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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Quickly cash in before extended hours til midnight come into effect. Nitpickers. And yes completely arbitrarily rules just testing/demonstrating that Thai sheeps stay good and follow whatever nonsense rules. My favorite is still mask wearing by TV presenters/news anchors.
  2. If "save" would mean to have a local/offline copy, print, PDF there would be other means. Not sure from the OP.
  3. Just come back from BigC Extra in Pattaya. Limited sale on Soy Bean oil. 3 bottles per receipt/day. All other oils 6 bottles.
  4. No I didn't check the bill for the scooter of the granddaughter carefully. Just from the sum it sounded too me like more than just the tax. Yearly tax is only 100 Baht. That would never make up for a 4 digit sum (something less than 2000, unfortunately not noted the details).
  5. Indeed. Just found. Link from the homepage goes to the wild.
  6. ? All work fine for me. https://www.bangkokpattayahospital.com/en/ https://www.facebook.com/bangkokhospitalpattaya/ Queue limited to 200 now! https://www.facebook.com/bangkokhospitalpattaya/posts/4622794334488159
  7. Sorry but that's the calendar that has not been maintained. Completely useless like so much on the net. May 4th is definitely a public holiday for all (coronation). May 13th is a goverment only holiday,
  8. Closed on Labor Day Substitution (Monday, May 2)? I remember from own experience that government offices/officers do not celebrate/observe labor day. Not considered laborers. It's only for banks, post, private businesses... Searched through a couple of sources (Thai language) where May 2 does not even show up (except BoT). In contrast: May 13 government only holiday (ploughing ceremony). Unfortunately the immigration calendar (some MS office thing) is a complete mess, not been updated obviously.
  9. Just heard a radio report about the Indonesian palm oil export ban. And to me it's quite obvious that not only private consumers will switch to soy bean (2nd cheapest?) if palm oil (cheapest) is not available. And where does the palm oil for the B>7< diesel come from?
  10. I see daylight in the article pictures. So it was around 15h ????
  11. Not the slightest hope about Chinese. 25 million locked up in Shanghai have problems to get enough food. Hopeless attempt to lock out the virus. Strict quarantine on return. Forget Chinese for 2022.
  12. It's the 27th today and I have not seen the official announcement in the Royal Gazette? Also: Thai pass website prepared now? Will be a fairly quiet 1st May?
  13. Tour de France seems to sell it's name for about everything on bicycles? Cycling in the torching mid May heat. That must be fun. Or is it a night race?
  14. Yes that would be a "fix" (throw away ticket).
  15. You are eligible for a 30 day extension of your visa exemption entry. But without visa you better book a return flight within 30 days which can easily be changed. Some airlines can be nitpicking if you book a return flight after 58 days without a visa. As I see you already booked the flight?
  16. No need for a baseball bat. Also no match for a mad fighting dog. Heaven helps if such a mistreated beast escapes the cage. Happened once to me walking the dogs. Almost killed my dogs. Didn't go after me. I broke a big bamboo stick on them to no avail. The proud owner was a teacher Stray/Soi dogs: If you really scared have a thin long stick. And never run/accelerate/try to "flee" (impossible anyway). Just the opposite: stop and turn to them. A bit of shouting and waiving the stick helps. Never experienced a stray dog that would not shy away. BTW would you tell what beach you are walking?
  17. Had a: "Covid-19 Spike Protein IgG Quantitative Antibody (CMIA)" test. Simply advertised as Covid-19 Antibody test at a private lab in Pattaya on Jan 3. Cost was 900 Baht.
  18. Hmm. There is big concern about Indonesia banning >palm oil< exports. Expected to lead to higher prices for all oil and possible shortages? Not sure whether you already feel the effect? The news about Indonesia is scattered among misc Thai language news sources. Hoarding? Similar to Germany's sunflower oil crisis Bye, I am off to Makro
  19. Searched through the forum and best I found is pre-Covid from 2019: https://aseannow.com/topic/1117430-x-ray-screening-of-bags-at-suvarnabumi-airport/
  20. And still I have to look to the spam folder as the artificial "intelligence" is not smart enough. A mail from a 20 year long friend with address at the same (German) provider - having sent so many mails in the past - ends in spam!!! Seems they didn't like the topic: Windows 11
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