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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. Aaaaaaah awful stuff - also be careful with Olive Oil I bought some italian in one well known supermarket two bottles at a very good price - when I opened it I am sure it was fake - couldn't trace the reg number on the alleged suppliers web site - if it seems ...... https://www.euronews.com/culture/2024/01/15/olive-oil-scams-are-proliferating-how-do-you-spot-a-fake-extra-virgin For cooking I often use Coconut Oil which is fairly cheap over here but you can't beat the taste of bread toasted with Olive Oil. Now that really is Sabroso (in the meaning of the Spanish word - tasty). https://thecoconutmama.com/coconut-oil-vs-olive-oil-everything-you-need-to-know/
  2. You throw a dart at the person if they get the aritmetic wrong?😀😰
  3. So you saw if they ticked: ท่านมีสถานะเป็ นผู้มีถิ่น ที่อยู่เพื่อวัตถุประสงคใ์ นการเก็บภาษีอากรของประเทศอื่น ๆ ที่มิใช ่ประเทศไทยหรือส หรัฐอเมริกา ใช่หร ือไม่ Are you a resident for tax purpose of another country other than Thailand or the United States of America? Of course you may not be but if you are and they didn't tick it? And what I do not like my branch refused to give me a copy even though they amended what I had entered
  4. That's a negative approach - how can things change if you "accept reality" I remember many many years ago on the London underground and British Rail there were just one non smoking carriage now there are none that was achieved by accepting reality?
  5. Negita43


    Apples and Oranges I know but I bought a TCL TV 2 years ago - so bad I returned it and bought a Hisense - so not a brand I have confidence in
  6. Could be you are financing her exit from the relationship (if it can be called that)
  7. They did it for you except you signed? Know what you signed?
  8. Negita43


    I agree with you - I have used Daikin and have had the same experience but this is a spare bedroom and will not be used enough to justify the expense. So I am looking for a compromise between noise and cost and I have read that Hisense (love their TVs) prioritise quietness so I was just asking in case someone had a Hisense. In the main bedroom I have a Mitsubishi Mr Slim been going for around eight years and still very quiet
  9. I didn't see the word Thai in my post (deliberately since it was meant to be a joke applicable anywhere in the world)
  10. Negita43


    Need one for small spare bedroom - noise important anyone experience of Haier or Hisense 9000 BTU enough
  11. Alternate basic arithmatic for some When charging 2+2 = 5 When giving change 2+2 = 3 😄
  12. In Korat I recently did a residence report after returning to Thailand they gave me a 90 day date close to my non O renewal date and told me to do the visa extension renewal on (or near I presume - I never leave anything to the last minute) the 90 day date.
  13. Bought a museli mix in Macro sorted out the sultanas and large fruit bits - here is the result - we still need to experiment with different quantities of different flours and ingredients also did add some black and white sesame but so far so good towards saving 75 baht a loaf at Macro
  14. I have a very old app called ABBYY transformer I filled the non US form by setting a text box in the relavent field and typing into that ( also set the font colour to blue as I know Thais sometime insist on that). I presented this to my bank without any issues about my method of filling
  15. Not quite sure about - that if you have no tax liability in another country yes - but if you do pay tax in another country (non USA) you are asked to tick a box and give info
  16. Went to my local tax office (no-one speaks English) to change my address for a TIN I had when working - basically got the feeling they didn't want to know and haven't succeeded yet - is there on on-line option to change TIN address?
  17. Hey thanks - I tried some time ago with Nord (I have been with them for about 10 years) and it wasn't available then - just shows that in IT you have to keep Updating your knowledge all the time.
  18. Pic looks like a Healey BN6 - did my first ton up the M1 the day it opened in one. so here's a phrase - "fasta than an alpha" (yes I know fasta is not a real word but the pic bought back memories)
  19. Agree and you know I feel guilty about leaving my Thai partner alone (20 years younger) when I finally go - so I would do things to stay alive that I wouldn't if I were alone
  20. Thanks for that - but I already have 3 VPNs 2 by choice (Nord and Proton and 1 bundled in Norton) If surfshark can do it then why can't others? I'll ask them.
  21. Yes at the app level so a browser is an app and therefore you cannot use one browser to connect to lazada and the same to connect to UK TV with split tunneling. I guess it might be possible to have two browsers one for UK IP connections and the other for non UK IP connections??
  22. Many VPNs offer this but as far as I can see the split has to occur at the "app" level. Why can't it occur at the "URL" level for example I might not want to use the VPN to access Lazada Thailand but want to use it to watch F1 on channel4 both via google or firefox but one needs a Thai IP the other needs a UK IP.
  23. Friedrich Nietzsche also said: "Man is the only animal that must be encouraged to live". But my favourite quote is: "For believe me! — the secret for harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment is: to live dangerously! Build your cities on the slopes of Vesuvius! Send your ships into uncharted seas! Live at war with your peers and yourselves! Be robbers and conquerors as long as you cannot be rulers and possessors, you seekers of knowledge! Soon the age will be past when you could be content to live hidden in forests like shy deer! At long last the search for knowledge will reach out for its due: — it will want to rule and possess, and you with it!” ― Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs And that was before the word "gay" means what it does today!
  24. Age brings many unwanted "gifts" One might say getting old is a choice between assisted living and assisted dying
  25. Why did you have to dig up that old joke🙂 And by the way most people can't afford burial nowadays.
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