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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. Not true in most countries you pay tax when you earn it and you pay tax when you spend it ...... and when you die!😢
  2. In Korat or UK?
  3. Totally agree with this sentiment with only one small word change - substitute foreign with ALL
  4. From all that can be read it is true that in a large number of Prostate Cancer situations it is slow growing. But sometimes the cancer is aggressive. Without tests (MRI Biopsy) you cannot know how aggressive your cancer is. For my part my PSA had been above normal for 20 years but recently an MRI showed it progessing significantly so I had a biopsy which led to treatment.
  5. You're clearly "a hit a man when he's down" type. The poster is clearly worried and needs help and empathy not your type of response.
  6. Just to add to my previous post: Most of the "Government" doctors in this area (Korat) moonlight in the local private sector anyway so the quality of the doctor is usually the same - and I supect the equipment is just as good also. One of my fellow patients actually started by going to a private hospital who promptly sent him the the Government hospital for the radiation treatment!
  7. I'm 80 my PSA was 46 had a biopsy in a Government hospital (Korat) - Biopsy showed Cancer restricted to prostrate only. Gleason 3+4 Finish my radiation on friday Varian Halcyon Linac Device - very few side effects - some restriction of urine flow not serious - but more frequent But my hormone treatment started 6 weeks ago. Total cost so far about £10K I am impressed with this hospital. If cost is an issue maybe look for a good Government hospital
  8. Confused - is this cover from Thailand outbound or to Thailand inbound? I'm looking for a 192 day policy for my Thai gf (worldwide excluding US) out from Thailand and return to Thailand All Thai insurance companies only allow 180 days ((I have no idea why)
  9. Maybe been asked before but so many pages to browse. In 2024 If I am in Europe for 180 days, come back to Thailand and before year end I am in say Laos for 10 days (total 190 days - not in Thailand for 176 days (leap year). Does that establish "non tax residency"?
  10. Anybody been there and is a visa on arrival or an e-visa better pro and cons and any tips appreciated
  11. I'm not a China hater but your comment about who determines quality ignores the fact that quality is determined at the design and manufacturing stage poor design and poor quality control is not the under the control of the supplier (distributor)
  12. If the positions were reversed would she pay off your debt?
  13. Thanks, I have actually done it with the immigration site pdf by loading it into Adobe (free) and using "fill and sign". You can also change the font colour of the filled part so now I have a blue and a black just in case.
  14. Thanks, but I prefer to do at my local IO in plenty of time. So if I do not need all the photocopies I mentioned which do I need. Thanks for the price correction.
  15. In the old days getting forms downloaded and getting information about the documents needed for dealing with immigration was relatively easy. It appears not now. The templates option on the forum is dated 2017 so I am reticent to believe info in there could be relied on. I have downloaded a TM8 from the immigration website (I would have prefered a "fillable" pdf as my handwriting is awful) BUT I tried this search on Asean: "documents for tm8" nothing seemed relevant. Do I just need ONE copy of all pages in my passport plus 90 day slip plus ?photos (plus 3500 Baht of course)?
  16. Could you say which manufacturer/model - she is not commited to anything yet so more info the better.
  17. Thanks for your answer - I am just confused as to why running on battery alone is important - and what did you buy in the end?
  18. You are joking aren't you - she's paying Yes I have and yes I do And finally, not all Thai girlfriends are out to make a buck or a free car
  19. Went early March Korat was not asked for tax number
  20. Having followed the electric car debate on another thread (so many and so diverse opinions) I am cautious about asking the question but here goes. My gf is being offered a Nissan hybrid (Kick e-power) well specified at about 800K so two questions. 1. Anyone have knowledge of this car? 2. Are the days of hybrids numbered?
  21. I suppose the logical answer is to always park across full bays at the end of a row
  22. Thanks everyone Raindancer had the answer for me - issue solved.
  23. How long have you lived in Thailand? And have you ever been to a multi storey car park here? it's common practice to park across the front of another car(s)
  24. Thanks but doesn't work on my car - I can't remove the ignition key whilst in neutral
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