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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. A "few pills" without prescription, no original package and Tramadol? I would sh.t my pants.
  2. Having a local bank account is king. Paid my 6 digit hospital bill by bank transfer at the cashier. (scanning their QR code to get account details, enter amount, confirm) For most of the one to four digit Baht payments at checkout I still prefer cash.
  3. Can't help. Logged in to the Android app with fingerprint. No problem. Logged in to the website (email, PW), confirming login on the app (2FA), no problem. All from Thailand. I don't remember the details when the two factor authorization (confirm on mobile) came into effect. Sounds like you can login with just email and pw? From where are you trying to login, what currency you send?
  4. For me it was too late for other options. Size 119, PSA 20. Other options are usually limited to size 80. I am fortunate enough that no cancer was found. Can't say too much about sex life yet, not too much in the mood while still fighting with urinary infection, taking antibiotics and still limit activities (no bicycle, no motorbike). But yes, willy still works somehow and climax is reached (better or worse, too early to tell). So sure you know you are finished. But of course you and your partner have getting used to the fact that all remains dry.
  5. Land border yes. Airport no. The "letter" with the new passport. More and more consulates have abolished and will not provide. Recently I got note from Swiss consulate and that they had informed Thai officials/immigration that they do not provide such letters.
  6. 4 km, what a joke. Some remote areas have a mom&pop shop at best in this range. How will the system check distances and allow/disallow use? How will the payment/transfer work, every noodle stall needs an electronic terminal with GPS?? The thing is a complete pipe-dream and by no means thought out well. And exactly TOPS, Foodland, Central, 7/11 etc.etc. should NOT profit from this!
  7. In contrast to overruling election results shutting down FB, Insta, TikTok etc. WOULD lead to uprising and riots ????
  8. With Tamsulosine you would have retrograde already. My experience. I had TURP almost 4 weeks weeks ago and retrograde. All bone dry. 66 yr and no plan to plant any brats. So for me just a very minor concern.
  9. Quite confusing thread/title. As I understand it's about using an AIS SIM in the UK? So the title misleads to thinking about AIS coverage in Thailand while it is about a roaming problem? (O2)
  10. He would have died much earlier up here where speed bumps are close to invisible particularly at night. Even during the day some speeding courier pickups fly up and throw the load.
  11. Finally hard measures against the criminals in Phuket and elsewhere ???? That such trivia can make it to the news. Unbelievable.
  12. As written above. Since years I send EUR to Bangkok Bank account with WISE. I specify it for long term stay in Thailand. Always comes as FTT with no exception. Can take until next afternoon for the money being in account. (if sent early morning it will be same afternoon)
  13. Often seen that it works fine. Cops starting cleanup just after 11 AM.
  14. And what the heck is new here?? Is the zone extended? Odd/even day on south Pattaya Rd between 3rd and 2nd Rd exists since years. Starting 11 AM until ? In the beginning the signs were in Thai language only. Nice money maker ????
  15. Good to read from first hand. I sometimes stumble upon videos showing sidewalks or greens filled with tents and shacks of homeless people in misc US cities. Fentanyl zombies staggering. Horrible. It's ages (mid 90s) that I was in California and the world looked different.
  16. Easy said. Rely on one piece of plastic? Not for me. Always have alternatives and enough cash for at least a week.
  17. Better. But I switched to use cardless withdrawal using mobile banking whenever possible.
  18. The rain did a wide circle around Khon Kaen so far Some very short sprinkle helping nothing.
  19. How is the flooding in Phuket ???? Just read the latest weather warning for north/northeast...
  20. The murderer is her Turkish ex boyfriend and business partner. She lived in constant fear of him after she wanted to separate. The Ex didn't want to accept the separation and insisted on another meeting. She was accompanied by another man who stood in the distance and could not intervene in time. The Ex has likely fled to Turkey. (source is a Berlin tabloid)
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