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Pattaya tourism booming as TAT rep announces cunning plan for more success in 2018 - get more "hi-end" women to come

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Though I live in Pattaya, I very rarely go into the actual city itself (beach, bars, shopping etc). I go on with the family once a month or so - mostly for the baby injections. What I can say is this lady is talking a load of old shoe repairers if the numbers are up. From what I see on a monthly basis Pattaya is quiet. Very quiet. When I first came here on holidays in the early 2000's the place was booming - you could not walk down soi 7 or 8 without being accosted by some nice young lady, the girls and fellas drinking (like me) literally blocked the streets. Compared to then, Pattaya is a ghost town. Only growth I do see  -or did see - was the growth in the Dunkirk streams of Chinese wadding through the turd infested sea to their boat and back.  


As for high end women ? This silly moo will probably be saying they all want to visit the village of the 50% kid rapists next.

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I couldn't help but immediately think of Baldrick from Blackadder when I read about Pattaya TAT's cunning plan.  Baldrick's cunning plans seem to be more realistic than TAT's.




TAT (Hub of BS).....how do they keep their jobs!... by the look on the faces of the two people sitting next to the speaker.....it gives me an impression that they are thinking "Oh no here we go again I wish she would stop talking so much <deleted>"

4 hours ago, webfact said:

a scheme to get more "hi-end" women to come to Pattaya

Wait a sec! Isn't that called "human trafficking"?

Ah, I get it now. Since it's from TAT it's called "operation re-populate Pattaya".


There must be two Pattaya's as the one I was in last week was more like a ghost town compared to what it used to be like and the girls were complaining about the guy in charge ruining there business

2 hours ago, Thechook said:

Right on cue.  Had the guy from the Pattaya hotel association speak about how numbers are down and the trend has been happening for a couple of years.  He actually made a lot of sense.  Now along comes TAT with their nonsensical rebuttal how tourism is scaling new heights and will continue to stretch the seams.  Just one more tourist.

Is it possible that she got the figures from the PM (Propaganda Minister)?

12 minutes ago, Knocker33 said:

There must be two Pattaya's as the one I was in last week was more like a ghost town compared to what it used to be like and the girls were complaining about the guy in charge ruining there business

Same for Chiang Mai.  The common statement from some business people and Thais I know who work in CM is, "mai mee farang", the farang crowd is disappearing to be replaced by Chinese tourists who simply are not the same with their spending.


Cunning means smart but in this case its not Pattaya has a bad reputation and any woman is going to know that Any so called High end woman is not going to go to Pattaya as a first choice 


Its that simple 


Must be "Busing" those wonderful high end Russian Ladies in to help move the "massaged" economic growth?? Interesting "number crunching" figures(no pun intended) which seems on the face of it rather over inflated? But let's hope for Thai Tourism it works out as planned!


$450 (around THB 15k) per tourist on average!   Which end is the "Hi" end?  The opposite of the Good bye end?


Families can come to Pattaya, I know a well off Chinese lady that does too, and some well off retired expat ladies, with their husbands.  I have seen them spend more than THB15k on a dinner.  All possible to work on.   There are some excellent restaurants and the brand name hotel spas are very good.   Golf too is a bargain compared to Singapore or Hong Kong.  Some ladies might have a good visit in Pattaya area.


Wonder if the report was translated right though?  Much of the rest was not what can obviously be seen by anyone that has spent any time here.

2 hours ago, manarak said:


this is total nonsense, as every government "strategy" for Pattaya in the last years.


secret tip for the government: high end tourist families don't want to visit Pattaya's shitty beaches and shitty Koh Larn.

Pattaya's strengths are the bars, the gogos and the nightlife, and I would count coconut bar as a strength.

Pattaya is a destination for travelers who enjoy the filth and smut, and yes, there are some women among them.


A good recipe for success is to concentrate on strengths, not to kill strengths and advertize things which aren't there and wouldn't fit in the first place.

Yes it is like that. and here is nothing else. The isitor come to Pattaya because of that image, and thenightlife

The rest is rubbish, dirty beaches and overpriced 5 star hotels,with frozen cakes for a price of 200, whats equal to siwss prices... but at far lower quality.


Pattaya is nightlife,shopping,happinesss...............sell it like it is


the stuppiness is not to top  " high end woman to pattaya" ..and no louis  shop??


the city and their buissenes is getting hurt ,day by day more,and more closures of shops and reastaurants and resorts.



great job.... they do since 2005 !!!!!!!!


I sometimes seriously wonder, if those publicly blaring such rubbish do actually believe it? The average spending of the first 8 million tourists this year apparently spend THB 13'750/average per person?

Somebody is on seriously good weed again - it seems! I live here for convenience reasons only; Pattaya is ugly, clogged by traffic, smelly and filthy. The sea is the biggest sewer in the area, Siam Country Road a pristine example of corruption and driving down Soi 6 or being completely ignored by all the sales staff in Central Dept Store gives you a pretty good picture of the average local. The command of foreign languages is declining and more often than not the hosts flip the birdy stink finger. All this after having queued for hours on the way in at Swampy or Don Meouaioing; latter gotten renamed for the sake of renaming .......... Priorities, priorities ! 


why would any self respecting hi so type girl want to waste her time swimming with turds & condoms and looking at the beer swilling fat & ugly tattooed  dregs of society in pattaya :blink:

5 hours ago, superglue said:

Logically there will be a demand for escorts for these hi-end ladies.

Not quite Chippendales standard but busloads of them are here already. For names and phone numbers please ask at any police station:




Where does she get all this from, she is watching to much TV with other poloticians promoting their assumptions, decayse that is all what it is. Earlyer on they were saying so many hotels half empty. Pattaya has big swelled coffers but they the zip on the bag is rusty it never opens. When they get to work n the dirty beaches, not just once a year. Instant fines for dropping rubish in the streets and especially the sea. I have been on the ferry and restauant boats and seen them tipping the rubish in the water. 

Their first job is clean Pattaya up, 100%. 


I have been to Pattaya three times this year and the Malls and Shops were empty. I not sure where all these new people are.


This reminded me of a time when was just a rookie engineer. I would run a bunch of test for one of the Senior engineers and give him the data to analyze. Some times the data would look completely random to me, but he would always have a bunch of charts that would prove his theories. He would use these charts to get funding for his next project. So one day I created a bunch of random data (with some constraints so the data would be in the correct range). He contacted me and told me the data was great and he was going to present it to get more funding. I waited about an hour, he wasn't present his results for a few weeks, and told him I gave him the wrong data. I said it was for someone else, and sent him the correct data (I did want he to get in trouble because of me ... I wanted to let him do that on his own). He replied say "That is why it was so hard to get it to match his theorem". He never said he had made a mistake, or the data was inconsistent, or incorrect.......Both sets of data fit his theories ... so he could get funding. I don't think it maters what the data was . It would always fit his theories .... so he could get funding .....


What I got out of the experience was data can be finagled to prove just about anything you want ....

3 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Bare faced lies accompanied by figures plucked straight from thin air. Pattaya is as empty as I have ever seen it. If it such a booming time, why are so many bars and restaurants out of business and the others half empty?

I would challenge this dumb cow to provide a shred of evidence to substantiate her PR focused BS.

LOL. Loads of tourists coming from Asia that DON'T drink in barbeers, non Chinese restaurants etc.

Stay in Chinese hotels, drink in hotel bars, eat in Chinese restaurants. The rest of Pattaya doesn't get a look in.

Been going on in LOS since at least the 1970s when I did a 2 week tour with a Singaporean company.


Just because posters on TVF don't see them, it doesn't mean they ain't around. Take a trip to Larn and see how many are eating in the sea food restaurants.

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