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Smokin Joe

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Everything posted by Smokin Joe

  1. The information you posted is not correct. These are direct quotes from section 38 and Section 4 from the English translation published by the Thai government: Section 38. The householder, the owner or the possessor of a dwelling place or a hotel manager, who takes in, as a resident, an alien with permission to temporarily stay in the Kingdom, shall notify the competent official at the immigration office located in the locality in which the house, dwelling place, or hotel is located within twenty four hours from the time the alien has taken residence. Section 4. “Householder” means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house, whether in the capacity of owner, tenant, or in any other capacity whatsoever in accordance with the law on civil registration.
  2. I would suggest using the English translation published by the Thai government as the only one that should be used.
  3. This is from section 4 of the English translation of the immigrant act that is published by the Thai government Council Of State. Since Ivor has been posting dodgy references he probably won't accept the official Thai government reference. “Householder” means any persons who is the chief possessor of a house, whether in the capacity of owner, tenant, or in any other capacity whatsoever in accordance with the law on civil registration. Here is the entire law so you can verify. laws_03_03-03.pdf
  4. I have no idea of the accuracy of this chart but it shows that 10 states require the IDP. I'm a little skeptical myself but better safe than sorry. https://www.rhinocarhire.com/Car-Hire-Blog/October-2019/international-driving-permit-USA.aspx
  5. After the downgrade to the crappy new system I tried to make a credit card payment and like you had it just stall and lock up. I tried it again using a US based VPN connection and also tried with both Firefox and Edge. Same result each time. Just stalled. I tried it again using the phone app and it worked fine doing it that way. Pretty poor service considering they are the largest Credit Union in the country.
  6. Payment date depends where you signed up. Payable on the 3rd if you signed up overseas but many folks signed up in the US. I'm pretty sure that once you start Social Security that your payment date stays the same even if you move overseas or vice versa. To see your next payment date, create or log on to your my Social Security online account and go to the “Benefits & Payments” section. In general, here’s how we assign payment dates: If you were born on the 1st through the 10th of the month, you’ll be paid on the second Wednesday of the month. If you were born on the 11th through the 20th of the month, you’ll be paid on the third Wednesday of the month. If you were born after the 20th of the month, you’ll be paid on the fourth Wednesday of the month. There are exceptions. For example, children and spouses who receive benefits based on someone else’s work record will be paid on the same day as the primary beneficiary. For others, we may issue your payments on the 3rd of each month. Among other reasons, we do this if: You filed for benefits before May 1, 1997. You also receive a Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payment. Your Medicare premiums are paid for by the state where you live. You live in a foreign country.
  7. The one in the link Pib posted is a newer revision (2021). I would use that one.
  8. You may have just made an accurate prediction of the SCOTUS decision.
  9. You can check which treaty was ratified by any country at the United Nations Treaty Database. Some countries only ratified one of the two treaties and some countries ratified both. 1949 Treaty - https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetailsV.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI-B-1&chapter=11&Temp=mtdsg5&clang=_en 1968 Treaty - https://treaties.un.org/pages/ViewDetailsIII.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XI-B-19&chapter=11&Temp=mtdsg3&clang=_en Ignore the 2nd column. "Signature" just indicates that they participated in the treaty conference. The third column is the one that indicates it was ratified.
  10. Two things that stood out to me: 1st News Post - "he succumbed to his wounds" Wounds? Not injuries? Hmmmm 2nd News Post - "Ms. xxxx, who witnessed the incident, said she was lying in her room but then heard someone fall. Wonder how she knew it was someone, rather than something
  11. I have been living here for 15 years and have been using my PayPal account regularly to buy items off of ebay and have sent to my Thai address. In my case I opened my PayPal account in the US. I have a US bank account the PayPal is linked to. My PayPal primary address is a mail forwarding service in the US (Las Vegas). My computers location is set to "United States". My Thai address is one of my alternate delivery addresses. I just got into a new hobby and in the last 4-5 months have done at least 20 purchases on ebay from Chinese sellers for delivery to my Thai address and paid with PayPal.
  12. It was either a Saturday or Sunday morning when I went. I went to the Emergency Room first. The ER told me just to go to the Urology Dept since they had Doctors on duty at the time. That's another good thing about BPH. In many cases you can just walk in and see a specialist like a Urologist, Cardiologist, ENT etc. You might have to wait awhile as they will work you in between appointments. In the case of my UTI I waited no more than 30 minutes. I had my first ever colonoscopy at BPH in 2019. I had a routine physical at Pattaya International and they told me the cost. Can't remember the cost but I went to BPH and it was cheaper there. The Doctor I talked to said I could even have it done later that same day. Wasn't mentally prepared for that so did it the next day. Colonoscopy cost at BPH in 2019 was 18,600 Baht and included removal and biopsy of two polyps. There was also a 820 Baht Initial consult fee and an 820 Baht fee for a follow up consult to see the results.
  13. Yes I do. But I am looking at it as the cost of the meds being a separate issue from the cost of tests and diagnosis. Seeing a specialist, getting urine, or blood, tests and getting a diagnosis is not very expensive in my opinion at BPH.
  14. I had a UTI in Nov 2022. I woke up about 4 or 5 AM to pee and it was bloody at the end, like very bloody. I was definitely going to the hospital but waited until normal business hours. In the time up until I went I had an increasing urge to pee more often and although there was no pain at first it started to get more and more uncomfortable each time. I went to Bangkok Pattaya because I assumed I only had a few more days to live and cost was not an issue. I've posted a copy of my bill to show that BPH is not always quite as expensive as everyone assumes. The Doctors fee and Urine exam was about 1000 Baht. I also got a free digital prostate check. The Doc had me take some antibiotics by IV and that was the majority of the costs for the final bill. No more bloody pee within two hours so I was happy. If he had prescribed oral meds I assume I could have asked him just to write down the med/dosage/how long and bought them at Fascino for a savings over Hospital prices.
  15. Most times a DL is shown it is usually NOT to a police officer. It is shown much more often at a bar, at a liquor store, to buy tobacco, to rent a car, check into a hotel, to check in at an airport etc.
  16. Yeah, for some reason I thought he was talking about when entering Thailand. The TM6 had a spot for Visa number and re-entry permit number was entered if you had one. I shouldn't make any posts until I'm fully awake.
  17. Nam's does not do trips top DMK. Not sure why but it's posted on their website.
  18. Newbee probably thinks Israel and Russia are EU members since he thinks the "E" in EAW stands for International.
  19. Wikipedia has updated the Bi-2 page with new info. I think this is the most detailed citizenship info that has been posted. I doubt that Thailand would be stupid enough to deport people with Israeli and Australian citizenship to Russia, regardless of dual nationality or not. I wonder what passports were used for entering Thailand. If they entered on Russian Passports it would make sense to deport them to Russia in normal circumstances. But this is not normal circumstances. "In January 2024, members of the group have been arrested in Thailand for allegedly violating immigration regulations and may be deported to Russia, since five of its members have Russian citizenship. As those members also have citizenship of other countries (Israeli and Australian), the issue became a diplomatic concern for several countries, also fueled by arguments that Russian request is related to silencing political dissidents"
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