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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. YES. SHE has a and traveled on a Swedish passport. (สวีเดน) I read three times through the post of the Thai Embassy in Switzerland. You can be sure she is dual citizen. Thai citizenship from birth is never withdrawn by law.
  2. I didn't even read through the whole ad but traveler checks is a complete joke.
  3. Under consideration timing depends on office. Game of luck. I had an under consideration for a Non O issued at Khon Kaen immigration. Went there a week ahead, politely asked, after some digging in the cabinet it popped up
  4. I am the one who always finds that queue 5 minutes is reality. A couple doing misc attempts on her phone, then doing misc attempts on his phone. Finally giving up and organizing the enormous amount of 4xx Baht in cash. Which ends with the cashier calling the supervisor to clean up the mess. Smaller events again and again. Cashier is ready, amount on display. What now? Where is my phone? Digging, where is the banking app? Swipe swipe swipe... (and I silently repeat the mantra: never loose temper/face in Thailand, keep calm). I use cashless where it's appropriate. Paid 2xxk hospital, paid 6xxk final payment for new car. Pay utilities online, no cash on delivery at Lazada et.al. But not my snacks at 7/11!
  5. Your thread seems the first and unnoticed but now in the news.
  6. From the meager information collected there is no reason to assume that you need a new laptop. Seems fast enough for personal use. A complete re installation is generally a good idea but plan carefully about the consequences and preparation. Data lost? What programs to reinstall? Not an easy decision.
  7. Acer Aspire E15 is has an i5 CPU and 8 GB RAM. Edge is a browser from Microsoft not an operating system. So it runs some Windows version. 10 or 11?
  8. I would not be surprised if the whole plane has to be written off due to structural damage?
  9. Every other headline I see has it better (after heavy turbulence... etc.).
  10. Shell doesn't show 97 on their price list. And their V Power is just 95 E10 with magic additives. https://www.shell.co.th/en_th/motorists/shell-fuels/shell-fuel-prices.html
  11. So do observations differ To me it looks quite the contrary for the adult population. It's less about physical exercise but more about junk food, super sweet drinks. My neighbor opposite is 82! years old and works alone in his sugar and rice fields daily in the torching heat. He will never get fat. Other males opposite you could count their rips. The younger generation is a different matter. Spoilt by junk food AND no exercise.
  12. You were quicker. Up here the elderly commons (50+) are rarely obese. No donuts, no Oreo and similar, no coke and other liquid sugar bombs, no pizza, no KFC, no bubble tea, .... Sticky rice is the only thing they could get obese from. It's a question of age and location. Sure the under 30s in the wealthy places might well be more than 12% obese. Reasons see above.
  13. Be aware of the maps without New Zealand, cut off Can't remember what it was... Often: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omission_of_New_Zealand_from_maps
  14. The hub : (they are and will be the 2nd best hub to Australia and that's it)
  15. Rival Dubai. What a laughable self-assesment. And don't they have a world map (better globe) and compare the geography?
  16. 180 million by 2025. That is next year! What are they dreaming? Not even the Chinese are that quick in construction. Fits all very well with some headline I saw about being 3+ hours ahead at the airport (once again). What drugs are these planners on?
  17. @KhunLA was faster. I remember seeing the 97 sign at Bangchak stations. Not available at PTT.
  18. Maybe operators become short of numbers. Short like Bangkok car sign plates 😁 (what will happen after prefix 9). Just look at the policy of selling internet SIM cards often thrown away after a year. Shops are full with preconfigured SIM cards for internet from all operators. You can buy a 200 Baht SIM card for a month (test) and if you are not satisfied just throw it in the bin.
  19. Thousands of entertainment business operators even more "happy". To improve their mood they can grab a big bong 🙄
  20. Other Thai news sources have at least photos that make clear it is Royal Garden. But seems here even that is too much.
  21. Interesting observation today with AIS mobile and public WiFi. In the car I could not listen to my usual radio streams (Germany, Switzerland), more blackouts than content. Test to that Helsinki location gave 1.9 Mbit/s! On the way back I used a US VPN server and all smooth with the radio. Back home at 3BB fiber the Helsinki test gives down/up of 9/61 (inverse again). Quite meager and much worse than yesterday. I can not draw a clear conclusion from all that. No updated news about the cable (SEA-ME-WE5). "end of may" was expected.
  22. And the significant price difference that existed for some time recently seems gone/shortlived (now 38.15 vs 38.55). Subsidies cut?
  23. It is peak hour for internet use now (18:30 Thai time) and voila! The speed test to Helsinki that gave 86/63 in the early afternoon now gives: 16/64 Not catastrophic but with the often reported anomaly of download being slower than upload. AND: some youtube video stuck right now. Time to VPN.
  24. Thanks for that. Just bought a new Toyota car and they strongly advised against E20. Suprised me as I have driven about 140 tkm on E20 with old Mazda 2. Old Honda scooter allows only E10 according to the filler cap sign.
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