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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Yes, I reckon so. Also Mae Rim Phim and other Eastern beach areas. My wife and son have no problems with these creatures, but every bite I get swells up like a small boil, and itches incessantly. Not sure why it's just me, maybe because I am a different blood group to my family?
  2. Orb Weaver spider. They are pretty big. I unwittingly walked though one's web a while ago, and found the owner perched on my shoulder. My laundry bill took a spike that month.
  3. Most of those + tax avoidance. (In the UK, anyway).
  4. Just had an enormous thunderstorm and downpour here in Rayong. Lots of flooding due to the ridiculous amount of construction and digging going on near our office. Note to self: Careful what you wish for.
  5. Maybe "Dukes" in CM. ? https://wherestheduke.com/home/
  6. Sounds like the guy just needs a good slap, tbh. Then his livestream cam used as a proctology exam.
  7. Yes, lived & worked here in Rayong on and off for almost 30 years. How about yourself?
  8. Gym; weight training, boxing (training, cardio only, these days). Listening to music (most kinds). I enjoy walking (with my dogs, and sometimes family ????). Trying new restaurants / food, and the occasional bar. Traveling, domestic and abroad. Reading, internet, and occasional DIY on our home and properties. Sounds like a lot but this is just weekends and holidays, when I ain't working.
  9. Thailand should genetically modify it's mosquitos as per guidelines set by those thoroughly trustworthy people at the WHO: WHO says.. What could possibly go wrong.? ????
  10. Cars, houses, land.. The banks are lending out money they don't really have at extortionate interest rates, and scooping up real assets (wealth) in return.
  11. Swings and roundabouts, imo. I've spoken to restaurant and bar owners who have been threatened with bad reviews if they don't give freebies, etc. Usually the owner or manager can reply directly to negative reviews by offering an explanation or rebuttal. Or a refund / free meal if the review was accurate. When you read some of the scathing reviews on Google or Tripadvisor, it comes over like the reviewer has been watching too much "Masterchef", Gordon Ramsey, or some other gormless confrontational tv program that gets ratings for being controversial, blah blah. Leaving a cowardly tirade online, instead of addressing any problems directly.
  12. Source: https://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/cloud-seeding Comes under the umbrella ('scuse pun) of "geoengineering". That a lot of people still think is a conspiracy theory.
  13. Just an indication that Thailand has signed up to the latest set of demands, "trade" agreements, and other invasions of sovereignty required by the WB; IMF; WHO and all those other globalist acronyms.
  14. Sounds like good advice. Or at least take a flight "home" or outside Thailand. A change of perspective might be better than pharmaceutical help.
  15. We had a much bigger than average rainfall last year, especially in Eastern Thailand. So fair enough.
  16. Yep. It's only worth the land it's built on. Actually, the only way to f%7k up the price of land here is to start building on it.. ????
  17. Rubbish. How is legislating against "drag shows" in schools 'victimizing' transgender people.? Your link is from CNN which is in the forefront of promoting this whack agenda.. The same organ calling for ramping up nuclear brinksmanship, weapons and war games in Ukraine, yet crying about imagined aggression against less than 0.5 % of the US population.
  18. You've gone so far down the bi-partizan political divide (left v right, "good" v "bad") that you've lost perspective on facts and reality. (It's the same money backing both sides, btw). Transgender people are not being 'victimized' at all. This agenda is just served up by a media to create division and permission for censorship and curbs on freedom of speech. Amongst other thngs.
  19. Do you embrace this garbage to try and remain "relevant" in a society atomized by deliberately divisive politics and weaponizing of language and culture? No it's not. Think about why such a small percentage of people (less than 0.5%) have been thrust into the limelight recently.
  20. Ladies and gentlemen, *hushed tones* ... We have a winner.
  21. Washed my car and started an exterior paint job earlier this week. Bingo! Instant heavy rainfall right on cue.
  22. How many boosters have you had now.?
  23. When you just relax and stop worrying about what people think about you, life gets a whole lot easier. In the meantime, dress well and don't make aggressive body language.
  24. Need to also have a close look at the media outlets giving this clown the oxygen of publicity and legitimacy.
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