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Video: Pensioner pole-axed by PVC pipe in Pathum Thani


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5 hours ago, realfunster said:

Poor guy. I'd be thoroughly checking & testing this driver

- how on earth could she not notice the pipe in in the wing mirror (can probably guess)

- in fact it produtes almost level with the door frame/driver seat

- driving on the wrong side of the road prior to the crash, moves back across to central/left side just before incident

- note minimal, if any, reaction or breaking to what must have been a reasonable impact. 

A young school kid accidently hit my car recently with the foot peg of his bike trying  to pass inside on the left.

There was no doubt from the bang and scrape what had happened.  no way this driver could be unaware that she hit these guys!!

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I often see people in TV say that they think a big part of the reason this stuff happens is because of no enforcement of the law. I beg to differ. Back when I made very frequent trips to the lumber or hardware stores when building a home years ago, I don't believe the law ever entered anyone's mind (mine or the store workers'). We were concerned with safety! We didn't want anyone getting hurt! The law... well, if it did enter anyone's mind, it was VERY secondary. I believe it is more a value of life and the value of "doing to others what you'd have them do to you" that is the main difference in so many things here in Thailand.

"Staff had tied it on, but clearly not well enough"
I'd be willing to bet a high sum that they tied it on very well. But illegally sticking off the side of the damn truck! I don't believe for a moment that the pipe swung out, as they said in the article. It was like that from the get go. But in any case, the driver of a vehicle is responsible for loads on a vehicle, end of story. If she didn't bring some cloth to put under the pipe so it wouldn't scratch the paint over her cab and so had it tied off to the side... or whatever the excuse, it doesn't matter. It is clearly vehicular manslaughter. If charged with ordinary negligence = 1 year jail, if gross negligence, it can get you up to 6 years (California).
Here.... well, since life is so lowly valued, penalties are up for grabs to the highest bidder

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Does the phrase 'Common Sense' exist in the Thai language...? Words fail me... really when you think you have seen some stupid things here, how can any adult think it was safe to drive that vehicle with what in effect became a bloody Lance waiting to spear or decapitate someone...


Suppose that will be a 500 Baht fine and carry on as normal, next!

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1 hour ago, pennine said:

Why was it not loaded longitudinally over the cab instead of sticking out sideways?

Because it was decided between two complete morons that sticking out the side, sharp end facing forwards was a much better idea.  Even flat in the pick-up bed hanging off the back with the tailgate open with a rag tied to the end in the 'normal' Thai way would have been better.

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Just yesterday afternoon here in Rawai Phuket a sedan car passed as i was enjoying my usual cold afternoon beer.... PVC pipe went in through the front passengers window and exited out of the rear right side window, i couldn't believe my eyes!! 

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We were on a 3 lane highway in Rayong when the traffic were dodging in all directions so we presumed there had been a major pile up. When we got to the presumed scene of the crash there were plastic chairs and buckets all over the road because they hadn't been secured at all, very surprised that there were no collisions.

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6 hours ago, Adeeos said:

"Staff there had tied it on but clearly not well enough"  Not even close to accurate,, They DID tie it on, "well enough" obviously, as it broke at where it was tied,, what they DIDN'T do is tie it off, either over the roof, (the owner was probably worried about scuffs in the paint),,, Out the back of the bed, laying on the gate, or tie it down the side, length of the truck, as in hanging it below the door mirror, or laying it on the door mirror on the passenger side, (Also could scuff the paint)... ALL involved, the staff, and the vehicle owner HAD to have known it was unsafe, sticking out the side,, but as usual, they didn't give 2 sh*t's about anyone else being endangered,,, A quick viewing of the CCTV at the supply house will tell wether they tied it off like that, or it shifted, But I think it's pretty clear....

"Just going a short distance around the corner"

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Like other posters here, I see pickups loaded with pipes, metal strips for reinforcing concrete and so on, so long that the ends are bouncing and swaying all over the place. In this case, yes, wearing a helmet might have saved his life and the biker should have been aware. The woman driver is responsible for her load being safe but I doubt if that ever entered her mind. The tragedy could have been avoided if the biker had stopped over on the far left as possible. Definitely here, two wrongs don't make a right. Very sad indeed. (Almost as if fate has been watching those 'final destination movies'...no joke intended)

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7 hours ago, jacko45k said:

How does a nation have such a monopoly on stupidity or are there other similarly goofy countries?

There is indeed.... New Guinea.


some of those blokes can stand motionless for hours, blending into the background like chameleons.... but they are not doing nothing... they are thinking really hard about the easiest way to get past the next hurdle, and some of those solutions are down right scary


and more racism... that's always fun... detracts a bit from the "goofy" tag, though.

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11 hours ago, ttrd said:

ok, so now it is the bikers fault...??...


A horizontal pipe partly ponting on you  during speed is not easy to see at all.


Maybe the driver should consider from time to time to take a look in the back and side mirror especially when you are carrying something that extends beyond the truckload - basic sense ignored by stupidness...

It amazes me how people such as you make hasty generalizations or read into things, things that are not there.  I never said nor implied it was the biker's fault.  I simply observed that the biker did not seem to slow down or veer off very much.  When on the road, you need to look after  yourself more carefully.  In this case, even if it was the truck driver's fault, the biker if very alert could have saved his own life

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18 hours ago, mikebell said:

Thailand - the Land of Health and Safety.  The average Thai never considers the dangers of any manoeuvre on the road; the average cop looks only at the palm of his hand when assessing danger.

Your right . She is a typical Thai ,a moron & she should go to jail for years for not caring about anyone else . And as for you Thai sympathisers who claim the  store people tied it on . It is her responsibility to make sure it's safe . Also don't tell me she didn't notice it overhanging  when looking in the mirrors 

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