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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Above Eleven, sure not above all. Always some concrete disturbing. June 2018
  2. My only rooftop experience is "Above Eleven" (Soi 11). And that was a wish from a friend visiting from Germany. Was nice and from I what I read less expensive than others. A friend from Jomtien could not resist to take his wife to Lebua Sky Bar. He would never tell me what he paid for a coke
  3. The price IS regulated: https://www.globaltradealert.org/intervention/112034/price-stabilisation/thailand-government-increased-the-price-of-raw-milk I may be wrong that the price has increased to 95 Baht last year for 2 liter Meji. And name me another product that hasn't risen in over 10 years.
  4. Unlikely. One of the products unchanged at 91/91.5 for 2 liter Meji since I am here (2011). Was it just rumor that there is some control/limits on the price of milk?
  5. I remember periods of shortage. The first was simply from the 2011 floods. Transport hindered. For other periods I can't tell the reason. Granddaughter brought a 2l Meji full fat yesterday. Will use it thrifty ????
  6. That is an interesting question. Assume: there is NO law controlling weed. Simply removed from a drugs list. Where there is no law, there is no prohibition.
  7. Mini bus circles around. Can easily add an hour to the trip. Drivers are not able to read hotel names in English. Dispatcher writes phonemic Thai on a sheet. Went quite wrong for me. Bus turning in to Royal Cliff at one case ????
  8. The lorry driver parked there to have a rest. So can I assume that he parked unlit blocking left lane? I drove this road last week but I would never be on the way at 5:30 AM. Pickup driver coming from Chonburi after a night ride. Dozed off? So extra dangerous.
  9. Hope you can overcome it ????
  10. As answered in the other thread: both days Aug 1st and 2nd will have official alcohol ban. Nationwide of course. As far as I know all places with alcohol license will have to close/shutters down. Not sure about possible loopholes.
  11. For Thai people it's not news. Same procedure... And I just looked at my Thai wall calendar. Both in deep red.
  12. Both days Aug 1st and 2nd will have alcohol ban. Thanks to the outgoing government all Bhuddist holidays are.
  13. At the time of report still in coma. After seeing the picture I was surprised he survived the crash at all. Follow up? Guess no.
  14. From the reports. Seems a couple of businessmen got to know Olaf involuntary. As other mafia gangsters he and his gang made money by "protection rackets", extortion, scams/fraud/trickery and the like. This Petra was a notorious scam/fraud gangster ever since when still in Germany. She had been sued multiple times for unpaid bills and theft but notoriously overloaded justice/law enforcement let it slip.
  15. I have Bangkok Bank, SCB and KBank. The only bank that has it ready for me is Bangkok Bank. Was at SCB some weeks ago and they were not prepared. KBank, check just now and if I select the facial recogniton it still says for Thai customers only. Facial recognition with Bangkok Bank is a burden. Works or doesn't work, try again and again and once I was successful. Instructions on screen what grimace to do while on cam. So small I can't read, if I put on glasses it will not work of course
  16. Can you explain how that should work? For the banking apps, the payee has to generate a QR with the amount and details of payee. This QR code is then scanned with the banking app. Definitely not done at 7/11. Exactly opposite at 7/11: you generate a QR code on your device/app which then is scanned by the 7/11 clerk. Your QR code basically says this is my "account"/"wallet". After 7/11 clerk has scanned the QR you confirm (from what I observe, not from own experience).
  17. All I know is that they accept "True Money Wallet" as a QR code? Seems they now care to explain it in English: https://www.truemoney.com/foreigner/
  18. Because the #1 billionaire clan doesn't want to share a Baht with other businesses, All under one roof. You might remember when years ago they threw out 12call/AIS the last remaining rival in mobile business. No more topup at 7/11.
  19. Another attempt before giving up. It's NOT a Windows setting (language, region, date/time, ....)! It's NOT a Chrome Setting! It's a laughable Google search setting stored in a Cookie! Can be completely independent of the Windows settings.
  20. The only reason to use ID card and border pass instead of passport might be avoiding stamps in the passport when traveling frequently? And I guess the majority of Thais doing one day visits to Laos don't have a passport (costs money and effort). For occasional/single visit she should just use passport.
  21. Death penalty still imposed but executions suspended since long. Interrupted by one single case in June 2018. Quite randomly picked young robber and murderer (over an iPhone!).
  22. I hope I found it... I had the same annoyance with Buddhist calendar (2566) instead of western AD (2023). Deeply hidden, open this link: https://www.google.com/preferences Then scroll down and see the "Regional Settings" for the search. (I see it in German language at the moment so won't hardcopy) What is the setting at your Chrome browser? "Current Region"? Play with the setting and look whether it helps. Restart browser (not sure whether necessary). No chance with Windows settings!
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