imo.
  13. Those photos and inspiring back-story have really convinced me that she certainly is more substance than style. ????
  14. Exactly. It's just another attempt to mandate so-called diversity to atomize our society and create even more division.
  15. The social-conditioning to wear one is still strong here. Having spent the earlier part of this year in the UK and US with no one wearing masks, coming back here to see the majority of Thais wearing them seems more than a bit ludicrous, but it's just another addition to the mumbo-jumbo grab bag of local traits adopted here. (With mask manufacturers like CP still reeling them in). One thing that does tee me off is the volume of discarded masks by the roadside, or biffed into the nearest waterway.. Sometimes even full carrier bags of the used filthy things. ????
  16. Never used one, so far. The Holy Trinity of wallet - phone - car keys is usually all I carry around in pockets or to hand.
  17. Wish he'd leave the circus at home for a while and actually get down to making the top level fights (Usyk, Joshua, etc) that he's negotiated himself out of recently.
  18. A lot of Rayong beaches have strong rips, all the way along to Ko Chang. Last year we were on this same beach when a young man was drowned. It happens a lot, and unless the area has a lot of foreign tourists the beaches are not patrolled, or have warning signs against swimming. Go figure.
  19. Yep, monitor lizard bites carry a high degree of risk due because they are actually venomous. Their 'big brother" the Komodo Dragon is the world's largest venomous animal. I know a couple of people here whose dogs have died a couple of days after altercations with monitors. The local strays leave them alone for a reason. https://pestpolicy.com/are-monitor-lizards-poisonous/
  20. Yep, introducing more surveillance and intrusive technology to 'protect' us.
  21. Doesn't say if the deceased was the previous owner of the building, or was just occupying it due to unemployment or being homeless.. Poor fellah.
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