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Everything posted by GinBoy2

  1. Well thats a lazy answer to a complex question. We all have different things that engage us. We're not all addicted to Golf or to the Bargirl scene. So, have to figure out what works for you, and for some of us, you go through boredom to figure out what does work for you!
  2. Very true Contrary to what many keyboard warriors on here think, we all live different lives. What may work for some doesn't work for others. As in my case family was a major force in my life, but I don't regret anything in the past. What many on here fail to understand is that some of us can change the direction of our lives, not being bound to something you are determined to see through to the end even if it makes you unhappy. I'm now happier then I was in full time Thailand. We have my daughter and Thai son in Denver, my son's wife is about to give us our second grandchild. My other daughter is in San Diego, grandson is about to be one year old in December. Life's pretty good.
  3. As I think back on it, I'm glad my son gave the the 'excuse' to make the move It would be so easy to simply float along as the years go by and that sense of hopeless boredom just becomes normal. I think I came close to that, and my sons decision saved me
  4. Depends what you mean by 'seek it here' I met my Thai wife in Singapore, she grew up as a teenager in the US and went to university in Chicago. But she's Isaan though and through, and we can still have drop down knock out arguments, and not just about what we're having for dinner! That Isaan feisty streak on top of an intelligent mind, powerful combination and after 20+ years I know when to pick my battles and when to capitulate lol
  5. Be very careful with root canals, especially if it's a molar. I had just gone through this in the US, and with molars you have four canals which need to be cleared out and properly filled, or the initial infection will just rear it's ugly head again and you're heading for extraction. Make sure they show you the post op xray, where you can see that they totally filled the root
  6. GinBoy2

    Isaan Woman

    Hmmm, my wife is from Isaan, but she was raised and educated in the US. Yeah, she's as feisty as it gets and in an argument will give as good as she gets. Not sure its anything to do with her being from Isaan, but more the fact that she's just a strong confident woman. I think there is a perception with Western men that believe Thai women are a throwback to the last century and in someways beholden to 'their man' Not a bit of it. I wouldn't want a woman who couldn't hold her own against me in an argument. Strong, Feisty, and Spicy thats what I look for in women
  7. I was bored. Didn't admit it to myself until we decided to move back to the US after our son told us after graduating college he wasn't coming back to Thailand. It was only after going back home where I could get a little retirement job, that I realized how bored I had been in Thailand In my career I travelled a lot, probably spent more nights in hotel beds than my own bed, so travel doesn't interest me at all anymore. Don't play golf, not a barstool guy, and there are only so many books to read or TV to watch. So yeah I was bored. When we were building our house it was good, gave me something to focus on, but after that I kinda fell into the doldrums after a few years. Now we spend a few months in Thailand every year and it gives me the same thrill it did when I first visited
  8. Burning Bridges comes in various forms. There is the financial one, where you sell up everything and go all in money wise. Then there is the trickier one, where folks burn bridges with family. There have been threads where guys get estranged from their kids and really are alone if things turn south. On both counts I always kept up a US house and loving relationships with my kids, even with my ex wife actually. Never quite understand why guys chuck up everything to move to Thailand when at the end of the day you are nothing but a long stay tourist. When the end comes, as it will for all of us sooner or later, I want to be in a place where family will be there for me
  9. I've actually had good success with rentals, both in Thailand and the US. I rented out my house in the US while living full time in Thailand, I didn't have a mortgage so it was all paid off and I very willingly paid a property management to take care of it. I also had some rental condo's in Bangkok, and when I sold them, didn't make any equity gain, but the rental income was solid. When we moved back to the US, sold them and bought in the US. Unlike in Thailand where I managed them myself due to a lack of property management companies, I pay to have someone else take care of them, which is a Godsend, just send me a check every month
  10. Baldness is to men, what going gray is to women. I'm quite lucky it's an issue I don't to deal with, since I haven't really lost much. I also look pretty much the same as my Dad, which is a good rule of thumb with regards to hair, look at your Dad and you'll pretty much end up the same. But it's like my wife, she's going pretty gray, and she hates it. I think the salt n pepper look is pretty sexy on her. But same with baldness, for whatever reason it's how it makes YOU feel, not particularly how others view you that drives to to hair dye, rogaine or whatever. The only guys I do feel sorry for are the young pups who lose their hair early. My best friends brother, had full on male pattern baldness by 25. Thats a real gut punch at that age
  11. This is why tourist visa's for young single females are so hard to get for Western countries. This is a CO's number one fear
  12. Not sure thats true. I also think it's foolhardy to cut all links to a country to which you are a citizen, and hopefully family to go back to, for a country for which you are at best a long term tourist. Only an fool doesn't have an escape plan should things turn south. At the end of the day you have a passport for your home country when things go bad, so don't expect Thailand to pick up the pieces. How many 'Go Fund Me' threads have we had on here? It might be a clue of how tenuous your life in Thailand might be! I'd put it this way. Thailand is great until it's not. After that it can be for many an aging expat a nightmare
  13. Well thats the part many an older expat try to push to the back of their mind. 'I exercise and eat well' is the most often response on here, almost claiming that they can defy nature and live forever. It just ain't true, and you're right getting old and starting to have the inevitable health issues, despite exercising and eating well, coping alone is damn scary. Who knows what the stats are, but I also wonder how many relationships between the 50+ year old guy and the 20 year old gal work out 20 years down the road when the shi***t may be hitting the fan. I've said here before, Thailand is a great place for the 50 year old guy, but you need to know when to call it quits, before you become a very sad, possibly infirm and alone guy
  14. I think thats what a lot of Europeans fail to get, the sheer size of the US. We just did a road trip from San Diego back to South Dakota. In 1500 miles we did beach, desert, alpine, prairie scenery, and thats only half way across the country. Maybe if all those States pretty much all double or triple the size of Belgium needed passports more Americans would get one!
  15. Just binged through the second season of Annika on PBS First season was good, but definitely improved in the second season https://www.amazon.com/Annika-Season-2/dp/B0CHFB9ZV2
  16. An interesting question would also be, why don't women retire to Thailand? Of course the obvious reason is sex. I'd speculate that once age takes over, and sex becomes less a part of your life the appeal of Thailand as a retirement location may wane, then the closer to home locations may well become more attractive. Don't underestimate how in the final chapter of your life being close to family is a huge draw.
  17. We're heading to Iceland, Sweden then on to Thailand in December./January Prior that, I work at our local airport and Thanksgiving on, it's 20 frikken xmas tracks on the airport musak, played over and over again. If I ever meet that damn Rudolf deer, it's gonna get a bullet between the eyes. So, when we land in Iceland better not hear a damn Christmas song, or I'm gonna go all homicidal maniac
  18. And there lies the rub. To backtrack on several previous posts. Yes age does come into this The fact that the OP is not American helps The applicant will need to show ties to Thailand that will make her return. What the CO is always thinking is 'will she return to Thailand' There's the problem. So many young Thai women enter the US on tourist visa's then vanish into the black economy. Or they enter with a BF, then marry in the US and apply for an adjustment of status, trying to bypass the immigration process. I don't think many recognize that the US has the largest Thai diaspora in the world, reading AN you would think it's the UK, but they are well down the list. Even here in South Dakota my wife has a group of friends, only her and one other entered as legal immigrants, all the rest, either still overstay, or the preferred method is to marry a guy of the local AFB. I'd suggest that's some of the reasons young single Thai women find US tourist visa's really tough.
  19. Why does it always seem to involve so much drama when folks leave? I've lived (and I don't mean visited) in 6 countries in my life, all were great until they weren't. Some move because of work, others just tire of it Thailand comes somewhere in the middle. Still like the place, we still have a house there, but I was bored with it and MrsG wanted to follow our son to the US. You are allowed to still like a place but not want to live there 100% of the time, we snowbird back to Thailand. In many respects only being in Thailand a couple of months of the year makes me enjoy it like I did when I first visited. So my only advise would be, if things are beginning to irritate you, cut the cord, go home, reset and then re-access how you feel about Thailand. You might find it's a great vacation, but maybe not a place to live
  20. The problem all nonrev's are facing right now is availability. With the pilot shortage flights are limited they are so full it's getting difficult to get a seat. We're a seasonal station, and usually passenger loads drop like a rock after labor day. Not this year. We're oversold on mainline flights to Denver and Chicago almost every day
  21. Simply get a smart thermostat. Program it to the keep the heat on at something about freezing everyday and you'll be fine. Usually with all smart thermostats you can access them remotely on a phone app and adjust it as you need When we go to Thailand in the winter I usually set it to 50°F or 10°C
  22. We work both the Delta and United contracts at my station Delta I pay a nominal fee per segment as an S4, United as an SAX5 is free with a $50 a year fee. We normally fly to Thailand on United using codeshares on ANA from NRT But it's the same for both Delta and United that we can use codeshares as part of our flight benefits Unfortunately we don't get ZED anymore
  23. I guess you are a resident of 'Americas mailbox'
  24. I had to laugh about the mushrooms. What is it with Thai's in farangland obsessing about foraging for mushrooms? My wife has many friends scattered around the world, and read their facebook posts and a helluva lot are about the 'mushroom obsession'
  25. For non Americans; DoD: Dept. of Defense AFB: Air Force Base
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