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Thailand's goal is to become a 'developed' country within 20 years


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16 minutes ago, marginline said:

What if it was an acronym instead which meant something positive like Colloquy Operative Uniting Politics. Surely a C.O.U.P. every 5-years would then be okay?

IMHO that would sound BS enough to spin the necessary facts without affecting the GDP and have the UN with their knickers in a veto.

looks like there won't be a coop in five years this time, this lot will still be there

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Developed Country? No corruption, No Vote Buying, No Vote Selling, No Bribery, No Corrupt RTP, No Corrupt Land Offices, No Corrupt Politicians, No Military Rule, Competition across the Borders in Twenty Years? We'll See!

Amazing Thailand!


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1 minute ago, DavisH said:

probably mean "by 30 years it would have expanded 5%" lol That's more achieveable that 5% per year. But Thailand is too proud to take notes from development in Vietnam (6.2%) or Philippines (6.92%). Thailands rate is 3.2% for the same time (2016).

That is true but Thailand's 3.2% is growth from a higher level than that of the other two. His mistake is thinking that continual growth of 4-5% is guaranteed over the next 30 years, as a Buddhist he should know that only instability is guaranteed, he hasn't been to the temple for a long time.

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"Thailand's goal is to become a 'developed' country"


It is a great goal yes, But forget timelines of 20 years 30 years 100 years


Know this...The journey towards your lofty goal starts with the first step & you have yet to take any steps at all thanks to the few that rule you.


Regurgitating 19 coups so far has the effect of erasing any steps at all even if any had been taken


End this cycle & take your 1st real step Thailand towards your goal


Edited by mania
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I agree all people reading these kind of statements daily are getting tired of it!

And for more the agencies or universities and the government is doing it for less you will ever can believe it might happen.


And as long even more then 30% of the cross national product is in the pockets of a view "influental groups" (yes all the bribes and  and and) this country will never ever grow to a developed country.


All in all as long the education system is how it is and effectly prducing uneducaterd people to manipulate better no chance for a developed country!

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3 hours ago, mikebell said:

Thailand is 60 years from being a developed nation.  It is mediaeval in its thinking allowing Hi-sos to lord it over the serfs.  The rule of law is barely implemented and then only selectively.  Thai police are the nouveau-riche.  Packs of wild dogs roam unchecked.  
The daily slaughter on the roads continues unabated.  There is little effective education unless you are rich and live in a city.

This man's delusional thinking is typical of the ruling classes.

In the 2 decades I have been travelling to Thailand I would honestly estimate that the economic and social fabric has diminished rather than grown.

Tourism , which is propogated as the great success story is in fact a headless monster let loose , completely unregulated with aparently no regard shown to the current or future ecological or logistical consequecies.

Other than wishful thinking or simple propaganda , what would be the reason to imagine the next 20 years will be any better than the last 20 have been ?

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To be developed, let's see the checklist if Thailand can fulfilled all these: -


1. Embrace globalization - Many laws and relations have to be dismantled to allow ease of doing business for foreigners

2. Free market capitalism - Too much government intervention and subsidies

3. Education - Mountain to climb

4. Strict pragmatic policies - lack of competent leaders

5. Corruption and crime minimal - impossible

6. Favourable investment climates - investors hate political instability

7. Steady political climate - oxymoronic when military stage regular coups



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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Goal is to become a 'developed' country within 20 years

An article of almost 680 words about the future of Thailand in the next 20-30 years.

And not one word of "democracy" or "democratic."

That not only belies every Thai constitution to date but (unfortunately) brutally honest as to what the ruling class priorities are - a 21st century feudal state.

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Thailand's goal is to become a 'developed' country within 20 years--


Its does start to get a bit irritating that threads just seem to get hijacked, all the time. What does the army rule-- or any other government have to do with ..."is it Possible for Thailand to become a developed country within any number of years".

Were all those Eastern European states ...not developing countries. East Germany the Power house--Is Russia not a developed country ? The 2nd largest economy in the world China..That's not a developed country because no free elections. ?


Lets by all means have lots of threads on who should be in Power, who buys votes, who steals from the people etc. But do not turn every post into it.

No discussion on the amount of infrastructure being built in Thailand--the step towards being just one of the few countries in the world --(if it happens) to have high speed rail. The start of a pension scheme--the start of free (30Baht) health a few years back, a minimum wage...etc....

We just have to get dragged back to this subject where everyone has a fixed position & at the end of the day wont be changing it anyway.


No wonder the amount of posters here seem to go down by the day.

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1 hour ago, jenny2017 said:

The 30 baht card wasn't Thaksin's idea at all. Nor did he build new schools, and what has electricity and water to do with it?


The 30 baht scheme was started under Thaksin, the idea is largely lifted from the UK's NHS so no, it was not his idea, but most people credit the politicians who implement things rather than the foreigners whose ideas they implement.  Thaksin built many schools in rural areas and brought electricity and mains water to thousands of villages.  What on earth would you jump in for if you know nothing about what he achieved?

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2 hours ago, impulse said:


Why?  They're just the public face of the real power- $$$.  Perhaps a dozen families that keep Thailand's masses poorly educated, compliant, and subservient.


Just like elected officials don't hold the real power.



Sad as it is. this is very close to the truth, those that do hold the true power are the ones that control the majority of the wealth in Thailand, it is certainly not in their interests to educate the masses, education would mean that the masses might start to understand and question the existing system.

History has proven itself time and time again that this is the case, as soon as a Government starts to make significant changes that may benefit the masses and threaten this power base, then the orders are given and the military does the rest, look back and analyse each time.

Whenever the general public try to have a serious voice and it threatens the power base, it is squashed.

Unfortunately, Thailand is long way off being considered a developed nation, it could be one of the richest in the world and still would not be truly developed, 98% of the country would never see or benefit from that wealth.

Wealth doesn't make the country developed, unless it is allowed to.

Edited by Mattd
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Often, I wondered where so many of the "confiscated" drugs the police obtained from suspects went to.  Now, as I read news articles, etc., I am beginning to find out.  They get destroyed but not as we perform the act in the west but by those who need to propose and "develop" such ridiculous ideas.  Other examples are the aircraft carrier, which goes nowhere, that was made in Spain, with the excuse for that being because Spain had made them before, forgetting that Britain was first to build a full carrier, the purchase of out of date Harriers without spare parts, that never used the ship.  Of course, we must not forget the politician who proposed that large hurricane fans be built and situated near the river in order to blow away the pollution from Silom.  Oh, I forgot about the proposal to use helicopters to remove damaged vehicles from the places where they were interfering/preventing the ongoing traffic flow during the times when there was heavy traffic on the roads of Bangkok.

Edited by wotsdermatter
to insert forgotten material
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Reading this article makes me feel old because I remember the government saying the exact same thing 20 years ago.


Face it, Thailand is a turd world nation and always will be turd world.


The only way you become "developed" is to allow free discussion and exchange of ideas instead of imprisoning people you don't agree with over thought crimes, and secondly, forcing your industries and workers to be more competetive by opening up to foreign competetion, instead of protecting them from superior foreigners. Both of which are too painfull for Thais to accept and so will never be introduced here. 

Edited by Time Traveller
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They underdeveloped on every level [emoji41]

They said they will put cables underground too, its always ends on talking, may b put them in some street for the photo op...

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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