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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. This can't be "stopped". How mentally confused can one be! Slowed down at best for a very high price.
  2. Just stumbled upon this thread and at first sight I was surprised that this type of lock seems to have spread. Over the years I have rarely seen them. We have them but imported on our move over 10 years ago. In the neighborhood you will only find the symmetric/knob/round type of locks (don't know the right term). But I see also that a hardware shop like Thaiwatsadu has your type of lock (at least look alike). There is no other way than taking all necessary measurements and go shopping. Don't forget that you have to buy for right or left attached door respectively. Can not simply be reversed like at the usual round locks here. Example from Thaiwatsadu:
  3. You have to improve your common sense. They know very well. And if they get caught neglecting it they will get a hefty punishment aside from taking you back at any price. RT-PCR tests are a burden and expensive. But you have no choice except staying home.
  4. The times of the big beer bar complexes are over. Even long before Covid I wondered how they can survive. Soi Made in Thailand bulldozed. Drinking street seems to be the next. How can a dead place like "Action Street" on Soi Buakhao survive? Is it money laundering? Walking street will go through change, like it or not. Far from dead.
  5. At the other event in Bangkok (also on video) he claims to have served as a "Royal Guard" for 18 years (and controlling all of the east ... bla bla). >If< this claim is fake he could be prosecuted under 112 and been locked up for years. Even it it's true there is room for interpretation by a judge (trying to take illegible advantage).
  6. International long haul travel, one of the riskiest activities related to Covid infections.
  7. Even if the card works: you do not seriously want to depend on one single piece of plastic when travelling overseas! What could possibly go wrong?
  8. South pole stations unfortunately have infections already. Flee Pattaya not Thailand.
  9. Quite sure. About 2012 a mate went to Kasikorn with his age old "Thai Farmers Bank" book and his account was not finally terminated. He got his new Kasikorn bank book. And as you had 10k in the account the annual fee could not have emptied the account.
  10. KhunBENQ

    Nit Vespa

    Their Facebook page shows a new/changed location. https://www.facebook.com/Nitvespa/ Click the maps link in the pinned post from Oct 2021. This is an unedited Google translate from the post: https://goo.gl/maps/xB1CV73Ts1USD4pz6
  11. Lucky boy. On the major highways like our #12 I see them quite regularly (parked at their stations ). We have one station in the district town and one is about halfway to Khon Kaen. AND: these speed tickets are usually issued based on video observation. No need to see a vehicle. Sent by postal mail. All cams on major highways are operated by them.
  12. Visiting KTB can be a PITA and the real punishment The often crowded "state bank". Look for the correct queue number (teller, not desk).
  13. About the one and only highway ticket I got: you can not pay at the local police station you can pay (cash) at the counter at Krungthai Bank (only!), 20 Baht fee (not at other banks) I can't comment on the other methods. Thai Post seems to work from what other posters write. This "PTM" thing if it exists: I could not find an English language menu at an (Krungthai) ATM. I doubt it can be used by foreigners at all.
  14. So did I after learning from another thread here. That's the way to go. If you can't do on your own you need to find someone who knows his job. No Google at all? Good luck going without Playstore. DON'T root! Endless potential threats and certain apps will simply refuse to work on a rooted phone (some banking apps e.g.).
  15. Maybe not the exact same situation but there have been posts a while ago saying that they were advised by their banks that they could not receive more than 50000 Baht with one transfer. Some loss in translation possible as no one expects that bank to bank transfers (SWIFT e.g.) will be affected.
  16. Next question: what other limits could exist? (per week, month?). 1000 GBP transfer would cost 5.37 2000 GBP transfer would cost 9.94 For this example not too big a loss if doing two transfers.
  17. Bought these at BOOTS (not Watsons as written elsewhere), five for 489. I did four tests in the last three days after starting to cough/having aching throat before traveling home (no other symptoms). All negative, so "hopefully" it's only an ordinary cold (as pools in Pattaya ). Instructions in Thai language? Don't bother, they all work the same. The Roche kit is somewhat more convenient, liquid already in the tube and having a tube stand. But sure not worth a multiple price. Others tests have a glass like ampoule with the test liquid that you have to break open and fill to the tube.
  18. Unlikely. Flying TO Bangkok was exempted from any restrictions/proof of vaccine certificate/test since long. Lock up people in Phuket as in the past? A nightmare.
  19. Exactly! By chance I came upon a discussion with an agent in Soi (withhold). "You need a Bangkok Bank account" otherwise difficult/more expensive. "We will go with you for opening account, no problem". "All I need is your passport and the money ("fee")". The friend whom I asked for didn't care and did his retirement extension based on Non O-A with another agent. Using his Kasikorn account as usual. That was in December. The required insurance for Non O-A was the "creative part" that the agent handled (he is now 80 years old).
  20. And at Suvarnabhumi there is an ATK test station outside the arrival level. I don't know any details. Flying domestic required nothing on all three routes (KKC - HKT, HKT - BKK, BKK - KKC).
  21. From my observation: they offer these free ATK tests at some hotspots starting at 5 PM. Queues can be long or not. You get a queue ticket with your name and telephone nr. written on. Test cartridge is labeled with your ticket nr. After test you can take a picture of your ID/passport + cartridge and ticket. It that is not enough, what else. I attended such free tests two time and what made me cautious: multiple positive near by called to the desk. Good chance to be infected. A properly documented ATK test at a lab on 3rd rd. would be 690 Baht valid for 72 hrs.
  22. Wow, that now is an explanation why some posters reported this problem and others (like me) do not have a problem. Have three accounts at exactly these three. What seems unclear to me: does it effect only services like WISE?
  23. Department Of Provincial Administration Under control of the interior ministry like the provincial governors except Bangkok. I was in Pattaya a few days and found it so amazing how many different uniformed pompous you see. And what is Pattaya "Special Affairs" seen on pickups? Add MOPH to the collection: Ministry of Public Health.
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