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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. My life certificate is on the way to Germany. Sent as registered mail (not EMS). 250 Baht (pre COVID it was some 8x Baht). From the tracking you can guess that it now sits idle at the notoriously slow Frankfurt customs check. Once took 6 days.
  2. That has not been diagnosed in full. As a pessimist I fear for cancer. 143 ml is obviously very big and why? Next week looking in Khon Kaen.
  3. And no incontinence afterwards? Of course it will be up to the professional to decide, but I also think better remove the whole growth?
  4. Long lasting and relied on medication. Inherited from father who lived with catheter through the abdominal wall.
  5. No other option: was at Bangkok Hospital Pattaya today and the news were clear and shocking.
  6. I have no other option than TURP or complete removal. Did anyone have TURP done in KK or Udon? Where, who, price, outcome? I would prefer to have it close. Have it done somewhere distant would make some extra effort. Wife and "driver" with me.
  7. You expect too much in geography I have given up when even many news stories are misplaced.
  8. All I remember is that I scanned the QR code on the letter for the Digital Proof of Life with the POSTIDENT app on the smartphone. POSTIDENT app has a little QR code symbol right to the transaction number field. Click on that. It's well described in the letter? Before a snail mail letter has reached the German office you can still try the online ident.
  9. Indeed! They wanted to avoid finding too many open. My local barber never cuts hair on Wednesday, bad luck.
  10. German state pension rules out any email/FAX stuff. My company pension handled through a law firm is easy on that. Email attachment is OK. It was voided during Covid but now back to full throttle. A proper video ID system is the way to go. Some banks/fintechs already do it like that.
  11. Did it last year with a non German passport and it took three attempts but worked in the end. Another mate yesterday did it with German passport on first attempt. Of course you need a mobile and "PostIdent" app installed. QR code will lead to the transaction. As I have another business to do this year I will visit German consulate in Pattaya.
  12. Unidentified. No need to carry a license and some ID with him.
  13. For morning appeal under the flag poles and singing an anthem. That was it worth
  14. Funny enough a strong downpour has just started. Rain water barrel will fill quickly. That follows the other thread warning of heavy rains ????
  15. "unsuspecting" ???? 2011 worst flood disaster in decades. English is not my first language and sometimes I'd better look up the dictionary.
  16. And it doesn't show any error message or the like? Just does nothing? Be aware that a successful registration is only possible if you are connected via mobile data (Thai provider) during the process. WiFi does not work.
  17. Brain failure as usual. It's only 300 m so why waste time with securing the load. And if so why should I drive extremely slow and careful so that there is no need to break for a curve!!? Idiot driver/company responsibles.
  18. I arrived in 2011 (worst year in decades) and unknowingly drove to Pattaya in September. Almost ruined my brand new car. Water around the ankles IN the car.
  19. Without a knee deep flooded Soi Buakhao there is nothing to be called rain ????
  20. Some scattered rainstorms don't make a rainy season. We live 80 km west and total rain is not overwhelming. Reservoirs closed, irrigation channels dry.
  21. Better invest in a ton of dynamite to blow up the ruin that ruins the view.
  22. That's what I get when trying on the mobile. Online only available during "service hours". Are they serious? Offline for independence day?
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