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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Oh yes. Oneway to Dubai for about 5000 Euro. And those Russians have no immediate desire to return.
  2. But no question that the majority of such accidents is due to irresponsible/careless behavior of young bike/scooter riders,
  3. DUI is surely a big problem but the combination of 15(actually 10?) to 24 year old plus motorcycle is still THE number one problem to my opinion. Not so many drunk 15 to 24 old on motorbikes.
  4. Yes indeed. If you meet some dumbnuts who are not accustomed to serving foreigners your internet access will be broken after they register the new passport. Happened to me at SCB. Took me three visits until "boss" was back from some seminar (only person capable). At Bangkok Bank they were at least aware of the problem. Took three clerks and a boss and an age old PC for me to logon to get it fixed And yes it's always a challenge to change such basic information as this will never happen with Thai citizens who have their life long ID nr.
  5. Absolutely nothing since months. (no checks since flights I have done from Dec 21 to July). All domestic flights/airlines. Masks >might< still be required in airports/planes (not sure). Meal/snack/drink service also has restarted.
  6. I get your point. Looking from businesses and girls it might look quiet. Isn't it as simple as supply and demand? Obviously too many hoped for a quick recovery. Supply grew fast after restrictions eased. Big shiny clubs in "Soi Pothole" or round the corner in Soi Buakhao? Tons of near empty bars in the remote corners of Tree Town (I have seen that often enough). But for the customer there is plenty of choice and there are (a "few") happy businesses being crowded. And in which year in the month of September (deep rainy off season) have you heard that businesses and girls are happy with the situation?
  7. The untouchables. Wife and I once spotted him at a domestic airport lounge with his entourage. My wife felt like she had seen the living devil. The arch enemy of people up here.
  8. The stamp in the new passport clearly shows all details of your last entry incl. visa class, point of entry etc. They even replicate the entry stamp. Of course the original visa remains in the old passport (expired in most cases). Call it what you want. This stamp has been put in the new passport in 2016 showing entry from 2011 (border run).
  9. So much about "dead anyway".
  10. This or the respecting app. For me it's PEA
  11. Seems I fall for fake news/video blogs. Do you live in Pattaya? Even in July it was far from dead.
  12. Whatever the reason for the sacking was, the "early" closure is very likely related to that.
  13. Sudden removal of Pattaya police chief yesterday. Obviously related to the suicide(?) of that woman being hunted by the Chinese trafficking gang. And then? New acting police boss in "bad mood"/show force or not familiar with the rules in sin city? https://thepattayanews.com/2022/09/18/pattaya-police-chief-removed-from-position-by-chonburi-provincial-police-commander/
  14. If you want to go without a separate tank, at least opt for a pump with a small attached pressure tank. Like this: We have this with 255 Watts for a two story house. (but still a separate tank for the deep well water)
  15. I would not go without a tank. Think how much space you can free up for a tank. If you want to limit to buffering for pressure there are tanks as small as 100 or 200 liter preferably placed protected from sunlight. If you want to be able to span a longer water outage like a day you should look for 1000 liter or more.
  16. There can't be a general answer about departing. Where from? What airline? Arrival: from many reports here and first hand there seem to be close to no more checks at Suvarnabhumi. Worst case: undergo another ATK(ART) test on arrival.
  17. Soft copy? You mean a simple photograph of the test kit?
  18. Obviously. To add to the confusion some countries/organizations seem to call it ART (antigen rapid test). Not wrong but confusing. Others call it after the kit used (ATK, antigen test kit). In my last country they call Covid-19 simply "Corona" ????
  19. Surprised. Really poor. https://www.facebook.com/KhaosodEnglish/posts/pfbid032kFeSnoRV7h3skT7YU7d2TcE9eXaEZKQri3LMSCHUYZuz8DoyKyAkKEcUsyb8chcl
  20. The usual scooters have a small 6 AH battery. Likely bigger in such a 160 model. But I guess it is still less an hour needed to recharge to the point where you can start. My small old charger does about 3 A at the beginning. I do not use the big car charger. Our old Honda Click still has an emergency kickstart. Need to put the bike on the center stand. But the first time I wanted to use it, it was completely stuck Needed some oil. Quite poor that forgetting to turn the key still drains the battery. How much would a simple timer cost?
  21. To the point. But an everyday experience. Is there a bus or heavy truck in oncoming convoy? Prepare for the worst, lean to the shoulder and foot over the break pedal. Buses are even worse. They make three lanes out of two.
  22. Have you invested a view to the photo? Pulling in from the side? Where the hell in this construction area. Wrong way? The truck driver would surely have claimed. This idiot was simply not willing to slow down and drive behind the (annoying) side car until the road is clear or construction area ends.
  23. To break/slow down is not an option for our kings of the road. Roadworks, solid yellow line, all don't matter. Should receive a heavy penalty. RIP to the deceased.
  24. For "high season" (if that still exists) hotels will usually expect a deposit for the room reservation.
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