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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Last transfer to Bangkok Bank was Nov 1 early morning. Arrived in the afternoon same day. In four years or do there were not more than 2 anomalies/delay. I transfer Euro from the WISE account. Transferring from German bank to WISE is a different story. Friday to Monday... At least one working day. Have you seen when the money arrived at WISE?
  2. As the name was carefully wiped from the photo I refrain from naming.
  3. Soi 13/1 to be precise. https://maps.app.goo.gl/7Qj2YcnAvUdj5v718 Some "Scandinavian" bar with room to rent.
  4. In other words: wonderful weather and no monsoon in sight.
  5. Your ignorance is hard to beat. Some unrelated comments about delivery riders and repeating the nonsense about the girls riding wrong way. THEY WERE NOT! Post above yours too much to read?
  6. And it's a divided(!) highway (3215). So all lanes in the photo go one direction. Bet this drunk scum turned into the road wrong way and the poor kids were the unlucky first. Otherwise it could have been a truck to truck collision. 119 mg (1.19 per mille). There is absolutely no need to blame the victims!
  7. Topic should be in the Thai visa forum and have a meaningful headline like: extension of stay in Bangkok for disabled person
  8. So funny, Full name but no nationality. Google indicates: 99% Brazilian.
  9. "CAAT", "AEROTHAI" Not the #1 sources of interest and not the responsible agencies for weather reports.
  10. From another news post yesterday: "winter" will begin on the third week of October and last until end of February Winter is always the best time for me. And the weather was not that bad in all regions. Floods mainly in the north. Phuket hit hard.
  11. Intense monsoon rains currently?? Chaos? At Bangkok airports? Where and when? There has been intense rain and there are flooded areas. But currently and for the coming days there is little to no rain in the forecast except for some in the south.
  12. Build race tracks through populated areas and you will have races.
  13. I am always puzzled when another "earth like" planet is discovered only a few light years away and makes a headline. Do they want to make people believe we can move there?? One light year is about 9.46 trillion km (9460 billion km). Voyager 1 traveled 24.5 billion km since 1977 (47 years). Voyager 2 is expected to "pass by" at a "nearby" star in about 44000 years.
  14. Better invest energy and money in improving life on this planet and forget about the pipe dreams of Musk et. al. I was a bit shocked that even cheered up Hawkings had propagated the useless resettle on Mars fantasy. So mankind is supposed to move to a freezing dust planet? Cross your fingers that the excessive population growth comes to a stop before all resources are used up. It's strange how little attention this - in my opinion - number one problem gets.
  15. No she didn't ask for the source. I had photocopies with me. Could she see the files from last year with certificate from consulate? Don't think so. But when asking about the procedure last year a male officer said that I might be asked for some proof of income. Game of luck. As I send on my own and have some savings back "home" the amounts differed more than usual (66k to almost 90k in April/May). Sometimes less, sometimes more than the pensions make up. No questions asked.
  16. Yesterday (Oct 2nd, 2024) I did my one year extension (retirement) at KK office. Due date Oct 30th, 2024. For the first time I used the 12 monthly deposit method. Last year I was assured that you can use it whatever nationality you are even if you could get an income certificate from your consulate. So I did transfer religiously every month since Sep 2023 using WISE with varying amounts > 65k. On Aug 30th I ordered a one year statement at Bangkok Bank (200 Baht, wait for 5 working days!). Last entry for Aug 29th. On Oct 1st early morning I did transfer for October, arrived in the afternoon. On Oct 2nd (yesterday) early morning I transferred a small amount from another Thai account to make sure the book update shows something meaningful. Then driving to bank, waiting for a almost an hour(!). Had book update done, account letter/certificate (100 Baht). Then ask for statement from Aug 30th to Oct 1st (100 Baht) and issued on the spot. (make sure you specify exact date range, they can do but some don't ask properly) Statements were in English and show "FOREIGN T/T". Then rush to KK immi (84 km from the bank), arrived at 11 AM, out and done at 11:20. That was the short version Besides the financial stuff I had the usual: passport plus copies since last entry/border run TM7 form plus photo the two "acknowledge" forms (downloaded from immi website) That was all, no asking for yellow book, TM30 or the like (I live more than 12 years at the same address), no copies of the statements. Had overlooked only one stamp in the passport, 5 Baht copy, new low. After "checkpoint" I was immediately sent to the counter, no wait, very quiet. The female officer patiently went through the quite long statements, underlined each foreign transfer. She was not the talkative type and seems I was prepared enough for "no questions". She just stapled all together and walked over to the other room for the boss signature. Came back with stamped passport. Paid 1900, returning 100 was a bit "slow". Be aware: this is KK, not Jomtien, not Chaeng Wattana. Experience can vary. I have already seen that some offices don't want to wade through the statements and want some 12 foreign transfers document. Anybody knows how it is called in English/Thai? I did this route because my pensions are sufficient and why "freeze" 800k. Also check whether I can spare me the consulate visit, all "local". Still not sure whether next year I will do it again (get me consulate certificate?). Sending money at the worst possible rate if there is no urge? For the last transfer I just sent enough (66k) to reduce the pain.
  17. Sounds like lost in translation. As far as I know all letter mail is sent by air. So the term airmail and sticker might have vanished. When I sent a letter to Germany I request registered mail ("long tabien"). I can then track it and see Suvarnabhumi and Frankfurt. Mail from pension office was 8 days in July. Letters to Germany almost always held up for days at Frankfurt customs. The collecting/storing at the post office here is indeed possible. I received the pension letter on July 2nd while a friend in Jomtien still waiting at the end of the month. Told him to go and ask at his post office. But as he doesn't listen to anything I gave up.
  18. It's a civil servant uniform like teachers and administrative officers wear. The higher the rank the more the bling bling and the more golden. If you find it disgusting, get used to it, it's Thailand. They love uniforms, badges, stars and stripes and whatever.
  19. It's not the conversion to LPG that you might think of. It's the often seen NGV (natural gas) conversion. The cylinders have a pressure of more than 200 bar (2900 psi). Many big trucks drive with a staple of these. One time in the video there is a bang like an explosion probably from one of these cylinders.
  20. Logon to Bangkok Bank website idle wait since more than a minute. When will it timeout? Good that I always have my pile of notes. Seems like logon site for KBank does not come up at all. App still comes up though. It's a game of luck. Now I see both sites again.
  21. Better don't expect online payments/transactions to work tonight after 11 PM to about 2 PM or 3 PM. Another well know overload glitch. Now I hope that I get my statement from Bangkok Bank tomorrow. Otherwise I can postpone the visit to immigration.
  22. Needed to read again, Indeed! Kasikorn and Krungthat greyed out (Unavailable) in the icons from the transfer option. Bangkok Bank can be selected though. As the stupid SCB app does not allow screenshot I can not show. My guess: look at the date, think about the billions thrown out from the 10k donation. Simply overloaded? From Bangkok Bank: Kasikorn unavailable "The transaction cannot be processed with this bank currently Try again later." The apps of the BKB, SCB and Kbank start normally and show balance. I didn't go further. Try again 4 AM
  23. It's website specific. I have a script blocker and I am aware to either unlock on FF or use Chrome (with no add-ons) if a site makes a problem. Websites also get tougher and tougher to detect ad-blockers and refuse to work, Typical other problems are pop ups being blocked (people often experience that problem when trying to use 90 day online report).
  24. Do you have any add-ons/script- or adblockers installed on FF?
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