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U.S. VP Pence leaves NFL game after players kneel during anthem

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On ‎09‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 10:48 PM, joecoolfrog said:

Ýou got to feel sympathy for Puppet Pence . Cant be easy sitting for long on those stadium seats with an orange clowns hand wedged firmly up his jacksy !

and .. 

Pence is a creationist convinced that Darwin is wrong.

He is also convinced that taking a knee is an insult to the American flag. 

So..  kneeling for prayer every Sunday in his church, must be insult to intelligence  he commits every week. ( Trump has to explain him) 

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On 10/9/2017 at 7:07 PM, ChouDoufu said:

can i start?


i think i'd begin with this here quote:


" Amendment I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."


and then i'd explain that "freedom of speech" applies when the GOVERNMENT is trying to restrict it, although even then, it's

not absolute.  see "yelling fire in crowded theater".  see "incitement

to riot".


and finally i'd mention that EMPLOYEES do NOT have a right

to free speech AT WORK.  employers CAN restrict your speech

at work, and potentially outside of work, depending on

contractual provisions.


HUH!  that was easy!  ..........next.


We see how the government is trying to define patriotism as what it likes and what it wants from Americans. That is, the Americans the government does not like -- those who Constitutionally take a knee during the anthem.


We see the militarization of the civilian society by the Pentagon and by military veterans and by active duty military personnel. Their idea is to make the civilian society more like the military in attitudes, demeanor, conduct, behaviors, thought. The rightwing advocates actively for both the administration and the veterans on the right who dominate the veterans discourse.


The military voted for Trump by a huge margin. So did veterans of the All Volunteer Force. So did other rightwingers.


The players were required by owners in 2009 to come onto the field for the pre-game national anthem after the Pentagon gave a $200,000 contract to the league to promote, ahem, "patriotism." Now we have come to this because surely a suit will be filed in U.S. District Court.


The money exchanged between governments and pro football teams could mean that discipline enforced by the team could be "fairly attributed to a government entity, meaning the employer could not discipline someone for taking a political position," Harvard Law School professor Mark Tushnet said.



A judge could find it "relevant that some of the stadiums have been constructed with public support and may get continuing public subsidies," Tushnet said. "It may be relevant that some of these practices were instituted in cooperation with the national military."    (emphasis added)





Civilians employ the military to protect us, not to order us or to boss us into being more like the military. If the NFL is going to change in fan popularity let's have it happen without the government, the military, veterans, and other rightwingers targeting it for an absolute extinction rather than an adjustment. (If an adjustment is what might be occurring among fans.)


This is yet another made in America to-do that is likely headed for the courts to clarify.





10 minutes ago, Publicus said:

Now we have come to this because surely a suit will be filed in U.S. District Court

Bring it on. Colin Kaepernick is still not playing and most likely will never play in the NFL. And, it's about money, not the military, it's about selling beer, trucks, and erectile dysfunction meds for on average $400.000 for a 30-second spot. So just for fun, Trump's message resonates, whether you like it or not, for 10% of the football viewers. Now, that 30-second spot is worth less, less money to the NFL, less money for the owners, and less money for players.


The NFL created this problem by productizing their brand with  'The Red, White, and Blue. Willingly, most people bought into this message. Trump is being an opportunist. He's now on NBC's case and next up will the dem's bloated, pussy grabber, money bundler Harvey Weinstein. The face of Hollywood's entitled elites. He is a divider. Making people get off the fence. Getting people out to vote for him. There's no new votes for the democrats. Hey, and I am not a supporter of Trump. Read Scott Adams, the Dilbert Guy.




1 hour ago, Kim1950 said:

Bring it on. Colin Kaepernick is still not playing and most likely will never play in the NFL. And, it's about money, not the military, it's about selling beer, trucks, and erectile dysfunction meds for on average $400.000 for a 30-second spot. So just for fun, Trump's message resonates, whether you like it or not, for 10% of the football viewers. Now, that 30-second spot is worth less, less money to the NFL, less money for the owners, and less money for players.


The NFL created this problem by productizing their brand with  'The Red, White, and Blue. Willingly, most people bought into this message. Trump is being an opportunist. He's now on NBC's case and next up will the dem's bloated, pussy grabber, money bundler Harvey Weinstein. The face of Hollywood's entitled elites. He is a divider. Making people get off the fence. Getting people out to vote for him. There's no new votes for the democrats. Hey, and I am not a supporter of Trump. Read Scott Adams, the Dilbert Guy.





Neither am I a supporter of Trump which is something I do not need to say except as a contrast to those who bang out his every line.


One thingy that appears to be manifesting is that the NFL owners slurping the public teat may have to read the Constitution for the first time. I'd suggest they, Trump and the ranters on the right have the cherry busting experience together.


The Constitution is superior to the anthem, the flag, the pledge; the military and its rightwinger veterans. USA has three generals retired in Washington standing above the chaos and between each side. Active duty military commanders in Washington are neither right wing nor left wing so "conservatives" might consider calming down a bit over there.


Jason Kander (@JasonKander)

24/9/2017, 10:51 PM

Patriotism isn't about making everyone stand and salute the flag.

Patriotism is about making this a country where everyone wants to.


I spent nearly 9 years in the USA Marines with 2 tours in Vietnam and resigned when I felt that the Corps was not willing to provide the proper medical resolution to some critical family medical problems..


 During my service I did what was expected and required when the anthem was played, the flag was raised and senior officers were present, stand at attention and salute! After I was discharged, and until now, I still cannot come to grips with  why the US was ever  in Vietnam and why I lost so many friends.


I respect the US , the anthem, the country and the flag but I do not feel that I have to show that respect to anybody since it is in my heart and no one can change that.  I don't  feel that I should have to stand  with my hand over my heart when the anthem is played and I could care less if someone is using the moment to try to express their beliefs about racial inequality and police brutality.


As far as the respect for the military uniforms and the office of the president of the US, I feel that both are just objects and  I will only  show respect for the individuals that occupy them if, IMHO, they have earned that respect. And, IMHO, Trump has not earned it!


I lived in a small town in southern Mississippi about 65 kilometers north of New Orleans on Highway 55.  In 1976 the blacks were being bused from the black neighborhood to the white high school, actually it was faster to walk.  It was the first time in history that the school had a winning football team.  The colored signs disappeared from the bathrooms  on the two gas stations in town but the colored still knew what bathroom they had to use.  When harvest time came the normal ride through the "colored quarters " produced a truck load of young boys to load the newly harvested .hay


The county was dry and the only bar was the VFW, no blacks allowed,  that was in staggering distance from my house. 


I haven't been back since 1998 but I seriously doubt that much has changed.


Patriotism is in your heart and no one can demand the way that you express it!

11 hours ago, Publicus said:

Neither am I a supporter of Trump which is something I do not need to say except as a contrast to those who bang out his every line.

But you said it anyway. As I wrote, take the time to view this Scott Adams Periscope Segment.




And scroll down to his piece on helping the 'kneelers' make their case. The problem is 'kneeling' to the anthem was a bad strategy. It wasn't even a strategy.


"The NFL and ESPN badly misjudged Trump. Now they're paying the price."




This supports my thoughts the 'Anthem' to the NFL was never about the 'Anthem' other than packaging their brand with themes of Iwo Jima or 'Thank You for Your Service' to sell stuff. Make Money.


OK, let me play my Disabled Vietnam War Veteran Narrative of that war and it was mostly towards the end. It didn't take long for me to know this was one big freak'en mistake. And, nobody wanted to be the last person to die or be maimed for this meaning of the 'anthem'. At that time, we mostly were just carpet bombing everything in Laos, Cambodia, and the Vietnams. 


As there is the fog of war, there is the fog of the meaning to 'fairness' and the 'anthem', and without a strategy Trump wins the debate. Though all these posts, I haven't seen much strategy. mostly pickering in the fog. Obama had a strategy, a strategy he could tell to any young person, there are paths and people to help you meet your dreams. One man, not on his knee, opening possibilities for many within the construction of the United States.


When I went to school in a very conservative rural area that had a small Christian community, I don't remember the name of their church, but the students were not permitted to say the pledge of allegiance or put their hand over their heart.   


They did say the morning prayer -- yes, at that time, we had the pledge of allegiance and a morning prayer.  


As I recall they didn't participate in the National Anthem either, but I don't recall them going to sporting events or other activities where it was played.  

On 10/12/2017 at 7:36 PM, Kim1950 said:

But you said it anyway. As I wrote, take the time to view this Scott Adams Periscope Segment.




And scroll down to his piece on helping the 'kneelers' make their case. The problem is 'kneeling' to the anthem was a bad strategy. It wasn't even a strategy.


"The NFL and ESPN badly misjudged Trump. Now they're paying the price."




This supports my thoughts the 'Anthem' to the NFL was never about the 'Anthem' other than packaging their brand with themes of Iwo Jima or 'Thank You for Your Service' to sell stuff. Make Money.


OK, let me play my Disabled Vietnam War Veteran Narrative of that war and it was mostly towards the end. It didn't take long for me to know this was one big freak'en mistake. And, nobody wanted to be the last person to die or be maimed for this meaning of the 'anthem'. At that time, we mostly were just carpet bombing everything in Laos, Cambodia, and the Vietnams. 


As there is the fog of war, there is the fog of the meaning to 'fairness' and the 'anthem', and without a strategy Trump wins the debate. Though all these posts, I haven't seen much strategy. mostly pickering in the fog. Obama had a strategy, a strategy he could tell to any young person, there are paths and people to help you meet your dreams. One man, not on his knee, opening possibilities for many within the construction of the United States.


Here is the stuff Scott Adams says....


The football game is still a football game, but the pregame where they're deciding what position to be in and what message they'll send is a little bit closer to Broadway theater than it is to sports. 

I almost expected the players to go into a full Broadway Rockette thing. They start by holding hands, but surely the dancing will start? 

So, here's the thing: If you're a football player in the NFL, do you feel comfortable doing more Broadway dancing stuff, or do you feel more comfortable playing football? 




So Scott Adams just might be a committed practioner  of the inane. I might indeed question Mr. Adams stability and his rationality. 


 Veterans of the Vietnam war need and deserve to be understood more than anything else. Vietnam occurred during conscription so all points of view toward the war existed in the armed forces. Opposition finally prevailed but only after Congress voted to prohibit the expenditure of any funds in further pursuit of the war.


The All Volunteer Force pursues war with 98.9% obedience and indefinitely, i.e., for as long as the money may hold up and knowing time is eternal. Given AVF personnel voted overwhelmingly for Trump it becomes easy for me to think of the AVF as Republicans in a truck with a .50 cal. 


The military and AVF veterans who are predominantly rightwingers view the civilian NFL protest demonstrators with disdain and contempt. They focus on the anthem and the flag as if it were your domain exclusively. The Pentagon has purchased influence in NFL, veterans who are predominantly rightwingers support it and civilian rightwingers insist on compelling civilians to comply with this influence and impact. 


Above and beyond this is the Constitution. The Constitution is superior to the military. The Constitution is superior to the anthem, the flag, the pledge of allegiance and all nationalist credenda. Civilians hire the military to protect us. We do not employ the military to order us or to boss us -- or to try to do either and then some. Civilians do not have the experience with the anthem and the flag the military has on a daily basis. Accordingly, the military, its rightwing veterans and its rightwing civilian enforcers of military codes and practices disrespect the Constitution and their civilian bosses. This needs to cease and this is a good instance of the how and why of it.

16 hours ago, Scott said:

When I went to school in a very conservative rural area that had a small Christian community, I don't remember the name of their church, but the students were not permitted to say the pledge of allegiance or put their hand over their heart.   


They did say the morning prayer -- yes, at that time, we had the pledge of allegiance and a morning prayer.  


As I recall they didn't participate in the National Anthem either, but I don't recall them going to sporting events or other activities where it was played.  


Yes. So while the USA is a secular society and country religion has always had a protected place in it. Religion is subordinate to the Constitution yet the Constitution both recognizes and honors almost any religion, religious beliefs, practices.


So yes, the military too is subordinate to the Constitution and the military is subordinate to the Constitution in the absolute. The civilian Congress appropriates the funds for the military. The civilian executive administers the funds under the Constitution and the laws pursuant to the Constitution. The civilian judiciary passes its judgement on contested matters of military discipline and good order.


Potus as commander in chief administers the laws pertaining to the armed forces. CinC is a civilian executive not a sovereign so he executes the laws enacted by the Congress. Congress moreover passes on every officer of the armed forces recommended by Potus for promotion. Congress also passes on senior military officers nominated by the executive CinC to appear before it for its examination and approval (advice and consent).


Consequently, the military does not in general contest familiar religions and their exemptions due to their First Amendment privileges. Yet the military and the rightwing veterans of it dismiss or defy -- or outright disrespect -- the First Amendment provisions when it comes to speech and forms of redress they don't like or disapprove of. Rightwingers in and out of the military do, in other words, elevate false idols above the Constitution which is the one and only absolute authority over and across the land and all of the population. The military and the military minded civilian rightwingers thus fail in their duty to support and defend the Constitution. They do in fact disrespect the Constitution and they do so actively, shamelessly, belligerently, aggressively.   


It has now reached a point where NFL owners sucking on the public teat for their stadiums and operating expenses may well need to introduce themselves to the document and its requirements. One revealing thing owners will find concerning the Constitution is that there is no small print in it.

On October 9, 2017 at 10:07 PM, Thongkorn said:

Maybe the Service men  should just kneel when they are ordered to go into battle next time , to fight for freedom and democracy.

Good one.

9 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Sitting and black power salute.  It is obvious to all of us that kneeling or sitting or giving the black power salute during the playing of the American National Anthem is meant to be disrespectful.  If it wasn't it would not be a protest.  Duh....

sitting 1.jpg

black power.jpg


Knelling is over. The past. Gone. Did any of you watch NFL this Sunday. Guess not. Knelling was never a strategy for the cause of minority disadvantage or injustice. Never was a sustaining program or 'statement' to remedy the problem. All you got was Kaepernick suing the NFL for a QB Job. Those who gained were the PR Consultant Class of the NFL, the owners, the players union, corporate sponsors, and a very very few high profile players. The rest of you, who pay for the stadiums, play the bickering narratives of the meaning of anthems or constitutional rights are chumps. Get down on Weinstein, like most people have for years.

On 10/9/2017 at 12:10 PM, LannaGuy said:


So you sit in Thai cinemas do you?  when the Thai anthem comes on?   

You don't see a difference between Thailand and the USA?

Wow...that is fascinating!

How do you breath with your head so far up ...in the sand...

15 minutes ago, DM07 said:

You don't see a difference between Thailand and the USA?

Wow...that is fascinating!

How do you breath with your head so far up ...in the sand...

National symbols and respect for those symbols are the same in almost any country.  Same as the playing of the National Anthem in Canada at hockey games.  


2 hours ago, amvet said:

National symbols and respect for those symbols are the same in almost any country.  Same as the playing of the National Anthem in Canada at hockey games.  


Still in Canada, the US, Germany, France...not standing for the National Anthem will never be seen as a case of an offense against the flag and a certain institution, that will land you in jail for 5 years or more!

Do - you-under-sa-tand-that?

On 10/9/2017 at 4:07 PM, LannaGuy said:


They are paid to do a JOB. protest as much as they like in their own time.  It's pathetic. What next?  an NFL player Christian fundamentalist has the right to protest Muslims by wearing a Hijab?     

You understand the concept of protesting, don't you!?

1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Still in Canada, the US, Germany, France...not standing for the National Anthem will never be seen as a case of an offense against the flag and a certain institution, that will land you in jail for 5 years or more!

Do - you-under-sa-tand-that?

Are you trying to be dense?  The Canadian hockey players would be seen to disrespect Canada if they sat down on the ice during the playing of the national anthem.  Disrespecting the flag in the USA is protected behavior and lands no one in jail.  I assume you are not an American.  No one except a moron or two has ever said that disrespect of the flag is not protected under the Bill of Rights..  


Some information relating to US Law in this matter.




Are American citizens (or citizens of *any* other country) required to stand during the National Anthem ?

According to Title 36 (section 171) of the United States Code [ - The Code of Laws of the United States of America is the official compilation and codification of the general and permanent federal statutes of the United States] - 

"During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in (military) uniform *should* stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart. Persons in uniform should render the military salute at the first note of the anthem and retain this position until the last note. When the flag is not displayed, those present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed there.”


The question, of course, is whether “should” in the first sentence means “must” or “shall.”


So does it ?

No, it doesn't.


And what’s the penalty if I don’t stand ?

Section 171 does not specify nor impose penalties for violating the section of the code.

According to a Congressional Research Service report to Congress in 2008, “The Flag Code is a codification of customs and rules established for the use of certain civilians and civilian groups. No penalty or punishment is specified in the Flag Code for display of the flag of the United States in a manner other than as suggested. Cases ... have concluded that the Flag Code does not proscribe conduct, but is merely declaratory and advisory."



In other words,  the Flag Code serves as a guide, and it is followed on a voluntary basis. You won't be forced to stand for the National Anthem, nor hauled off to jail if you don't. Cases brought because of something in the code --  mainly ones that involve defacing the flag  -- have made their way to the U.S. Supreme Court where the Justices have upheld that such conduct is protected  by the First Amendment.


There are no provisions in the code for either enforcement nor penalties.  


On 10/9/2017 at 11:20 AM, Thakkar said:


Where was Pence the patriot when:

Trump disrespected a POW

Trump disrespected a gold star family

Trump insinuated that PTSD was a weakness

Trump insulted both men and women of the military by saying rape was inevitable where men and women both serve together

Trump proposed banning transgender soldiers who have risked their lives for the country?


Where was his patriotism when, as head of the transition, he hired Flynn despite being warned that Flynn was a security risk?




Did I miss it? Or did President Trump and Vice President Pence not speak negatively about the racial slurs written last month onto notice boards at the U.S. Air Force Academy.


The Air Force leadership spoke out in a strident and definitive rejection of the racial slurs. Lt.Gen. Jay Silveria commandant of USAFA spoke to the entire academy to make crystal clear there is no place for intolerant rednecks in the Air Force. 


LTG Silveria spoke of Charlottesville, Ferguson and the NFL....


Lieutenant General Jay Silveria commandant of the U.S. Air Force Academy addresses the Academy assembled in the absolute rejection of social and cultural intolerance: AKA the "Get Out" Address.




This is unprecedented until the Trump presidency and the Pence vice presidency. 


The seven joint chiefs of staff and the chairman spoke out against Nazis and racial hatred in the immediate aftermath of Charlottesville. Trump on the other hand saw some "good people" in the neo-nazi mob. This and numerous other contrasts indicate clearly Trump and the senior commanders of the armed forces are not on the same wave length. And have no doubt Donald Trump has brain waves; it's just that Trump's brain waves are always crashing into one another and all of 'em make a horrid mess up there.

There are anyway a number of military who are not offended by players taking a knee. LTG Silveria knows his oath and the general knows the military officer oath is to the Constitution, not to the anthem, not to the flag, not to the pledge of allegiance and so on. LTG Silveria knows well his oath as an officer in the armed forces is to the Constitution and to the Constitution only and exclusively.


Take a knee that since Trump's election the US Stock Market has increased by 75% and added $4 Trillion to the US economy. Unless you are a Nanny Expat on a public sector pension that is great news for us on private sector IRA's or 401K's. Might even drive up inflation for Expat goods and services in Thailand. And, how does taking a knee stop the fact that nearly 75% of minority households are fatherless. Is there something in the anthem about birth control. 


Nielsen ratings indicate the NFL ratings have dropped about 10% since the 'Kneeling Salute'. However, half of the decrease is because of the viewers disgust  with the prevalence of sexual abuse incidents in the NFL.. In six months, this whole thing will be over, over. Kaepernick will lose his court case and his cause will have accomplished not a thing. There was never the hard work ground game to change the lives of the minority community.

1 hour ago, Kim1950 said:

Take a knee that since Trump's election the US Stock Market has increased by 75% and added $4 Trillion to the US economy. Unless you are a Nanny Expat on a public sector pension that is great news for us on private sector IRA's or 401K's. Might even drive up inflation for Expat goods and services in Thailand. And, how does taking a knee stop the fact that nearly 75% of minority households are fatherless. Is there something in the anthem about birth control. 


Nielsen ratings indicate the NFL ratings have dropped about 10% since the 'Kneeling Salute'. However, half of the decrease is because of the viewers disgust  with the prevalence of sexual abuse incidents in the NFL.. In six months, this whole thing will be over, over. Kaepernick will lose his court case and his cause will have accomplished not a thing. There was never the hard work ground game to change the lives of the minority community.

75 percent? FAKE NEWS. 

NFL down you say?

Redneck Nascar down even more.


33 minutes ago, Kim1950 said:

Take a knee that since Trump's election the US Stock Market has increased by 75% and added $4 Trillion to the US economy. Unless you are a Nanny Expat on a public sector pension that is great news for us on private sector IRA's or 401K's. Might even drive up inflation for Expat goods and services in Thailand. And, how does taking a knee stop the fact that nearly 75% of minority households are fatherless. Is there something in the anthem about birth control. 


Nielsen ratings indicate the NFL ratings have dropped about 10% since the 'Kneeling Salute'. However, half of the decrease is because of the viewers disgust  with the prevalence of sexual abuse incidents in the NFL.. In six months, this whole thing will be over, over. Kaepernick will lose his court case and his cause will have accomplished not a thing. There was never the hard work ground game to change the lives of the minority community.


You might consider finding a thread into which one can weave Trump and the equity markets because this thread topic is about Trump getting a knee. Pence too. Trump and his Ma and Pa Kettle Pence supporters meanwhile don't know anything about the Constitution while they rant on disproportionately about attendance at the NFL.


Here are some facts....


A fanwave of declined attendance has hit all pro sports in recent years except for hockey.


The extreme rightwing however has tried to pound this drum against the NFL only.


Rightwingers have daily called NFL players prima donna and overpaid ingrates against their country.


All of the above and worse are a rightwing fail. Here is from Yahoo News...


The attendance drops have spread like a fan wave. A NASCAR auto race in March – the FC 500 in Bristol, Tennessee – had a reported attendance figure of 80,000 people, but that left a half-empty speedway that normally fills up with 160,000 for the race.


For 30 of 35 college football bowl games this past season, the average announced attendance was 46,278 – down 5 percent from 2011-12 and 8 percent from 2010-11 through those same games.


Attendance at NFL games this past year was up slightly according to the NFL, but that was after some four years of decline.





Read the link for the gory details in sports attendance across the board.


Attendance is off in recent years in MLB, NBA, Nascar, College sports to include football and basketball and so on. Yet Trump and Ma and Pa Kettle and Ma and Pa Pence are wearing blinders that place their tunnel vision to the NFL only. 


The reasons are obvious as are the purposes and goals. We saw what vile acts occurred at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Rightly so, the Academy commandant and the Department of the Air Force have condemned practitioners of racial hatred in the strongest terms, i.e., told 'em to shape up or get out. 

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