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Trump ends 'Dreamer' immigration programme, places onus on Congress


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And if Congress waited for the Supreme Court to decide? Wouldn't that force them to act? That is, of course, if the Supreme Court decides it is unconstitutional. If it doesn't, how will that make Trump look?

It's pretty clear he doesn't care how he looks. If the supreme court doesn't rule this unconstitutional, then there's no point in having a legislature. Just let the president legislate, because that's exactly what Obama did.

I suspect a lot of the people that support this executive action would have a big problem with some of the executive actions Trump might come up with.
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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Don't hod your breath.

Vegas odds have Trump in office his full 8 years.:smile:


Vegas bookmakers have been wrong alot lately. I think they also had Clinton for president. I would not consider them to be a bellwether of any sort. As a matter of fact, I would bet against them. They get it wrong often:


“That pretty much describes the last eight months or so,” Jay Kornegay, who runs the Las Vegas Superbook as vice president of race and sports for Westgate Las Vegas, tells sister site Covers.

“It’s been a tough run. We know it can be streaky at times, but it just kind of feels like on this side of the counter, we’ve been on the challenging side.

“The big games are going against us: NFL playoffs, Clemson beating Alabama, the Super Bowl. For the Super Bowl, a lot of books were balanced going in, but by the third quarter, all that in-game wagering on the Patriots to make a comeback went against us.”


“The last three weeks have been terrible,” Nick Bogdanovich, director of trading for William Hill US, which is based in Vegas and operates more than 100 books across Nevada, tells Covers. “The thing is, when the public bettors get on a run, they have a little more money to bet, and they get a little more dangerous. So if you get a prolonged run, you tend to notice the hits more.”

Jeff Stoneback, director of trading for MGM Resorts books in Las Vegas, said his shops – including home base at The Mirage on the Strip – have several big casino players taking the favorite and the Over on every game. And he cited one player – not a sharp bettor, but a big player – as an all-too-regular winner.

“I’ve got a guy who comes in for every NBA playoff game, betting $10,000 to $25,000 on favorites and Overs. So sometimes that’s $50,000 a night,” Stoneback tells Covers. “He has not bet one underdog at all, and it’s straight bets, not parlays. But all the parlays have been hitting too, and those add up.”


Bogdanovich said 2017 as a whole has generally been a boon for the squares and a bust for the books. Like Kornegay, he noted the NFL playoffs were a big loser in January, as was Clemson’s victory over Alabama in the College Football Playoff title game. Clemson was an underdog in that game, but everybody was on the Tigers in the championship rematch. The Patriots’ miraculous comeback for a 34-28 Super Bowl victory soiled William Hill’s ledger for February, as yet another favorite-and-over cashed.



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8 hours ago, darksidedog said:

I do not think it matters if Obama started this to win votes or if he thought it was the right thing to do. What matters is that people brought to America as kids, a decision in which they had no say, ( and given the laws on age of criminal responsibility didn't commit a crime by doing so),were offered the chance to come out of the woodwork on a road to being legal. Those who did have shown a respect for the law and in so doing are quite possibly better and more honest citizens than many native born. To pull the carpet from under them is a really low and reprehensible thing to do. Those young adults TRUSTED the Government, who now wants to use their honesty and desire to abide by the law as the tool to send them to a country they don't know, may well not speak the language of, and quite possibly have no friends or relatives.That is a very shitty and narrow minded, evil thing to do.

I believe congress has six months to address this problem and come up with an equitable solution to legalise those that wish to become US citizens. Let us see whether they have the competence to do their jobs, and if they do not, or will not, find a solution then where does the responsibility lie?  With your elected representatives, not with a President who wishes to implement the existing laws. These parasites ,who sometimes pretend to represent the people, now have to actually do something to benefit the people not their over inflated sense of importance



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I believe congress has six months to address this problem and come up with an equitable solution to legalise those that wish to become US citizens. Let us see whether they have the competence to do their jobs, and if they do not, or will not, find a solution then where does the responsibility lie?  With your elected representatives, not with a President who wishes to implement the existing laws. These parasites ,who sometimes pretend to represent the people, now have to actually do something to benefit the people not their over inflated sense of importance

This is basically what it comes down to. It's up to Congress to deal with this. Not Obama and not Trump. Obama should've never issued the order in the first place.
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9 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

Interesting POV,  but I would counter that to follow the rule of law is of paramount importance. Once you start saying, well it's OK for this type of person to break the law but not for this type of person I'm afraid much bigger problems will arise.

You are correct. Pardoning of felonious racist sheriff ring any bells? 

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Trump Risks GOP Civil War in Pushing Congress for ‘Dreamer’ Bill


"President Donald Trump’s decision to end an Obama-era program preventing the deportation of immigrants illegally brought to the U.S. as children risks a deep wedge between the Republican Party’s leaders and its conservative base ahead of next year’s congressional elections."


"But Trump made his decision against the advice of senior Republican leaders like Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah,

who said in a statement that he called Trump last week to urge him to preserve the program."


"Nor did Trump consult much with business leaders or allies outside the White House,

according to five people familiar with the matter."



That's the inept one, blindly shooting from the hip. Again.

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8 hours ago, daboyz1 said:

Blame Obama. He's the one that circumvented congress. If he did it the right way, then there would be no issue.

So of course you are against 45's ban on transgender in the military, those "muslim bans", militarizing domestic police, or all of the other 50-ish exec orders 45has issued.

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9 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

If you stayed in Thailand illegal,you were found out.you will be in goal straight away a fine get a ticket out and banned.Amercia  should be just as tuff too. 

Yes so true and an excellent analogy. The huddled masses of the world have been beating a path to Thailand's shores for centuries because of its perceived position as leader of the free world and the bounty of opportunities here.

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Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg and top tech bosses slam Trump's latest immigration plans

to scrap DACA "dreamer" scheme


"Bosses of the world's top technology companies have once again spoken out against President Donald Trump, this time slamming his decision to scrap a scheme that lets young immigrants stay in the US where they grew up."


Microsoft's Satya Nadella

"Dreamers make our country & communities stronger. We stand for diversity and economic opportunity for everyone," he tweeted"


Google's Sundar Pichai

"Dreamers are our neighbors, our friends and our co-workers. This is their home. Congress needs to act now to #DefendDACA. #WithDreamers," he tweeted."




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8 hours ago, FreddieRoyle said:

 You fail to consider how proper "legal" immigrants feel about this saga. They jumped through multiple hoops and it took a huge effort to get legal residency or a passport, and yet there are people now saying all anybody must do is illegally cross the border and then we should give them a passport. I can't believe we are even having this argument. Obama was absolutely wrong to implement this scheme, and that it must end now is absolutely Obama's fault. Trump is merely trying to enforce the law.

 Understanding how this problem arose is crucial to avoid such a snafu occurring again.

Legal immigrants have been strongly on the side of the dreamers. They understand that these children had no choice in where they ended up and that humanity dictates caring for them.

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19 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Legal immigrants have been strongly on the side of the dreamers. They understand that these children had no choice in where they ended up and that humanity dictates caring for them.

No one asked me or my family who immigrated the painfully legal way. No, you're wrong to make such a statement.

Their parents knowingly put their kids in harms way. When will this insanity stop.


You want to legalize these 800,000, won't be long before you have double that.

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5 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

No one asked me or my family who immigrated the painfully legal way. No, you're wrong to make such a statement.

Their parents knowingly put their kids in harms way. When will this insanity stop.


You want to legalize these 800,000, won't be long before you have double that.

So maybe deport the parents if you can prove criminal intent of putting helpless children in harms way. Do NOT take out your bellicose attitude on the innocents.

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1 hour ago, John1012 said:

I believe congress has six months to address this problem and come up with an equitable solution to legalise those that wish to become US citizens. Let us see whether they have the competence to do their jobs, and if they do not, or will not, find a solution then where does the responsibility lie?  With your elected representatives, not with a President who wishes to implement the existing laws. These parasites ,who sometimes pretend to represent the people, now have to actually do something to benefit the people not their over inflated sense of importance



The republican base is also Trump's base, particularly those who tend to vote in primaries.


For republicans who so much as criticize him (such as Arizona's Jeff Flake who ever so mildly chastised him over his Charlottesville remarks) Trump has already warned that he will support their republican primary opponents. His surrogates have let it be known that repealing DACA and "sending the illegals back" was key campaign pledge. Will republican senators be willing to risk losing their seats to do the right thing? Have they ever shown that kind of courage?


With this vile move, Trump has essentially bet that he will be able to keep his vile promise without bloodying his hands. If, by some miracle, congress does the right thing, Trump will have an out with his deplorable base: "hey I tried"


Not only is he a heartless racist feeding others of his ilk, he is cowardly to boot.

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3 hours ago, iReason said:

Tim Cook, Mark Zuckerberg and top tech bosses slam Trump's latest immigration plans

to scrap DACA "dreamer" scheme


"Bosses of the world's top technology companies have once again spoken out against President Donald Trump, this time slamming his decision to scrap a scheme that lets young immigrants stay in the US where they grew up."


Microsoft's Satya Nadella

"Dreamers make our country & communities stronger. We stand for diversity and economic opportunity for everyone," he tweeted"


Google's Sundar Pichai

"Dreamers are our neighbors, our friends and our co-workers. This is their home. Congress needs to act now to #DefendDACA. #WithDreamers," he tweeted."




The best yet, from 

Brad Smith

Chief Legal Officer, Microsoft




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2 hours ago, attrayant said:
3 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

Their parents knowingly put their kids in harms way. When will this insanity stop.


So let's punish the kids for that?  Really?

"I don't care if the kids have to suffer for their parents' sins"


and then...


"why should * I * feel bad because my parents supported/allowed/didn't oppose Jim Crow"

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Killing DACA is bad economics.

Paul Krugman:

So this is a double blow to the U.S. economy; it will make everyone worse off. There is no upside whatever to this cruelty, unless you just want to have fewer people with brown skin and Hispanic surnames around. Which is, of course, what this is really all about.



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