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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Detain the parents/guardians and stuff them to a re-education camp. All the typical recipes for disaster here. Teens on motorbikes, late night, stalled motorbike on the fast lane and an ambitious BMW racer. Working tail lights at the motorbikes?
  2. And Pattaya is NOT a cure for depression but exactly the opposite.
  3. I often think about the ones they may have left behind.
  4. Of course. I refrained from making a joke about hiding the name. Thai style reporting. Not sure where he landed. Near beach Rd entrance. Could easily have killed a passer by. Picture from Thaiger.
  5. deleted "this morning"? Not even khaosod gives a time when this happened. Just a photo of the aftermath from 2:54 AM
  6. Another day, another dead (foreign) motorcyclist. A case among many like 30 to 50 a day in the country. Lost control when trying to overtake. That leaves a lot of room for speculation.
  7. You say it. I checked an example with a 3 month passport at: https://www.iatatravelcentre.com And no problem shown. I deleted my post as I saw the overwhelming 6 month parole by so many foreign offices etc.
  8. deleted What does it help when the airline system (TIMATIC, IATA) says OK with less then 6 months while misc home country government systems insist on 6 months.
  9. Completely normal. The #1 sex organ is the brain/the mood. Those pills do nothing if the mood is bad, sex drive missing.
  10. Not so sure whether all pharmacies would sell an Indian generic like Kamagra. Since the Viagra patent has expired the Thai pharmaceutical organization (GPO) produces "Sidegra" in 50 and 100 mg variations.
  11. One simple thing to start with: when you get the card, note/picture and store away safely the CVV. Then scratch it off carefully. Never needed for physical card use "only" online. Noone except you needs to see and use the number. It's not stored on the chip. None of my cards has a CVV readable. And there lies the danger: someone having full debit card Nr plus CVV might go shopping in the internet.
  12. Yes in a way that it is published in the Royal Gazette which has not happened so far. And the PRD (public relation departement) uses a vague statement in an article from May 30: Visa Facilitation Measures to Stimulate Thailand’s Economy and Tourism
  13. You know that this is a Thai public holiday and all Thai consulates etc will be closed on this day. Of course a border run (out/in) is no problem.
  14. Our friends at the wheel of big trucks. Recently had to do a hard break as such mental patient cut out about 50 meters away on the highway. He did that at the beginning up of a slope to overtake a trailer truck. Absolute major cause for deadly accidents. We have a MAKRO(!) which can only be reached from the east by using a fairly narrow U-turn. Some months ago at nighttime a motorist died when a truck started the U-turn. Full impact. One of them sleepy? The U-turn is so narrow that long trailers have to turn from the fast lane instead of the U-turn lane. In Pattaya on Sukhumvit they closed down some U-turns after many bike riders died. If I am forced to ride there I use a detour to the next intersection with traffic lights anyway.
  15. Now waiting for the first picture of a 60 day exempt stamp under this rule.
  16. I give the whole mechanism a good shower with penetrating oil 😁 Cheap at DIY shop.
  17. Worth a try with the capacitor. But usually capacitors fail slowly with the fan speed going down. If the fan has proper speed between the outages it might the archaic "radio buttons" (0 1 2 3). There are spare parts but more difficult to change. If you nudge the blades by hand, do they turn easy/freely?
  18. I don't dispute that but the poster is on his first Thailand holiday and the country has more to offer than a megacity. But who knows, tastes differ. Lived 40 years in a crowded city and got enough.
  19. Will you come at this time of year? Important to know for advise on itinerary.
  20. And Bangkok for two weeks for an elderly? (I am 67). I would die in this jaggernaut of noise, pollution, heat, crowds ... Walking with a stick in the burning heat? It's good for three nights (highlights of temples and palaces) or so and with adequate transportation. Terminal 21(s) bores me to hell. They are everywhere. Food, food, food, 2 hours and out. Of course there are malls worth seeing like Siam Paragon or the vulgar Central Embassy mall (porters wearing white gloves at the glass doors of the luxury brand shops, waiting room for the drivers of the high end cars in the garage). Haven't been to the latest superhype IconSiam. Best places to understand the extreme gap between rich and poor in the country. Please rethink! First holiday in Thailand and sitting in Bangkok for two weeks!!!
  21. That's what I do. I never use it for some kind of "instant" transfer. For me it's important that it is labelled as foreign transfer in the book/statements. Initiated transfer today (Friday) and it will arrive Tuesday. ? Thought for a moment to realize that Monday is a public holiday.
  22. Got a package from the US (vitamins/supplements). Total cost incl shipment 76.88 USD. Thai customs opened it, valued it 2800 Baht. Duty 140 VAT 206 Fee 20 Paid 366 Baht. Total about 13%. Still magnitudes cheaper than paying the inflated prices here.
  23. Some still prefer the described routine in their small condos over staying for winter in their home country. And if they can't afford a big comfy condo, what do you think would their life be "at home"? Like this?
  24. Just reread that Bangkok Bank gives very precise time frames (11:00 to 11:15, 2:30 to 3:30).
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