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US pedophile fugitive and English teacher arrested in Koh Samui

Jonathan Fairfield

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Just now, Credo said:

He has skipped bail.   That is a fact and of that he is guilty for sure.   He has also stolen someone's identity, that's a fact and of that he is guilty.   

exactly, doesn't sound good to the courts. if you were not guilty you would stand in front of the courts and tell them. 

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1 minute ago, tukkytuktuk said:

We are overstepping into the future to much. Let us savor the fact that Jackson is presently, right now, locked up in a small cell with only a fan to cool him. Wait until he gets to Imm. Holding pen in Bangkok. Then he will be sharing with about 40 others. Lucky guy.

fan?? really. lucky boy

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3 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

So the guy is completely innocent.


He did not.


Rape a child

Fake his own death

Assume someone else's ID to escape usa.


The US media just made it all up.


The US courts just made up the admission that they believed hall to be dead 6-7 months later hence the delay in requesting his capture.


All just BS then. Hall is innocent on all counts. 


Stay off the yabba. 


Don't encourage the trolls, they're a pest just like mosquito's but you learn to put up with them. 

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2 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

We are overstepping into the future to much. Let us savor the fact that Jackson is presently, right now, locked up in a small cell with only a fan to cool him. Wait until he gets to Imm. Holding pen in Bangkok. Then he will be sharing with about 40 others. Lucky guy.

And if they know he's a rock spider, he might not enjoy the stay.... Oh! what a feeling.... 

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1 hour ago, Artisi said:

Do we have a family act starting up, moondoggie and defeedme, sound like identical or maybe even Siamese twins. 

Beat me to it! I wonder who's going to be top (moon) doggie? If defeedme  agrees, he might even get a "like"! :cheesy:

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5 hours ago, defeedme said:

why, because everyone on here automatically pounces on this guy without any convictions. You trust all these news sources as being 100% reliable & accurate? Like I said there are always 2 sides to every story and I'm sure his x girlfriend is not 100% innocent. It's amusing how crowd mentality works and how people blow things out of proportion - we have absolutely no proof he raped anyone, it's all ACCUSATIONS. When he is convicted by a court of law and a jury of his peers, then by all means - pounce!

Okkkkkkkl, here comes the fake news talk..

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On 9/23/2017 at 3:52 PM, defeedme said:

so what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? how do we know this guy was not setup by his american girlfriend? seems like alot of effort to find and arrest someone who didn't even kill someone. Let's pool all our resources into finding the real criminals: terrorists and murderers, there's plenty out there!

In my book raping a six year old ( if it occurred) is as bad as killing a person

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9 hours ago, Wilsonandson said:

New Video, the fugitive speaks.


Audio Transcript

"My lawyer he has the proof, you know, when they look at the girl down there. Make sure, she never been touched, you know, no rape"

" I had met Nittaya and Nittaya, she was pregnant, my baby and so I wanna turn myself in to the embassy. Like I wanna go to the American Embassy and turn myself in, but I had a baby and I don't wanna leave my baby"


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21 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Don`t you think that any school or educational facility where children are involved should thoroughly vet and obtain checkable references from people applying to their schools for teaching jobs.


What about that Thai woman who deserted her husband and baby to be with this creep. Imagine when the child grows up and asks; Daddy, what happened to mummy? Well son, she decided to move on and become the girlfriend of a drug dealing baby raping violent American thug. In my opinion morally she is just as bad as the guy, maybe worse in-fact. If I quoted my opinion of her the mods would put me on suspension. 

Bit disappointed with this assumption. Plenty of people get duped and given the stories whirling about regarding his claims I err on the basis she was made an absolute fool of and believed his version of events.


Just to recap.


There are many stories by first hand witnesses who claim he spun a plethora of lies in order to hide the truth.


Such as;


Witness protection programme

Armed forces



This chap was semi skilled at changing his appearance he duped US authorities by faKing his own death and obtained a number of jobs whilst in thailand which shows he was skilled in the art of deception and lets not forget Identity theft.


His methods of  staying in tourist places and bkk also support darron claims that he needed to be in distance from a well known money transfer service which points to support from his homeland and pours doubt on the stories of obtaining loans and doing a runner, locally.


I think this was done to conceal the benefactor who was sending money via the transfer service.


Nittaya (lover of pedo) cracked at the first hurdle of examination, the truth would possibly come as a shock to her and given it was her Ex (darron) at the wheel where these claims originated it is easy to understand she also has been duped. IMO.


Remember it has taken nearly 7 months for the US to admit their error and that would have stifled all lines of enquiry from thailand to the US which only helped support the web of lies this monster created.









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11 hours ago, defeedme said:

exactly what previous convictions ?? where are your facts ?

It's already been stated that he had a "lengthy criminal record", he's guilty of skipping bail, guilty of assuming a false identity, (Dexter Smith!) and guilty of getting a job as a teacher here under false pretenses - apart from the outstanding pedophile charges against him.


I've had enough of your defending this excuse for a human being, and your trollish comments  - I won't be feeding you any more, ("defeedme"  - quite appropriate), so you won't have to worry about not getting your first "like" from me!

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10 minutes ago, sambum said:

It's already been stated that he had a "lengthy criminal record", he's guilty of skipping bail, guilty of assuming a false identity, (Dexter Smith!) and guilty of getting a job as a teacher here under false pretenses - apart from the outstanding pedophile charges against him.


I've had enough of your defending this excuse for a human being, and your trollish comments  - I won't be feeding you any more, ("defeedme"  - quite appropriate), so you won't have to worry about not getting your first "like" from me!

It's about time that everyone stopped feeding the troll "defeedme".

He/she just joined TV yesterday and already has 46 posts - All in this topic.

IMHO, that is obsessive-compulsive territory.

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