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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Departed DMK at 1:08 for BKK. Departing BKK for Dubai some hours later around 4 AM.
  2. You wrote that you check the weather forecasts regularly. And if you can believe them there will be moderate intermittent rain only. 25 to 30 mm / day at worst. That would be OK for September. https://meteologix.com/th/forecast/1614295-pattaya/xltrend/euro/precipitation (uncheck the extreme differing like GEM, Access-G, ... I usually only look at ECMWF forecasts)
  3. How old is the scooter? When was the last year the scooter was taxed/insured? Normally there is no need for YOU to take care about tax/insurance/testing. She can do. Registering it to her name is a different story.
  4. Just coming back 120km from Udon. Hardly any rain in Udon. Driving 100 km over dry roads. Entering our district. Flooded roads, drizzle and rain since two days. Berlin: 800 sqkm. Can have flooded cellars in the south. Nothing in the north. Got the point? Rain is not a flat carpet over Bangkok. Cells can be very small and very intense. And obviously the plane could land in Suvarnabhumi the same night. Just seen that @NanLaew has explained it in more detail
  5. Good point. And it was shuttled to BKK. The flight continued to Dubai with 5:11 hour delay from BKK (if I can believe flightstats). Even if there were passengers on board continuing to Dubai the plane will surely not have been fully fueled. You wouldn't believe how short such a giant can take off.
  6. As I understand the described method would result in registering the banking app to a new phone (and phone number). 1) As far as I know there is no way to change the phone number for receiving OTP (one time pins for transactions) other than visiting a branch with your ID. So simply transferring to another phone nr? No. 2) I am not aware that you could use the banking app without knowing the login pin (or fingerprint) and this is not stored on/sent to the phone 3) my phone is always locked, at least requires a pin/password/fingerprint or whatever to unlock. I would also power it off if I am forced to put in a locker or safe. And wouldn't it be safer to have the phone with me at a gym, placed near me in a bag or so than in such an easy accessible locker?
  7. If the shaft doesn't break the (old brittle) tyre will burst on the crazy overloaded pickups. The fruit transports are notorious. Always on the outer lane afraid they might topple on the left.
  8. Read somewhere that up to 130 mm of downpour in one day. That's about 2 months of average downpour in Germany and neighboring countries.
  9. What's so stupid about it? It once was one of the most popular bar locations and it's just coming back to life since some months. Remarkable amounts invested in renovation and new places. I would call this a stupid reply. Expect no water in the center of a tourist hotspot?
  10. Read the article. Gives a different view. His fourth day at the place. If I get ripped off I learned the lesson and won't come back. And due to the manager he was an excessive drinker.
  11. Simply an example for too much (I mean the tattoos):
  12. Exactly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wat_Buddhapadipa Less then 400m from the center court. Not sure whether this link will work (>3000 pictures): https://www.google.com/maps/place/Buddhapadipa+Temple/@51.4307479,-0.2205011,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipNuJIG_p0Uza-ETYtAEakAl5ORPU70Z9m-MD23Z!2e10!3e12!6shttps:%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2Fp%2FAF1QipNuJIG_p0Uza-ETYtAEakAl5ORPU70Z9m-MD23Z%3Dw86-h114-k-no!7i1536!8i2048!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xd7af17706959dfab!8m2!3d51.4307479!4d-0.2205011
  13. Most will be shocked if you break hard/stop and turn to them.
  14. Yes the rule exists. I am quite certain. But I also know how strict rules are enforced in Thailand ????
  15. Didn't one escape and blew himself to hell with a self constructed rocket? He wanted to see over the flat earth with his own eyes.
  16. After 3 years unpaid the vehicle registration and book are void. Vehicle would need a complete new registration. When was the last imprint in the blue book?
  17. No at Nong Khai in July I got one (after asking why the shelves are empty). And a lot of people around filled the form. On the back of the slip that is returned there is a duplicate of the entry stamp. No idea if I could have entered without.
  18. Found an article about him in PattayaMail from 2018 for his 60th birthday. Seems he had an exciting life.
  19. I found that it is indeed (as feared) a special variant called: Panasonic WER121L2504 Battery Smaller than the 18650. And no type label.
  20. You expect common sense in Thailand
  21. Your picture does not show a model/type description. In best case it could be an ordinary 18650 Li-ion cell which is available "about everywhere" (like Amorn). But is it? Seems it has a nipple on both ends (which looks special)? What's the model number of the shaver?
  22. 3 month grace period Just found a link leading to a Thai language source (somewhat credible) which says that for 3 months the new fines will not be enforced. Fines remain unchanged for public to "get informed".
  23. And you can go at a 100 km/h. But NOT in the rain.
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