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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. Before Jan 01 2024 I transferred around 500K to my Thai bank (in several transactions) all this money came from my stocks and shares not from income so: Do I have to declare tax a tax return before March 2024? (and I was out of the country from March 21st to Sept 16 which is exactly 180 days and to boot this legislation/new rule was not even mentioned when I left otherwise...) Also (this may have been asked before) does someone moving 800K for a retirement visa have to pay tax on that? - a real incentive eh. One more thing if it applies to 2023 and the legislation/new rule was only bought out in September isn't that a retrospective change (and slightly unfair since no=onw would have had the chance to be away for 180 days in that year.
  2. Whether I do or Don't doesn't affect other people.
  3. The masks most people wear don't protect them - they protect others. Enough said about the selfishness of those farangs who don't in a country where mask wearing is part of the culture of caring for other's welfare.
  4. I am honoured - just to be clear the post asked for an opinion - I gave one (as you will see from the original answer not too serious a one). I believe evryone is entitled to give an opinion if asked for one without receiving criticism for it. (which you have not done) - only a mild admonishment - I like your humour
  5. Did I say I'd never been there? I have and that's the reason for my answer - now if the question had been about Pukhet, Hua Hin, Nakhon Ratchasima, etc ........
  6. I love everything about Pattaya what about you ? Not being there - sorry couldn't resist
  7. Yes but whilst they hold your money they are using it (overnight lending, lending your money to oher people etc)
  8. Maybe but I'm not sure about surge protection, Also in all probablity he will have a router for inet and that needs protecting also. If you lose your router through a power cut and have a battery operated device (laptop/tablet) - try tethering your mobile (whilst the battery lasts).
  9. Asean Coders - where is the "back to the top" button?
  10. The "founding fathers" (USA) to try to persuade them to update their constitution to fit the modern world
  11. Archimedes - I need a bath!
  12. You're living in the past! or is it the day after the night before!
  13. Thanks - I just took a look only 1 Q - COVID VISA ?? and can any one translate BOI? (before anyone picks it up that's actually 2 Qs)
  14. Happened to come across a program on my 3BB TV (Channel 503 BBC Earth) called "The secret genius of modern life". As a novice about EVs I found it informative if at times simplistic (they show you how and electric motor works with copper wire and a magnet) but also informative (did you know the first electric powered cars arrived in the late 1800s) The same item is scheduled again in a couple of days BUT it might be the next one in the series - no way of knowing. Here's a link to the BBC site: https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001f7y1/the-secret-genius-of-modern-life-series-1-4-electric-car
  15. If that's the case from what I read why are Barclays closing lots of expat accounts. Better safe than sorry is my motto and being scammed for a couple of hundred baht is far less painful than being asked to close down my country bank account.
  16. Apparently I'm too old for a Thai credit card and using my country card too often might raise a few flags there. Also I don't use apps so I guess a debit card to my Thai bank isn't on either. I'll stick with COD as I think the risks of that are less than the risks of the ones mentioned above
  17. Can someone tell me what constitutes trolling? I'm sure one man's (or woman's) troll is another's dwarf or goblin etc etc.
  18. I have had quite a few dealings with their English support line and thsy are excellent. Only ever had one problem with getting a refund and even that was done though it took 10 weeks.
  19. Are you sure about that I tried to use it last month and it told me "no longer available to foreigners" - I had to get money refunded to my bank account by calling Customer Support and by the ease with which this happened I think maybe this new rule is causing some problems.
  20. I use COD and if the amount asked for and the lable on the box doesn't look official I would refuse it.
  21. Whether you do or not the important question is: "Do you believe in the institutionalization of the concept of God by man - IE Religion.
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