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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. For a driving license it's one month. Whether they have different rule for WP? Unlikely that they are more relaxed https://www.dlt.go.th/en/renew-license/ "ORIGINAL MEDICAL CERTIFICATE (5 DISEASES FORM) FROM CLINIC OR HOSPITAL (VALID FOR 1 MONTH)" An undated site saying one month for WP: https://thailawyers.com/medical-certificate-for-work-permit/
  2. Just a reminder. If "soon" means from October then correct (October to March). And as far as I know the final seal/signature for the new rule has not been attached. (though unlikely it won't come)
  3. Thanks for reminding me. Now I know what part of the country there is endless honking. Pattaya, where else ???? And yes it's annoying. On first visit I was completely confused and always thinking what's wrong.
  4. Sorry but which part of Thailand do you live? I may hear a horn about once in five trips. My wife always reminds me that I am on the edge of death when honking the horn.
  5. And what does ABP stop sign stand for on your screenshot from March 1st?
  6. ABP, AdBlockPlus Is this still active on your phone? Would be my first suspicion and try again with ABP disabled. (I don't have Krungsri. Bangkok Bank, SCB and Kasikorn all work fine)
  7. In the link they describe the different visa types and as written also the Non O-A. No recommended by me any more
  8. Not with an ordinary multiple Non-O.
  9. "the permitted length of stay is up to 1 year from the date of your arrival in Thailand." >Up to< One year stay is the: Non-Immigrant Type O- A (Long Stay) 1 Year/Multiple entries https://london.thaiembassy.org/en/publicservice/84508-non-immigrant-visas Simply? Wouldn't use that word. Particularly the financial requirements and health insurance.
  10. Did I see Covid extensions deadline 24 August?
  11. Zero problems with Bangkok Bank fixed deposit account. Since 2016, update any time at the counter even without transaction plus bank letter 100 Baht. Also have an SCB fixed deposit account with three different deposits and two different maturity dates. No idea how they handle the update on request.
  12. And what's the attraction of AEON nowadays? Yes "only" 150 Baht fee but limited to 20000 Baht. Other ATMs 30000 or even more(?) at a fee of 220. Do the math.
  13. Sign of the times. Not bankrupt but all banks have to slim/downsize branches and all kind of cash transactions. Look at Kasikorn in Pattaya. At least four branches closed over the years. In our area massive reduction of staff and ATMs in the district. A former bank clerk now runs a mom&pop shop on our corner.
  14. From the example links in the OP it should be very clear that this is about a brush cutter not a lawn mover?
  15. For getting a >visa exempt< entry (30 days) this is indeed most convenient from Bangkok. Seems not too good for visa at KL consulate.
  16. It's on Thairath now. I was wrong about the location. It's indeed in a Lotus shopping center in "Bang Kadi" subdistrict of Pathum Thani. Killed was a married couple with a 7 year old child left behind. How terrible. There was a history of two or three haircuts (attempts) to the dissatisfaction of the woman(wife) within two days or so. The deceased seem to be actors in soap operas? Errors excepted. Wait for proper report.
  17. I don't doubt the content. Facebook and Twitter are usually first with such news.
  18. "Lotal Bankadi Mall" = Lotus Bangkapi Mall (Bangkok). Not found in any news source yet,
  19. There is always a chance for things to go wrong . A smart assistant at Bangkok Bank managed to rip out the book early and producing a diagonal printout. Correction produced two empty pages which looks quite suspicious.
  20. Speed 1GB? Guess you mean volume 1 GB? Doesn't AIS offer buying added volume?
  21. And as long as this route is open and you fulfill the financial requirements I would always suggest it.
  22. Correct, Bangkok Bank can do update at the counter without transaction. SCB can not.
  23. @ubonjoe might know?
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