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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. This is the approval for tax refund for 2015 (approved 22 Feb 2016) Had to pixelate heavily (click to see full size)
  2. Just went over my documents. Since 2013 I have a "yellow book" and "pink card". ID starting with "6" as usual for foreigners without permanent residency. In 2015 and 2016 I applied for refund of tax on interest. Both approved and paid via check. The corresponding letters both refer to my ID (6*). The only other number on the letters is the check number. Same for my wife, Thai national ID.
  3. In other news: in an outrageous act this morning a morally depraved neighbour dog stole the daughters left shoe. A broom and short chase managed to recover the robbed shoe.
  4. You still have some sample of the meds? I would just take it to one the major pharmacies in Pattaya. Mostly recommended is Fascino. Main branch on North Pattaya Rd. opposite Lotus towards Sukhumvit. Other branch on Central Rd. opposite Soi Buakhao T-junction. (can give precise location if desired). If you want qualified answer about availability/OTC in the forum you better post in the health forum.
  5. Yes rules have changed. And didn't they also want to charge for values less than 1500 Baht? I regularly order supplements from iHerb. They have stopped using postal packages but go through Flash Express which handles the import. Stuff delivered to the door without any extra payments. Yesterday (24th) package from the US arrived, ordered on the 20th! Free delivery for > 40 USD. Disadvantage: only three items per shipment.
  6. After studying useful information from the thread. As a "non US" I obviously have to supply ONLY the FATCA self declaration with the "No"s. No W8*, no W9*. Will visit the local branch anyway.
  7. Just stumbled upon an up-to-date page on their main website with downloads of the respecting forms: https://www.kasikornbank.com/en/Download/pages/result.aspx?type=70&group=1
  8. That is it (some editing done in the meantime). Now wait for the posters saying that the website is a scam
  9. This morning I looked into the details of the forms. FATCA-CRS FORM_INDIVIDUAL For me (non US) it's basically just ticking countless "No", filling name, passport number and signing. Form W-8BEN This is meant for non US and quite a headache to understand. Will have to digest longer "Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Individuals)" ??? Form W-9 For US only. Won't touch or send. Same to me. And as written these accounts (Bangkok Bank, SCB) have been opened years later than the Kbank and I am sure that I had signed some "non US" form. So I can only speculate that at Kbank this declaration of "non US" is missing. If you don't supply the declaration the account will be closed. That's what the fine print says. If it gets to much hassle I will let it happen.
  10. Yes true as I wrote from the very beginning. After more than 30 years of dealing with emails I know what to check. Would be helpful if posters could refrain from scam/malware discussion. Handling of data/security is indeed doubtful. I will visit the local branch first (the branch where I opened in 2009 is a 540 km drive).
  11. Yes and not a surprise to me as I had to sign forms confirming that I am not a US citizen, no US phone number/adress etc.pp. when opening bank account at Bangkok Bank. Enough for today...
  12. If that was not clear: I am in no way related to the US. I live in Thailand since 2011. Have no address / residence in Switzerland (citizen) nor Germany where my pensions come from. Have a German bank account and the bank treats me as a non tax resident.
  13. That's a plausible advice. Also what is a "true certified copy of passport" via email? But I will try what others did: getting a TIN at the revenue department. I already had an interest tax refund in 2013 but not sure whether I have a valid TIN.
  14. Does this look a scam? First few lines of the FACTA stuff.
  15. Not the slightest indication of a scam. And the attached forms are no joke believe me! Title of the forms: 1.1 FATCA-CRS FORM_INDIVIDUAL.pdf 1.2 Form W-9.pdf 1.3 Form W-8BEN.pdf It will be interesting to learn whether all Kbank customer get this or only "very old" customers. Account opened in 2009. Can't remember whether I had to sign the usual "non US" confirmation" which was part of account opening at Bangkok Bank and SCB.
  16. Got it 20:04 (8:04 PM). And it's obviously not a scam. Tax topics come close. What a time to send such email. They want to spoil my weekend.
  17. Some of the responsible politicians that ruled in Germany belong behind bars (acting against the advice of their experts and organizations). Instead they will soon enjoy their lush pensions after the current incompetent government is dissolved.
  18. Always been billed with the 1.2 rate. And that has steps of 1 to 150, 151 to 400, above 401 kWh. Average price overall is about 4.6 Baht/kWh (using near 400 kWh). 500 Baht would be roughly 100 kWh or 100'000 Wh. A fan typically is 50 W. 100'000/50 = 2000 hours running fan would equate to 2000/30 = 66 hours/day
  19. Yes from my observation. Neighbor opposite having a 85 Baht bill which is much less than 50 units. Our abandoned ex shophouse with fridge and occasional fan/radio use produces 1xx Baht bills. Never seen before.
  20. Bloody U-turns claim lives again and again. Bus in the dark standing on the lane.
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