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Everything posted by Negita43

  1. https://practicalpie.com/megalomaniac/
  2. I don't use apps for banking but if I did I expect I would have a problem as my phone sim is reistered to my partners name.
  3. When came back from shopping today and put on 3BB TV - all the channels were showing but when you picked one - nothing - is that another election day paradigm in Thailand and do the powers that be really think either one has an impact on turnout
  4. A grilled piece of Salmon, veggies, and water wine sounds much better.
  5. I have fiber and the cable gets cut by squirels at least once a year (not with scissors😁) 3BB fixes with no charge. I have no problems with 3BB (maybe a little slow connection speed) and I have been with them for many years.
  6. I go abroad for long periods 2024 (>6 months) and I always suspend my account there is a max of 3 months on this but you can resupend (I get a friend to do it with an authorisation letter from me) - been doing it for several years - never had a problem
  7. There are good jokes and there are bad jokes and jokes that never should have seen the light of day
  8. Sorry just seen this if it's not in English then I'm not sure about translation needs
  9. Do it yourself - when I did it (UK license) no translation needed (nor an International) you will need a proof of residence from immigration and unless you pay (at Korat at least) you have to wait 10 days for the free one so factor that in, also a medical letter (I think that's valid for 1 month) I did one for each but was also told one would have been enoughI don't know what they do with the UK license now but I kept mine.
  10. Homemade multigrain bread toasted with extra virgin olive oil and topped with either (or and) cheese, bacon, tomato
  11. Will the tm6 apply to non O Retirement Visa extension people?
  12. My understanding is that every country where mobiles are used can theorectically track its users since mobile phones connect to cell towers which have a location. I think even using a VPN would only mask a location for data not for voice calls - maybe someone more knowledgeable could comment.
  13. Firsly thanks for the info. Actually (and I did say in my original post "don't ask") and this a non negotiable with my gf - it's to store (and take) videos and pictures of normal quality. We started off with 128 GB some years ago which became full so I upgraded her to 256 GB about 18 months ago - this is now 90% full - she refuses to move any of them to other storage (but I backup to my NAS) so I have decided to jump the 512 GB and go straight to 1TB (and on pain of worse than death I have to copy all existing files to the new one) so 1TB will already be 25% full when we start. And just to put you in the picture (excuse the pun) this otherwise intelligent lady refuses to engage with the management of technology (other than using LINE and U-tube) for example some years ago before I came on the scene she purchased a very early pentax digital camera BUT omitted to set the correct date and time when the battery was depleted and recharged consequently she has in excess of 80,000 pictures mostly dated XX/01/2007 in the exif data thank god they are not on the this sd card!! And if you think I'm looking for pity - yes I am 😬
  14. I'm looking at 1TB micro SD cards for a phone (don't ask why) I can buy Sandisk at Advice for 2990 Baht However I have read in a review that Silicon Power is a good value choice. Neither Advice or JIB appear to stock the brand. I did a google for it (for Thailand ) and it came up with a company I had not heard of before - Invade IT. They actually only have RAM memory for this brand BUT they do have a good offering of 1 TB micro SDs including Samsung EVO at 3K baht Lazada has lots of micro SDs on offer at ridiculous prices (high and low) and whilst I buy a lot of various products from them micro SDs are a NO NO Anyone used Invade IT before or know where I can source Silicon Power micro SDs or should I stick with Western Digital and Advice?
  15. In Korat 1,900 a day not luxury but acceptable last time I was there for a colonoscopy 3 nights and treatment 16,000 Baht
  16. I have used private hospitals in the past but now I use a government hospital. The private hospital doctors are often government doctors moonlighting for extra cash.
  17. He's obviously reffering to the snooker player called Trump
  18. Surely then we must have an answer by now or are we waitng for AI to give it to us?
  19. Just a thought - are governments becoming too powerful?
  20. 1. How wealthy is wealthy?? 2. Take from the rich give to the poor - I don't think so - just a sop to gain popular support
  21. I have searched but no avail. Anyone have experience of doing this? Many years ago I had an external Euro account at my Local Kasikorn - I wanted to close and transfer to My Uk Euro account - I gave them swift etc but they couldn't do it - in the end they gave me 7000+ Euro in cash!! Now I'm thinking of calling it a day over here and would need to transfer about 2 million Baht out from two different banks.
  22. So does Wise for investments - not sure about crypto
  23. Oppo and Realme under fire for preinstalling Fineasy app Do you know when this started? I bought an OPPO tablet (with sim capability) early 2024
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