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US pedophile fugitive and English teacher arrested in Koh Samui

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, ericthai said:

Dont you think when a pedo is working as a teacher they should try and catch him ASAP.

Also this has been going on for about 1 year.  His girlfriend and his baby were missing with him for awhile, until the sister went on facebook for help.   Do a search you can find the old stories.

Don`t you think that any school or educational facility where children are involved should thoroughly vet and obtain checkable references from people applying to their schools for teaching jobs.


What about that Thai woman who deserted her husband and baby to be with this creep. Imagine when the child grows up and asks; Daddy, what happened to mummy? Well son, she decided to move on and become the girlfriend of a drug dealing baby raping violent American thug. In my opinion morally she is just as bad as the guy, maybe worse in-fact. If I quoted my opinion of her the mods would put me on suspension. 

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The answer to some of your questions is that arrests like this help Thailand's status with the US State Department. All countries are graded annually and these arrests move your country's status on efforts to combat crimes and human trafficking up or down on the list. This impacts tourism as well as the amount of foreign aid received.

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1 hour ago, Kieran00001 said:


I actually watched him being arrested, from what he was saying I thought they had caught him with drugs, they had a broken open rice cooker they were taking as evidence and he kept saying it had nothing to do with him, they were also arresting a Thai man and he kept saying that he had just met him and didn't know him, I certainly got the impression they had been caught with something they shouldn't have.  And I watched for a while, saw his face very clearly from about 10m away, I can say with some certainty it is not the man circled on the picture, didn't look anything like him.  

I'm the guy in the inset picture. They used my picture because I was the one who exposed him, but it makes more sense in the Thai version with linked articles. I'm kinda curious if you got a good look at the Thai guy that was with him?

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7 minutes ago, Darron said:

I'm the guy in the inset picture. They used my picture because I was the one who exposed him, but it makes more sense in the Thai version with linked articles. I'm kinda curious if you got a good look at the Thai guy that was with him?


I just saw that, and it is the same guy as in the other pics I have now seen, he was looking very different but I can see it was him, but no, sorry, I didn't pay so much attention to the Thai and he got into the car quite quickly, all I could say was he looked about 40.

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11 hours ago, Artisi said:

Nothing needs to be concocted, he entered on a false passport and it is believed he forged the teachers application. So he has proven his guilt on these points. 

I  believe I already mentioned those offenses. I am wondering if either is a long-term prison offense as worgeorgie suggested; they may be just immigration lock-up until deported/extradited. Technically, the passport was not false, it appears it was issued by the US embassy, just that the information he provided the US is false; which may be argued to be a US offense rather than a Thai offense. Similarly, the false teacher application may only be a false name on the application; we do not know if he claimed anything other than simply being able to speak English.  Granted, both offenses should be illegal in Thailand, but to hold him long-term in a Thai prison, as worgeorgie suggested, may need other crimes concocted.

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10 hours ago, elliss said:

Anyone  out there care to admit being a Teacher , in Thailand . 555

Retired 9 months ago. No shame at all. Still get called "teacher" or "ajarn" in the village, 7/11, barber, Tesco etc etc. I give Thais the benefit of knowing that not all falangs or teachers are criminals.

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3 hours ago, smotherb said:

I  believe I already mentioned those offenses. I am wondering if either is a long-term prison offense as worgeorgie suggested; they may be just immigration lock-up until deported/extradited. Technically, the passport was not false, it appears it was issued by the US embassy, just that the information he provided the US is false; which may be argued to be a US offense rather than a Thai offense. Similarly, the false teacher application may only be a false name on the application; we do not know if he claimed anything other than simply being able to speak English.  Granted, both offenses should be illegal in Thailand, but to hold him long-term in a Thai prison, as worgeorgie suggested, may need other crimes concocted.

How about suspected terrorist? dodgy passport should ring a few bells. 

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13 hours ago, transam said:

So you don't want Pedos taken out eh......YOU need to be removed from this forum....

wow you really love putting words in people's mouths - never said that. Can you read English? I can't resist - you know what they say about guys with muscle cars trying to overcompensate for something else? lol I'm sure you were a bully in high school 100%

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14 hours ago, sambum said:

I wonder how long you will last on here if you keep on making such inane comments! You have already been called a troll, you have nearly 30 posts to your credit, and nobody has acknowledged that they are interested in what you have to say, yet you still persist in trying to defend this creep.


OK - I was assuming a certain level of  common sense when I said "presumably".

Let's try a different approach. He has a lengthy criminal history, therefore he has a criminal record, therefore he must have been convicted of other crimes prior to the offences for which he is currently under arrest.


And if you wonder why people have such disregard for your "trollish" posts  just look at the following and THINK!:-


"time to go to bed, take your shots and keep being great bullies lol if the posts are still here I'll read 'em tomoro ! <3"

maybe you should read some other posts I'm not the only one who believe in innocent until PROVEN guilty. Again this is NOT rocket science - we just don't know all the facts, yet. That will happen in time, in court.

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1 minute ago, defeedme said:

wow you really love putting words in people's mouths - never said that. Can you read English? I can't resist - you know what they say about guys with muscle cars trying to overcompensate for something else? lol I'm sure you were a bully in high school 100%

Why do you insist on putting "lol" into every sentence. You are far from funny and this subject is far from being humorous. 

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3 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

Why do you insist on putting "lol" into every sentence. You are far from funny and this subject is far from being humorous. 

why, because everyone on here automatically pounces on this guy without any convictions. You trust all these news sources as being 100% reliable & accurate? Like I said there are always 2 sides to every story and I'm sure his x girlfriend is not 100% innocent. It's amusing how crowd mentality works and how people blow things out of proportion - we have absolutely no proof he raped anyone, it's all ACCUSATIONS. When he is convicted by a court of law and a jury of his peers, then by all means - pounce!

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1 minute ago, defeedme said:

why, because everyone on here automatically pounces on this guy without any convictions. You trust all these news sources as being 100% reliable & accurate? Like I said there are always 2 sides to every story and I'm sure his x girlfriend is not 100% innocent. It's amusing how crowd mentality works and how people blow things out of proportion - we have absolutely no proof he raped anyone, it's all ACCUSATIONS. When he is convicted by a court of law and a jury of his peers, then by all means - pounce!

In the latest video Jackson says he was going to hand himself in to the US embassy but his girl friend had just had his baby and he wanted to be with them both.

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