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Thai govt assures public that election will take place according to roadmap


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Government assures public that election will take place according to roadmap


BANGKOK, 4 October 2017 (NNT) - The government continues to give assurances that Thai voters will be going to election booths as planned in the national reform roadmap. 

Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Prawit Wongsuwon said on Tuesday that the schedule of a general election will be decided after the drafting of all four related organic law is completed and they are all in effect. 

Gen. Prawit confirmed that the government is still determined to hold a general election and will allow all political activities to resume as promised. 

Meanwhile, the Constitutional Drafting Commission has begun the drafting of a law on the election of Senators and a law on the election of Members of Parliament. 

The drafting process of both laws is scheduled to be wrapped up in November and CDC Chairman Meechai Ruchuphan is confident that they won't cause any problems although he is not sure if the National Legislative Assembly’s committees in charge of them may decide to make drastic changes or even reject them.

-- nnt 2017-10-04
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30 minutes ago, webfact said:

Government assures public that election will take place according to roadmap


BANGKOK, 4 October 2017 (NNT) - The government continues to give assurances that Thai voters will be going to election booths as planned in the national reform roadmap. 

Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Prawit Wongsuwon said on Tuesday that the schedule of a general election will be decided after the drafting of all four related organic law is completed and they are all in effect. 

Gen. Prawit confirmed that the government is still determined to hold a general election and will allow all political activities to resume as promised. 

Meanwhile, the Constitutional Drafting Commission has begun the drafting of a law on the election of Senators and a law on the election of Members of Parliament. 

The drafting process of both laws is scheduled to be wrapped up in November and CDC Chairman Meechai Ruchuphan is confident that they won't cause any problems although he is not sure if the National Legislative Assembly’s committees in charge of them may decide to make drastic changes or even reject them.

-- nnt 2017-10-04


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Phew! Thank god. 


Me and my friend were just having an argument about when the elections will be. He said they will be next year, and I asked, “based on what?”. He said it was based on the ‘road map’. 


He also said ‘organic laws’. So I’m totally sold. 

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"The drafting process of both laws is scheduled to be wrapped up in November and CDC Chairman Meechai Ruchuphan is confident that they won't cause any problems although he is not sure if the National Legislative Assembly’s committees in charge of them may decide to make drastic changes or even reject them."


I bet Meechai is throwing in a few typos/ridiculous clauses as we speak to make sure this happens: "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to include the section that states that politicians must wear beer hats when in parlarmente. Back to the drawing board I guess...sea you in 6 months"

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Since the beginning of the year the government has given assurances an average of three times per week that there will be an election. These assurances have been coming from Prayut, Pravitm Meechai, Government Spokesperson, Election Committee, various ministers and public officials, and from my neighborhood 7/Eleven. 

I suggest you should automate this particular announcement, maybe incorporate it in the 8am and 6pm daily anthem.

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2 hours ago, rkidlad said:

Phew! Thank god. 


Me and my friend were just having an argument about when the elections will be. He said they will be next year...


Yes, "next year" is absolutely correct.  I seem to remember that back in 2015 elections would be "next year " .  In 2016 same story... "next year".  Again, we're hearing "next year".  Just like 'tomorrow' next year never comes.



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Is it the Road map that shows you how to get to Patteya from Bangkok?  Opps wrong one Just utter crap this road map There is no Road map Its the Junta saying we are going to hang onto power Thats the only road map they know

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Prawit you have never had any road map. You are also laughable on the best day. 

The state of reforms is a joke. The economy even with your so called big tourists is FD. The nightlife is FD. Your governance we can not wait until it's dead and buried. You have reversed geared the country.

You old men can't even speak English and it's a joke.

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37 minutes ago, Happyman58 said:

Is it the Road map that shows you how to get to Patteya from Bangkok?  Opps wrong one Just utter crap this road map There is no Road map Its the Junta saying we are going to hang onto power Thats the only road map they know

Old men with dementia 

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