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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Care for English? Popular topic. Last in March. As usual much disputed and many point to places in south Pattaya
  2. Basically all answered. OP is not about RT-PCR but ATK. 1000 Baht for ATK is expensive. But can't help about Chiang Mai.
  3. Not a problem but a feature in many editors. I often use it to check proper formatting, whitespace etc.
  4. And Covid being the least of his problems. Like some dog poo on the shoe.
  5. In Germany an online bank started closing accounts without any explanation/reasoning. It's assumed that they get rid of dormant/non profitable accounts. No public statement from the bank.
  6. When was the due date? When did you do the online report? Personal data unchanged? How long did it take to get the rejection? (hours? days?)
  7. No test required if vaccinated. Even the vaxx cert. are checked loosely. The age old formal rules seem still unchanged: https://www.thaismileair.com/en/newsupdates/news_2992 But as written some airlines take it very easy.
  8. I buy "Soffell" (11% citronella oil). Cheapest at Makro, four spray bottles in a pack. Malaria is unheard of in our region. I don't fear that. The real threat is Dengue fever and related hemorrhagic fevers.
  9. Indeed I would do a bus trip only if urgent. Crowded stations. Crowds everywhere.
  10. Going south? On Sunday? With careful route planning it might be feasible. Still a risk that oncoming traffic blocks intersections, right turns blocked off etc.
  11. Basically every (roadside) clinic/licensed doctor. Is valid for one month. Usually a pure formality with little to no examination. 100 to 200 Baht. New license with driving test and theory test? That definitely needs appointment with weeks to months long queues. Consider paying for using the help of a driving school in this case. Hope someone can give specific hints on Bangkok. Not my turf.
  12. From your post I am uncertain what you want to do: Getting a new (temporary) Thai driving license based on your home country license and/or IDP? Extending your existing Thai driving license? Most unlikely: do it from scratch with driving and theory test? In any case don't forget the medical/health certificate. Always required now. Can't help about booking at this office. Some have a first come/first serve quota for foreigners. For the early birds.
  13. Same for me when in Pattaya driving rent scooter (insured etc.). And the robbers at Shell South Pattaya rd. fill some V Power Ferrari stuff. Don't even know what the price is. Sure cheaper than bottles though.
  14. Sorry for the laughing smiley but 38 Baht at the pump is for one liter. A whisky bottle filled to the max is about 0.7 liter. This alone would mean a bottle is worth 38*0.7 = 26.6 Baht (about 11 Baht profit). And now look how well filled the bottles are No question that bottle fuel is much more expensive than 95 Gasohol from a regular gas station (assuming you go for the red).
  15. But the majority of experts say that it saves from serious illness for the very most cases.
  16. Yes. Why you need imported(?) Pfizer? The 5 mg cost 3 Baht/pill here (as depicted above). I guess 30 pills of 10 mg would be 120 Baht or less.
  17. The onward ticket is nothing new for travel without visa. Some will never believe it. As written above: if you are unlucky your trip might have ended at home country check-in. 7 days? Well there was always a field to fill at the departure card about accommodation. But can't tell whether there is any 7 day requirement.
  18. We are in the same boat, kind of. Long before coming to Thailand I read about the strict rules/discipline for the monks. What I see today: monks driving motor vehicle monks strolling shopping centers monks handling cash (buying cigarettes at the village shop) monks being instructed by young females about the latest iPhone models etc.pp. (just this morning watched two orange robes leaning over the iPhone 13) Now is this all acceptable nowadays?
  19. If you have proof of vaccination from entering in September you are OK. No booster requirement. I flew to Phuket in December with AirAsia and nothing has been asked/checked. (but occasionally there a post saying that vaccination proof had to be shown). As already written: nothing required for flight to Bangkok.
  20. Now what visa type did he enter the country with?
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