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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Correct for a 3 liter 4-door during first 5 years!
  2. 2-door "real" pickups (green script plate) are taxed by empty weight. Same amount every year. I think the typical 1.5 ton (empty) pickup is about 900 per year. Full 4-door (not the king cab or other tricky stuff) is taxed like a car by displacement and age. First 5 years full amount (much more than 2-door). After that 10% decrease yearly down to 50%. Trying to find my old stuff... If things haven't changed a 2.5 liter 4-door would be 4900 in the first five years. After that down to 2450.
  3. No detective sense needed to see on WS (before Covid). And the female touts being aggresively camera shy. They would come after you.
  4. Shortcut for your convenience: https://aseannow.com/ignore/ (I should add a bookmark)
  5. (previous poster was faster) You have to enter Laos. Depending on your nationality(?) you have to get a visa on arrival (cost somewhere between 30 to 45 USD). Few nations are visa exempt. For entry to Thailand you need to apply for a Thai pass beforehand (vaccine cert, Covid insurance needed). Transport from Udon to Nong Khai: public buses or vans from the bus station near Central shopping or taxi. Distance on the road about 60 km. Taxi less than one hour. No idea about cost.
  6. Much recommended and an easy try. To the OP: it's well possible that your laptop heats up just on this site. There will be similar heavy load websites but just by chance you don't come accross them. There have been complaints by other users in the past that the site loads very slow/drags down their device.
  7. This Google find looks somewhat plausible. https://halberdbastion.com/intelligence/countries-nations/thailand Of course I can not garantuee for correctness but e.g. it is a fact that much of 5G is done over 700 MHz. DTAC does heavy advertising with 5G/700 Mhz. (and maybe unsual for other countries?) 5G? I recently bought me a new 4G mobile (ignoring the 5G version). 5G coverage is still very limited outside the capital centers. Most traffic is 4G which will exist for maybe another decade. What practical advantage will 5G on a mobile/handheld device have? 5G has not been developed for mobile phone feature improvements. It's much more. 5G in a SIM router as substitute for a home internet connection (where fiber is not available)? Yes, might be useful. 5G in a mobile "on the road"? What for?
  8. The number I showed you gives an immediate ringtone.
  9. No. Tried from AIS "The number you dialed is not toll free when called from out..." (hung up).
  10. Reading the street view image is a guessing game (Feb 22). Is it 038 488 857 ??
  11. Hard nut. With some search of the Thai name (พรีม่า เพลส พัทยา) EDIT deleted Another case where Google produces garbage. The place needs a PR manager
  12. By theory: even a highly stressed CPU should not overheat to the point that it simply freezes (that's obviously happening, a self protection mechanism before the thing melts). The fan should run high before the freeze? Fan could be clogged/dirty with fluff? Worth a try: buy a simple laptop cooling pad? And as others wrote: use Task Manager and watch CPU performance and memory usage.
  13. From the article: The fuehrer managed a lot but failed with his attempt to reform the language
  14. E.g.: can you build Excel tables, using formulas using Thai numerals? Which commercial SW packages can handle Thai numerals for sorting, searching, formulas? Serious questions. I don't know.
  15. About everywhere. Agree. But even these put on the counter without hesitation.
  16. Nicely said ???? Lady drink for the "super model" 200 Baht. Just for the interview which might end after 3 minutes because "I have to dance". No thanks. Leave it to the Koreans Japanese and other pay alls. Other prices not appropriate to mention here. Just use factors of 10 to 25.
  17. Fromt the article: the painter told the shop owner: there is a budget to spend Did you notice the other paintwork: the yellow area at the T-section. It's a "do not stop here/keep clear/don't block". Used on very busy roads with dense traffic The sign with the white on blue arrows is also an absolute must: you can go straight or left (because there is no road to the right ).
  18. My understanding too. Except the topic starter tells that it is a postpaid contract? For prepaid: The only reason for explicitely cancelling is to make sure that the number is kept alive and a respecting balance not eaten up. For prepaid there is absolutely no other consequence from not filling up (top up) than loosing the number. There is no "billing"! It's prepaid! Before buying my one year DTAC SIM for internet I had a one month "auto renew" DTAC SIM for the same purpose (and see whether it works). When checking status in the app it was clearly stated that the current balance is 0, next autorenew due in one month, SIM getting cancelled after a month without topup. That's it. I let it run out and finish. And it's just a few years (after the coup) since you had to register/identify yourself for a prepaid SIM. Before that it was completely anonymous.
  19. Just seen on Twitter from TPN Media (which this site is part of): crowds offensively ignoring the rules, swinging their chairs in the air and dancing. The powers risk to trigger uprise/revolt with their stupid rules. What they managed: very poor attendance/visitors.
  20. Found multiple sources in Thai language. Google translate from one of the websites: If that fails, you or wife call their hotline: 1242 or install/search on their app or visit shop *190#: I found another video in Thai where the user explicitely uses *190*1# As far as I know this just forces Thai language explicitely.
  21. Why not go for a dealer? Can't tell about Phu Kiao but in Chumphae more than enough second hand sccoters/bikes from dealers.
  22. Was there over Christmas 21 and didn't find it dead. What vlogs are you watching? If you consider this dead then OK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neQEZx_mfqs At 1:41 you see an India trio, so must be a current video as promised in the title
  23. You have to look at Thailand videos from the 60s or 70s? to see such cars driving on the road. Many brands have withdrawn from Thailand.
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