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Tourists really don't mind about Pattaya's filthy beaches, claims vendors' rep


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I live in Patts ( well pratunmak actually ) . I go for a run along the Pattaya beach road most morning , very early .. just about missing the surge of Chinese turning up to clamber onto the speed boats and hundreds of coaches turning up ... the beach has never NEVER looked nice in the 26 years I've been coming / living here . I once went for a swim when the tide was in about 6-7 years ago ,Christmas time .. I swallowed a mouth full ... yes ofcourse the taste was disgusting, and about 4/5 hours later I was as sick as a dog , stomach etc ... this lasted about 3weeks completely ruined Christmas ... I still think it was cholera... ( although I know you die from that ) ... survived , but never never to swim in it again . 

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Progress in Pattaya - Gone are the days when kids needed to bring a small bucket and spade to the beach so as they could play in the sand. Now Pattaya freely supplies all the old plastic bottles, plastic bags and used condoms you could ever want to play with, and why swim when you can walk on the water.

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10 hours ago, KIWIBATCH said:

..The reporter then went on to interview a tourist.....Sandra from England....Sandra commented that she was so excited when she was swimming at Pattaya as she was surrounded by "little brown fish" by the thousands......she said they kept bumping and nudging into her.....she said she felt sorry for these fish...as they had no eyes...:coffee1:

'Wee beige jobbies'   Billy Connolly.

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Well , the Russians doesn't seem to mind the trash , they even swim in it.  When I walked along the beach a few days ago , it looked really bad but plenty of Russians and Chinese around couldn't care less. 



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17 hours ago, Toshiba66 said:

They could clean the beach twice a day for a year and I still wouldn't get in the water but at least they could make some kind of effort. I think most Thais feel that cleaning up rubbish is beneath them. That's why the country is one big rubbish dump.

I was going to say s... hole.

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"Most tourists completely understand and just put up with the unsightly trash, he remarked."

Funny enough, I'd expect the tourist to get on hands and knees and clean up the beach. Of course that'd be a fine for working without a license. Let's see a fine, time in the Jail house, or hold your nose and look the other way? 

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     Hate to say this but the guy is right.  The average TOURIST spends maybe 4 or 5 days here in Pattaya.  There's plenty to do in those 4 or 5 days.  Maybe they'll get to the beach 1 or 2 days.  Whether it's dirty or not, it's not going to overly bother them because they will be gone in a day or 2.  It's the same way with me when I travel somewhere.  I might remark that such and such is bad but I don't live there and I will be off to somewhere else in a few days so---no big deal. 

      Most TOURISTS only visit a place once.  I've been to Beijing once and likely will only visit it once--there are many other places I also want to see--ONCE.  The people upset about the occasionally dirty beaches and the occasional flooded streets are the people actually living here--either full or part-time.  These are the people the city should be trying to please and keep both as full-time residents and those coming for the winter season year after year.

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On 9/22/2017 at 6:58 AM, LazySlipper said:


I think they grabbed the first lottery hawker they saw and gave him a job for the day.


Or maybe they just found an ostrich with its head in the sand and asked it to represent them....

Head in the sand. I'd say it's where the sun don't shine given his comments.  Is it me or is the world filling up with moo ban idiots.  Has to be the latter, how can anyone make such a statement and still have a straight face.  :shock1: :cheesy::wai:

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5 hours ago, newnative said:

     Hate to say this but the guy is right.  The average TOURIST spends maybe 4 or 5 days here in Pattaya.  There's plenty to do in those 4 or 5 days.  Maybe they'll get to the beach 1 or 2 days.  Whether it's dirty or not, it's not going to overly bother them because they will be gone in a day or 2.  It's the same way with me when I travel somewhere.  I might remark that such and such is bad but I don't live there and I will be off to somewhere else in a few days so---no big deal. 

      Most TOURISTS only visit a place once.  I've been to Beijing once and likely will only visit it once--there are many other places I also want to see--ONCE.  The people upset about the occasionally dirty beaches and the occasional flooded streets are the people actually living here--either full or part-time.  These are the people the city should be trying to please and keep both as full-time residents and those coming for the winter season year after year.

Quite .. But wouldn't it be much nicer for visitors here to use a beach or enter a sea that is not full of detritus and other such unpleasantness that could have possible health repercussions for folk even if it is only for a couple of days outta their total .. Not to mention the bad publicity that is created by one catastrophe after another .. I mean if this continues foreigners may start to think that the authorities here don't know what their doing .. :smile:

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6 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

Head in the sand. I'd say it's where the sun don't shine given his comments.  Is it me or is the world filling up with moo ban idiots.  Has to be the latter, how can anyone make such a statement and still have a straight face.  :shock1: :cheesy::wai:

I lived in Pattaya for 3 years and never went to the beach or Walking street. 

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While Pattaya has many things I love; the baht bus system is fantastic and convenient, I love the farang food especially german, full english breakfast, some decently priced hotels with pools, some good nightlife, etc.  I really like to swim in a clean ocean so over the years, as even Jomtien became to me unswimmable, I have split my time more to other parts of Thailand, Koh Samui was OK, Phuket Karon and Kata beaches, and a smattering of Patong.  If Pattaya actually had clean water, gosh the place would totally rock

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