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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. In many car parks you see cars clearly blocking others but they are set so they can be pushed out of the way.whilst there is no ignition key and the owner is not there. I am at a loss as to how to set this in my 2001 Toyota Altis - can anyone help? Thanks
  2. Insurance issue solved - a well known broker at the beginning of the alphabet has annual policies up to 365 days
  3. I have come up against another issue re insurance we are out of Thailand for more than 180 days (but not overstaying in any of the several countries we want to visit) this includes a 6 day stopover in Turkey on the way in so in total she is out of Thailand about 191 days BUT i can't find a travel insurance policy for more than 180 days. Anyone know of a company who can do one (I've looked at MSIG, Mr Prackan (broker) Thai Vivat and AXAaxa travel insurance. Any ideas apart from the obvious of shortening the trip
  4. Thanks No I think VFS have changed the way they show the countries you can use them for. I tried VFS global a couple of times and got nowhere (hang) I really just want a Schengen that will give me the longest validity because we are in the UK for 6 months and may want to make an off the cuff trip to various Schengen countries - so I am quite willing to fix one trip in order to get the Schengen but prefer flexibilty with the others. For many years we have used Spain as the point of entry and for a couple years she had one year validity but not sure what's happening now in any event time for somewhere else maybe.
  5. If not does another country represent them over here? We (UK citizen and Thai citizen) want to go to Vienna and Prague this summer (from the UK)
  6. Thank you for your help - this is for my gf - have advised her that gold is peaking at the moment and not a good time to buy I usually delve into currency and stocks and shares - that I know about and I don't believe I am naive and I always have questions that's how we learn - but you have the right to think what you want.
  7. Thank you - just two questions - price fixed on order or delivery (2 weeks is a long time) - the price is linked to the actual internationally quoted gold price or something else?
  8. Yes I have and I also have never picked up a bar girl - I lived in the UK for more years I care to remember and buying gold there would be just as big a mystery. My philosophy - if you want to do something you haven't done before, first seek opinions, advice from others who might know more about the subject. (and that would include info on the first sentence if it ever came to that). PS she wants to buy bullion not jewellery
  9. Absolutely no idea where to post this - maybe some kind moderator😀 wil redirect if necessary My gf wants to buy some gold - why I have no idea - being a cautious person I just want to understand how it works over here: In Europe/US gold is priced per oz or gram - over here it seems to be priced in some weired way she calls Baht (the same as the money BUT not the price - the weight) If anyone can tell me about this much appreciated. Also is buying gold in Thailand a risk of being scammed or are there established routes for legitimate purchase?
  10. Are yo Dutch did that play a part?
  11. Probably Neil - bigger ears - bigger flap https://africageographic.com/stories/african-asian-forest-elephants-difference/
  12. What geolocation did you use to setup the accounts and then to access them - were they different - that might be an issue. I had some problems sharing a Microsoft/Google account with my gf whose email was geolocated differently to mine. In any event I do not like cloud storage - internet access goes down so does your life!! Also only a matter of time before they get hacked. Keep important stuff "in House" buy a external drive
  13. Yes it seems he certainly was "Hypo" not sure about the "theticals" part - is that a Liverpudlian dialect?
  14. Thanks Mike So how about if the capital gain is realised and remitted whilst not in the country (for more than 180 days). I assume that does not meet at least point 1
  15. So here goes with another what if: If I am out of the country for more than 180 days in 2024 and transfer: a) funds from my UK assets/income held befor 31/12/23 to my Thai Bank account in 2024. b) funds from a capital gain (or income) made in 2024 to my Thai Bank account in 2024 : i) whilst not in the country ii) when I return Am I not liable for tax (or even a tax declaration) as I am not technically resident for that year.
  16. Right for him Crossy maybe but maybe not right for all those others he may have "crossed paths" with in the past and in the future.
  17. Thanks My partner has had many Spain point of entry visa over the years but although we have requested longer the best we have got is one year. May I ask which point of entry country gave your wife a 5 year Schengen.
  18. Has anyone recieved one recently - are they still giving 1 year validity for the visa or is it back to being restricted to the length of time you are in the country?
  19. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bbcthree/article/7513ab1f-530d-4621-affa-c2c59d501dc5 “Gi’us a chuddy.” if you are from Yorkhire
  20. Even Trolls have to eat
  21. Are you a Thai woman Bob? - afraid you walked into that one eyes open
  22. I know how you feel Bob sometimes it is difficult to decide - today big argument with my gf because I complained about something (in her eyes I was angry but I was just complaining about something). I think she wants to be my mother not my girlfriend - so I am seriously thinking about leaving after 14 years with that and all that is going on (tax, Swiss etc) BUT I reccommend a cost benefit analysis before a final decision.
  23. I did my first online 90 day at the end of Feb absolutely no probems but I have just renewed the visa extension so thanks for the tip about the first 90 day.
  24. Maybe looking for an insanity plea?
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