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Drink laws?


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3 hours ago, Techno Viking said:


The refusing a breath test is considered an admission of guilt, hence he is locked up awaiting court.


Which is fair enough - if applied to all, consistently.


But we seen several cases, where the driver appears to have consumed considerably more than two Leo's, and been involved in fatal or multiple vehicle accidents and then refused and gone home. 


No lock up and court appearances for them!

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Just now, Baerboxer said:


Which is fair enough - if applied to all, consistently.


But we seen several cases, where the driver appears to have consumed considerably more than two Leo's, and been involved in fatal or multiple vehicle accidents and then refused and gone home. 


No lock up and court appearances for them!

555, was waiting for this to be brought up !!

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24 minutes ago, ryanhull said:

I think your spot on, in the UK its innocent until proven guilty, I see here its guilty until proven innocent,


That is incorrect - In the UK if you refuse a breath test and don't have a reasonable excuse you will be arrested. The law is the same here in Thailand. Ultimately you got off lightly for failing a drink driving test  (in that you refused to take it in the first place). 






What if I refused to provide a breath test and I wasn’t over the limit?

If you refuse to supply a breath test, the offence is committed, regardless of whether you are actually over the limit or not. If it is subsequently proved that you were below the legal limit, this could amount to exceptional circumstances resulting in 4 penalty points as opposed to a driving ban but the Court will still be entitled to convict.



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26 minutes ago, ryanhull said:

Guys, I guess I made a stupid mistake, I actually was the driver last night and with that only had two small bottles of Leo, the reason I did not opt for the breath test is becuase it happened before and I got a huge cash on the spot fine (in his pocket) after speaking to a few Thai mates they said I should have gone to court and not paid... anyway I made a massive mistake last night a. drinking two small leo`s and thinking it was safe, b. not doing a breathaliser.... I had it in my head you have the right not to do one and with that you have to have a proper blood test which obviously I assumed would have come back fine, instead it all turned messy and I ended up being launched in cell... bit harsh some of the comments I feel given I litterally had two small leo`s and was not in the slightest bit drunk but I will take it as it was daft of me... I actually spent most of the night sat in the cell with a few Thai guys eating chicken and rice, this morning the police was really nice to me, he said I was daft to refuse the test on the spot but kinda understood why I did it, we sat and had a coffee and he was a really nice guy actually. I paid 4k to a lady to be released today (instead of 30k bail) I have court tomorow which I am told by the police guy to expect a 10k fine maybe less if I am polite etc he said.


I think your spot on, in the UK its innocent until proven guilty, I see here its guilty until proven innocent, that was kinda what I was aiming for becuase I knew I would have been sober enough to drive at a proper test and didnt wanna pay 10k in some guys pocket, but yeah next time 0 beers not even 1 if im driving and I certinally wont think I have any rights anymore in regards to refusing a breath test. Actually if some of you guys had seen the way he treated me and my mates, and my car you might have a tad sympathy for me, the younger police guy nearly ripped my electric wing mirrors off despite me telling him to press the button. I can also tell he has been through my glove box and there is a HTC phone missing, not that I care as its broke anyway but yeah he was a complete douche but his piers at the station where great with me.


Anyway stupidness cost me 15k and a night in the slammer, sorry guys


Ill await more of an ass whipping of you lot heh


At least you are in good spirits after all this, more than I can say for some of the Thai Bashers on this forum..............I take it you are in Bangkok??

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2 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

At least you are in good spirits after all this, more than I can say for some of the Thai Bashers on this forum..............I take it you are in Bangkok??


Indeed, thats quite a positive outlook after such an ordeal.


I would now like to see the BiB apply the same level of treatment to each and every driver on the roads (Thai or Foreign) and have regular more police stops checking for Alcohol, not only in Bangkok but up county too.


The amount of drink driving over here is staggering... I'm not referring to a couple of beers and driving but people who habitually drink and party all night and think nothing of driving home and risking the lives of others on the road - it is these people who can, do and have injured, maimed and killed others. 


To place this in perspective: I have a lot of Thai friends here, I've asked the questions and I know of very few who have NOT been had a car accident while driving under the influence of alcohol. I don't know any foreigners (mostly British) who have been involved in a car accident while driving under the influence of alcohol. 


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At least you are in good spirits after all this, more than I can say for some of the Thai Bashers on this forum..............I take it you are in Bangkok??


Well when you get released from a Thai cell it does give you a more positive outlook on the day heh, makes you appreciate things, this was actually in Chang Mai


Just so you lot know, I do not in anyway condone drink driving and have lost a very good friend in Phuket to that, however two small Leo`s to me really does not affect me but from now on I am not touching a drop when I am in the motor,



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6 minutes ago, ryanhull said:


Well when you get released from a Thai cell it does give you a more positive outlook on the day heh, makes you appreciate things, this was actually in Chang Mai


Just so you lot know, I do not in anyway condone drink driving and have lost a very good friend in Phuket to that, however two small Leo`s to me really does not affect me but from now on I am not touching a drop when I am in the motor,




Lesson learned... but I don't think anyone really begrudges you driving on two small bottles of beer. To be honest I have worse opinions of people who drive with an extreme cold, while not having properly rested or while using a phone....  Lets be honest, its something we've all done at some point in time.


There's a line in the sand and two beers doesn't really cross it...  studies have identified this which is why we have BAC limits and with a degree of certainty two beers over an hour would not exceed such limits. 


I guess there could be an issue for those who after two beers 'get the flavor' and become suggestible and 'go on then, just one more' is not something they consider an issue....  unfortunately I know many such people. 

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Lesson learned... but I don't think anyone really begrudges you driving on two small bottles of beer. To be honest I have worse opinions of people who drive with an extreme cold, while not having properly rested or while using a phone....  Lets be honest, its something we've all done at some point in time.


There's a line in the sand and two beers doesn't really cross it...  studies have identified this which is why we have BAC limits and with a degree of certainty two beers over an hour would not exceed such limits. 


I guess there could be an issue for those who after two beers 'get the flavor' and become suggestible and 'go on then, just one more' is not something they consider an issue....  unfortunately I know many such people. 


Your right mate, but I think two small beers might hit the 50 limit if you say hadnt eaten hardly anything that day or had litterally just drank two just prior to getting the test, so its not worth the mess mate, not only have I paid some women 4-5k (cant remember the total tbh) I now have to go to court tomorow and who knows what they will say. Actually I am getting done for having only a UK liscence, drink driving, refusing a test.... all 3 I believe so although the police guy I was chatting with was nice and relaxed I will certinally be expecting some sort of punishment. I actually had a bit of a laugh with the police cheif, he kept looking at my UK liscence and I was explaining to him that liscence it alot harder to get and a Thai liscence to me is a joke (my misses got one she cant even ride a bike)


Anyhow yeah, if you lot dont hear from me for a while bring some soap and L&M`s down.... a sack of tetley`s would go down nicely too with the chicken and rice. Actually in all seriousness I really hope the judge isnt on a mad one for those 3 'crimes' soon see I guess

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p.s should I explain in court why I refused the test with a sawadee? I was going to say I thought I was allowed a proper test down at the station which isnt far, also the fact that I have endured 1 nights hard labour already lol, or am I best just shutting the **** up?

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4 hours ago, wump said:

"Drink driving"... give the guy a break. He says he had two small Leos and this would put him nowhere near the limit.

That is what the charge is, and why he is in the slammer.
I am not in a position to "give him a break". Talk to the cops.
He would not be the first guy to say "I only had two" when they really meant only two after the first two.
Do you want to test the waters on that? Do you even know what the limit in Thailand is?  It is 0.05.
The rule of thumb is that TWO beers in one hour will get you there.
Leo at 5% alcohol content would be considered a full strength beer in Australia. An average 70 kilogram man who consumes two 280 ml full strength beers in the first hour would be at the limit per:  http://www.05licenceback.com.au/guide/ 
A "small" Leo is 330 ml. QED.

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1 hour ago, ryanhull said:

p.s should I explain in court why I refused the test with a sawadee? I was going to say I thought I was allowed a proper test down at the station which isnt far, also the fact that I have endured 1 nights hard labour already lol, or am I best just shutting the **** up?

Shut the <deleted> up, apologise profusely with a wai and I definitely wouldn't try telling the judge that the UK driving test is far superior to the Thai test.


Hard luck though mate.


Get your Thai driving licence, it's not difficult.

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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


That is incorrect - In the UK if you refuse a breath test and don't have a reasonable excuse you will be arrested. The law is the same here in Thailand. Ultimately you got off lightly for failing a drink driving test  (in that you refused to take it in the first place). 







All this in the UK <deleted>. Were not in the UK so dont even mention in the UK this and in the UK that. 


In the UK theres fat lazy women but do people rave on about them? 

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3 hours ago, blackcab said:


No idea where you get your figures from. My (Thai) wife was recently offered 4k on Sukhumvit Road, next to Emquartier.


She opted to blow in the big machine and came back well under the limit.

She was offered 4K on Sukhumvit Road? Offered 4K for what exactly? She blew a big one for 4K? 



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Been through it all paid my 30.000 baht security money went court total costs 6000 baht (+ 6 month ban on motorbike licence as car licence I use different province address)

and 5 days later got my 30.000 baht back ..

Seen at least 10 thais and Farangs pay the 10.000 fine and go out of the cells .At court nobody got more than 6.000 baht fines.. Parasites if they want to enforce the Law  go all the way.

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59 minutes ago, misterphil said:


All this in the UK <deleted>. Were not in the UK so dont even mention in the UK this and in the UK that. 


In the UK theres fat lazy women but do people rave on about them? 


In your haste to berate me you have made the fundamental flaw of not reading the thread carefully enough and in doing so have made somewhat of a pillock of yourself....


It was either Mark Twain or Abraham Lincoln who quoted this excellent line most fitting in such circumstances.... "Its Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."



......The UK comment is direct response to a comment made by ryanhull who implied that in the UK one is innocent until proven guilty, however, this is not the case regarding the avoidance of taking a breathalyzer.



You did make one comment I agree with...  a golden droplet of your genius perhaps, that in the UK there are fat lazy women...  we now know that in Pattaya there are dumb twits - thanks for the evidence :violin:






Edited by richard_smith237
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6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


In your haste to berate me you have made the fundamental flaw of not reading the thread carefully enough and in doing so have made somewhat of a pillock of yourself....


It was either Mark Twain or Abraham Lincoln who quoted this excellent line most fitting in such circumstances.... "Its Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."



......The UK comment is direct response to a comment made by ryanhull who implied that in the UK one is innocent until proven guilty, however, this is not the case regarding the avoidance of taking a breathalyzer.



You did make one comment I agree with...  a golden droplet of your genius perhaps, that in the UK there are fat lazy women...  we now know that in Pattaya there are dumb twits - thanks for the evidence :violin:






Well said, a very polite rebuttal and you beat me to it.

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11 hours ago, steven100 said:

refusing seems to get you into trouble .... 

I would try to get a letter from a thai doctor stating your ahstma is to severe to take roadside breathalizer tests and that a blood test will be provided.


Utter nonsense. I have severe asthma and COPD even in my worst state I could always breathe into a breathalyser. He was probably  very drunk and just trying to get out of being caught. I'm sure the police straight saw straight through his ruse.

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Thanks for the replies, does anyone know is the court accepts visa? I assume it will be a 10k fine but my card limits my cash withdrawls each 24 hours, if it was 30k id struggle to get that in cash bar paying by my visa card, does anyone know how this works? thanks

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9 hours ago, ryanhull said:

Thanks for the replies, does anyone know is the court accepts visa? I assume it will be a 10k fine but my card limits my cash withdrawls each 24 hours, if it was 30k id struggle to get that in cash bar paying by my visa card, does anyone know how this works? thanks

how about you stop drinking and driving.

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how about you stop drinking and driving.

How about you shut your mouth and take a chill pill, already said it was a mistake and two small beers is hardly the crime of the century, been driving here almost 7 years and never had a problem plus driving since I was 17, anyway as above if you bothered to read the posts I have learnt my lesson but it's always good to get a bit of advice not only for my sake but for others who make the same mistake. Good day.
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21 hours ago, Adeeos said:

A good Thai friend told me sometime later, after my illegal stop,,  the BEST thing/things you can carry in a wallet in BKK, are a biz card of a higher up cop, and a biz card of a well known good lawyer in BKK,, Unless you're really screwing up,, he said those 2 items will get you out of most any BS stop and rob by the BIB.... lol

Can I get them from you?

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