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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Agree. A photo of an erroneous note would be fine. The photo in the OP shows nothing wrong.
  2. You need a serious update on Thai geography.
  3. You and the pickup are in Phuket? I don't see another useful chance but finding a driver. And of course I would drive with him/her except it's a completely trusted person. (you are single? no Thai partner) A thousand miles (1600 km). Even as a two day trip quite straining. Fly back. From your post it sounds there is no option for the person in CM to fly to Phuket and pick it up?
  4. As I read he is dual citizen now. FBI(?) would likely give him a warm welcome back home?
  5. What a sad story. And posters here discuss about her having documents, money for ticket bla bla. Unbelievable. She is a 10 year old and obviously homesick/desperate. (just seen post above)
  6. Timing of this thread is perfect On my morning round with the dog I noticed music from the school and cars parked before 7 AM. May wife tells me: a teacher is retiring, party for him. Now since early morning a swelling and decreasing level of all kind of noises. Music, shouting like someone broke his arm or bitten by a Rottweiler. Then karaoke. I call it: someone stepped on cat's tail. So all back to normal. Covid is over!
  7. If a church/temple/synagogue in your country get flooded it wouldn't be named? "gathering place of persons in low lying land" or what?
  8. We expect it here late afternoon tomorrow and hopefully much weaker. (though the predicted path is within a few km to our location) Regarding the floods: had a de javu of 2011. Empty shelves with no milk from my favorite brand. Others almost sold and a few days old. Transport is obstructed. Be prepared for more empty shelves.
  9. Indeed USD and EUR rising slightly today after the decision. Only the GBP is still struggling.
  10. Yes gone (on mobile site). My Euro transfer will soon be completed and on the account after 2 PM.
  11. And usually all intersections on main roads with or without lights are announced by signs. What else but driver fell asleep could explain such a massacre?
  12. Just did similar from my WISE Euro account and will receive tomorrow afternoon with rate shown at the order. Done from the mobile app. The website (not logged in) still shows the general warning: https://wise.com/
  13. Forecasts for our area are not dramatic. 20 to 40 mm. Let's hope that they hold true.
  14. Today is a dry day for all north and northeast. The calm before the storm ????
  15. You might find answers in this thread. Likely not to your satisfaction,
  16. With the predicted wind speeds for Thailand I am not too concerned. Wind is what I fear. Flooding is not existent in our area. Just mud and puddles ???? Feel sorry for the farmers.
  17. Nice tracking map: https://zoom.earth/#view=16.29,104.09,6.26z/map=live (click on the dots) We are exactly in the path. Fortunately wind should calm down much. But more heavy rain expected from Thursday. Not much left to swamp and drown the harvest. Might become another bad year for the farmers. Today saw people with fishing rods at the rice fields.
  18. https://aseannow.com/topic/1272943-parts-of-khon-kaen-impassable-26-sep-22/
  19. Just started a test to transfer 2000 Euro from my Wise account and this is shown as garantueed. On their anonymous website without login the show the blanket warning.
  20. Just seen. Rough times.
  21. For reference purposes I always use current market rates (xe.com). Of course Thai Bank TT rates or even cash rates worse and lagging behind.
  22. If there is no urgent need avoid travel to Khon Kaen (city). Highway 12 and other parts highly flooded. ThaiSmile Air gave a serious warning about travel to the airport.
  23. It shortly dipped below 40 this morning, now at 40.4.
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