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Pheu Thai will not shake off the Shinawatra connection


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the yellows and reds need to be removed full stop, while the reds are far more violent they both cause far too many problems. Suthep is and always has been a huge pain the same as thaksin but he is no longer a member of the democrats so has no influence anymore, just his yellows unfortunately while thaksin still owns the ptp/reds and tells them what to do. The parties need to be independent from these  people, hopefully the new laws on parties will mean thaksin cannot own/run the party anymore and the ptp will have to drop him. Until such time as the elections are called no one will know what is happening, the voting also has to represent all regions in Thailand, not just the most populous, that way everyone does get a say in who runs the country and it is simply not the one with the most votes but with the support of most regions. Thailand with out the shins and suthep or the reds/yellows would be a much better place.

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6 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

It got to be a great formula if you keep winning. Too much winning. But got to say that the losers with their guns still call the shots. Not a good formula for the country to have the losers plotting and using crony agencies and friendly courts to go after the winners.


The greatest load of rubbish ever.

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25 minutes ago, Samui Bodoh said:


I can't argue with any of that, and won't even try. I have no problem with people who dislike the Shin family, but if you are going to go after one group, you should apply the same principles to every group. That doesn't happen, and it is deeply hypocritical.


That said, I still think it is time for the Shin family to take a big step back from the party. Yes, they will continue to be a major voice for the immediate and near future, but it is time to step back from day to day things for a while. More specifically, I think that the next leader of the party should be someone from outside the family. Every political party needs renewal, and few parties manage to maintain their "freshness" beyond ten years. 


I want to see the people in the N and NE have a voice, a STRONG voice. For that to happen, the PTP/Reds need to renew a bit, get some new faces in and think about some new policies. Now is not the time to try to govern.



Let us assume your wish has come true and the Shinawatras have abandoned politics and PTP, do you expect them to continue to be the major contributors now that they no longer set policy? Very unlikely.

So now PTP needs funding. Let us assume the wealthy people of BKK are not amused at being demonised for political purposes, and they have to appeal to their grass roots supporters. First, you have to convince them that they will get value for money. How do you explain to a farmer lucky if he makes B10,000/m that he should contribute to a SECOND salary of B50,000 or B100,000 for an MP whose government paycheck is already substantial (couldn't get figures, a TV thread on the subject is banned)? http://www.pattayamail.com/thailandnews/pheu-thai-mps-still-unhappy-with-their-salaries-6548

What happens when dues paying party members decide they want a say in who represents them, and a chance at the big salaries? How many MPs will you have left if you cancel the second salaries, because the only thing holding them together is greed.


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It is fundamental mistake and a misunderstanding of the Thai power game to believe that removing a particular clan or faction from Thai politics would result in a glorious democratic dawn.


There are no "political" affiliations. 


The whole system is based upon clan loyalties and patronage of the wealthy/powerful, which can change at the drop of a hat if advantage presents itself.


The sole aim being to obtain/maintain personal/clan dominion, prestige and wealth.


The choice is not between competing political ideals/ideologies:


Take your pick....... Medici or Sforza, York or Lancaster, Oda or Toyotomi.


That's how far away Thailand is from contemporary Western political ideals.


 Re-arrange these words into a well known phrase or saying (popular on TVF):


Are, in, not, now, Kansas, you.


Keep repeating it, mantra style, every time "they" start confounding, confusing and disappointing you.........or if you get the urge to tap out yet another "solution".





Edited by Enoon
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14 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Perhaps the losers stop using dirty tactics and allow the courts to be independence and democracy to function will empowered the citizens to chose better and non-corrupted politicians.


And there's the rub: The perpetual losers (electorally) have enough behind the scenes control to set up genuinely independant checks and balances, which would go a long way to keeping elected politicians on the straight and narrow. But all they ever do is keep the 'checks and balances' in their pocket, and then go on to do all the bad things and more that the elected politicians do. Thai government of every colour is groundhog day, the eternal disgrace. The country needs a genuine peoples' revolution, but the people are waaaay too laid back and fun-loving for that.

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