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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Just to be sure: change plane in Frankfurt (transit)? Both legs on Lufthansa?
  2. Exactly. And for good reason forbidden in more safety aware countries.
  3. Thanks, but sure no intention to remove. All searches about Chrome or EDGE led to dead ends (can not?).
  4. Not sure whether this is of any help for you (I use EDGE very rarely): https://geekermag.com/enable-tab-previews-in-microsoft-edge-chromium/ It might be new to you/EDGE since they adopted the "Chromium" engine from Google Chrome.
  5. It's an important feature (for many). Checking the full URL to get a better idea if its legit/plausible. Mine is just black/white (Firefox) and I never thought about how to get rid of. Not new to me.
  6. Indeed Bell Bus doesn't show trips to northern bus terminal. But trips from Suv. to Jomtien are perfectly bookable. Last trips from airport are 17:30 and 19:00.
  7. They are running. Yesterday studied the schedule >from Jomtien< 7:30, 9:00, ... 19:00 or so. About every hour during the day. Can't tell from Suv.
  8. What is the forum without speculation? French man with Thai woman aside searching for French man in Bangkok. Relationship drama or business dispute/debt? Going in with a gun? Intend to murder? Heavy. I have searched for the website of the company. Excellent stuff!
  9. True because they need some current to update. As most users I do not switch off ignition during fill up (one of the most ignored rules and do you switch off your mobile ). My filling indicator moves up during filling.
  10. Absolutely not. What I do is turn my neck and check whether they got the right tap(!) and the meter at zero. To the end I look again. Never have to leave my car. 99% at PTT. I don't read a range but watch the analogue filliing meter on the dashboard. A digital computed range number might not update before driving or starting the car again.
  11. You now live in Bangkok? Looking for a company in Bangkok?
  12. For your application absolutely nothing. And currently it's not easy to find a practical use of a mobile phone where 5G would make a noticeable difference. Exactly the opposite is true. 5G coverage is scattered/building up. "Pure" 5G is even more rare. Existing 5G often just use the "over the air/radio part" of 5G and then use the existing 4G backbone. 4G is the current reality just after 3G has been shutdown. It willl be the backbone for mobile communication for many years to come. 4G covers most of the populated areas of the country for the three major providers.
  13. Wasn't aware of that. Indeed a dangerous idea. Maybe this is related to the OP where short stretches are described? U-turns being closed?
  14. I like this Dollar centric view of the world ☹️ Baht depreciation while Euro is melting like ice in the heat of the war.
  15. NO U-TURNS NO INTERSECTIONS CONCRETE DIVIDER I try it again in bold capital.
  16. I could not even find a map in Thai language sources. Maha Sawat, some klong crossing the western ring?
  17. For me still unsolved mystery. Although they look like binding speed limits they seem not to be. Is it warning/hint about oncoming klong bridges? In former times you better not went 120 over them except you liked to fly. Nowadays hardly noticeable.
  18. Let's see it positive. Those highways are specifically built. Concrete dividers, no U-turns, no intersections and more. Similar to motorways (7, 9, ...). And I feel that there a less nasty accidents on these roads.
  19. So many services. I used Tom Taxi Services for the fifth time last Friday. Of course not a dedicated driver but all were driving properly. Good sedan or Fortuner type (not my favorite though). 1000 Baht all incl. https://www.tomtaxiservice.com/
  20. I am watching news about traffic measures from the green cargo bike rider land (Germany) vs the land of the free truck racers (Thailand). It couldn't be more contrary.
  21. New speed limits for stretches as short as 440m?! Does that "close gaps"? What is the max speed of a worn out Diesel truck?
  22. As an illiterate non native I am out of competition I like a nice mix of UK and US vocabulary for the sake of confusing readers. Motorway, freeway, petrol, benzene, gasoline... fiber, fibre, ...
  23. Yes. But the test on arrival was main gamestopper with the risk of being locked up either in some "hospitel" with a view over highway or a private hospital money drain. Also for vaccinated visitors the costly test before departure is voided.
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