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Jews around world concerned by far-right breakthrough in German election


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5 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

True, but the foreign infiltration clearly refers to what happened in 2015 and that's what made the AfD strong.

One of the results is that a huge number (in the 100'000s) of hardcore antisemites have found their way to Germany.

It's already a fact that in certain urban areas Jews are advised not to show their faith by wearing the kippah or the like.


The warming about wearing Jewish clothing is because of attacks by Muslims. Judaphobic attacks in Europe are at an epic high where ever muslims have settled in large numbers.

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5 hours ago, retarius said:

Such parties get votes from voters who feel ignored by the other parties. They quickly lose momentum and never reach a critical mass. As an example UKIP is dead in the UK just after its greatest triumph in the referendum. AfD will be dead in two years.

UKIP is not dead but temporarily inactive until Nigel returns....

Also I would say Jews have more to worry about from global islamism than neo-nazism

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

If in fact, the 1 million or so refugees in Germany were mostly or significant numbers ISIS fighters, they must be the most useless and laziest terrorists in history. I blame the German social welfare system for demoralizing these previously gung-ho fanatics.

There are some who believe they are playing the long game.  Waiting until they have EU passports, then they can freely spread out across all EU member states and reap havoc.  I'm not for one minute saying this is the case, but that's a common counter argument to your point.

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14 hours ago, sweatalot said:

The AFD are the only one who represent the will of the (undeluded) people who do not want to be islamised. The rest is deluded. Intolerance against invaders should be common sense.


What intolerance do the AFD show against Jews?

Do they say Hitler's actions were right?

So the racists are the undeluded and everyone else must be deluded. I guess we know how to label you.

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11 hours ago, dick dasterdly said:



A percentage of voters are expressing their displeasure at numerous 'refugees' being invited into their country - most of whom are not genuine refugees.


Added to which, a few of these 'refugees'/immigrants are causing serious problems.

And a percentage of 'voters' have fascist sympathies , should we just dismiss that fact ?

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Forgive my complacency but it appears that Nazism is not sweeping Germany.


Judging from this map it would appear that the ex-DDR "volk" of Saxony (the "Heimat" of one of their would be co-fuhrers) have spoken (constituencies won by AFD in "blau"):



After the recent terrible incidents that Germany (like other Western democracies) has suffered, something like 88% of German voters want NOTHING to do with them.


Because the German people are very well informed about their history...........and where it once took them.


"Nie Wieder".









Edited by Enoon
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15 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

And a percentage of 'voters' have fascist sympathies , should we just dismiss that fact ?

Yes dismiss that 'fact'.

Is it only a democracy when people agree with your views?

Face facts many people have divergent views on a lot of issues.

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On 25/09/2017 at 8:56 AM, ilostmypassword said:

She didn't just say anti-immigrant things. She did in fact use the usual collections of slurs bandied about by neo nazis. Once again for your dyslexic benefit:

"The email described German Chancellor Angela Merkel's government as "pigs" who were nothing more than "puppets of WWII allies." It continued to say Merkel's government was given the task of limiting the population of the German "Volk," or people.

The email's original text in German uses several words with strong Nazi-era connotations, including "Überfremdung," which roughly translates to "foreign infiltration" and is used in far-right circles to stir xenophobic sentiment."


By foreign infiltration she is referring to the one million muslim migrants and other unchecked mass immigration to Europe. But this is not infiltration it is far worse because it has been done semi legally and those who complain about it are labelled fascist.

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8 hours ago, The manic said:

By foreign infiltration she is referring to the one million muslim migrants and other unchecked mass immigration to Europe. But this is not infiltration it is far worse because it has been done semi legally and those who complain about it are labelled fascist.

I have hope that the AfD will bring everything into the open, and Merkels horrific policies can be reversed asap. The labeling of those that have doubts on these policies as Nazi etc is a clear hate crime, although in this age of PC it's anything goes as far as attacking the doubters of the extreme leftism that has wrecked Europe.


 The jews in Germany will be much safer thanks to the AfD although it's probably not permitted to say why that is.. ho hum..

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10 minutes ago, FreddieRoyle said:

I have hope that the AfD will bring everything into the open, and Merkels horrific policies can be reversed asap. The labeling of those that have doubts on these policies as Nazi etc is a clear hate crime, although in this age of PC it's anything goes as far as attacking the doubters of the extreme leftism that has wrecked Europe.


 The jews in Germany will be much safer thanks to the AfD although it's probably not permitted to say why that is.. ho hum..

Before echoing idiocracy talking points be well worth seeking background info. e.g.




There is no doubt whatsoever the Merkel government will continue tightening up on asylum seeker policy, whilst at the same time adhering to the German Constitution. Opposed to the AfD, some of whose policies are in breach of the Constitution. Already the leader of the AfD has resigned, leadership infighting and so on, seriously doubt they will be viable political force by the next general election.

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On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 9:04 AM, Deli said:

Ain't it them stirring up the crap again and again ?


20 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Germans? :coffee1:


4 hours ago, VillageIdiot said:


No, not Germans.

You know who... :coffee1:


29 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Oh. Nazis.

Nice try.

But no cigar... :sad:

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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You don't know what Nazis are in a thread about GERMANY? I don't believe you. 

Thanks, but i am just curious to hear your definition of "Nazis".

I gave my definition :coffee1:

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20 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

And some of those views are vile.

To you perhaps...but not to a lot of German voters apparently......ain't democracy grand!


I would seem a lot of voters have decided that Merkels policies need some moderation and have voted accordingly.

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