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Unregistered drones BANNED in Thailand

Jonathan Fairfield

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Good move in my opinion far to many around now. Had a drowning in village last week 5 pathetic people put drones up to capture the moment the body came out of the water.  I personaly brought one down to earth a month ago flying and hovering over my property. Took what was left of it to its owner wasnt hard to find wandering round looking for it, minus the sd card of course. Guess what a farang visiting his g/f's aunty. Showing off well not for long. 

"Oh im sorry didnt know you lived in that house" does it matter who lives where invasion of privicy. Needless to say said Aunty got the wrong end of the wifes displeasure as well.

Edited by jeab1980
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10 hours ago, Stoker58 said:

It's a Remotely Piloted Aircraft, it's got a camera. Dammit, now I'll have to go and register myself and the drone with the ministry if I don't want to spend five years in jail.


It should be enough to reg it at the local police station...;)

The only issue you may face that it may be difficult to meet the requirements of distance to buildings, persons and so on and still manage the eye contact...

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13 hours ago, dotpoom said:

And a lot more......many reports out now that drones are now the big threat to watch out for in the battle against the terrosists. Bombs being dropped from above in stadia where big events are happening ....like football matches and all sports....any place where a lot of people are gathered....it's too horrible to contemplate the possibilities.

PS......and somebody on here says...."what a joke"....All I can say is.......protect us all....not so much from the bombers, but from the people who can think of nothing othet than that to say?

Yep, quite right! We all freedom but we want privacy too. Drones can be used to invade that privacy.

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If you go to the NBTC site to look for what to do, and search 'drone' - it responds with 0 search results.    Typical.

I will go to my local police station next week and I absolutely guarantee you when I try to register, they will have no clue what to do.

Thailand 4.0.    The NBTC should make a secure web page for registering. When it is so difficult to register, nobody will do it.

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3 minutes ago, drbrit said:

If you go to the NBTC site to look for what to do, and search 'drone' - it responds with 0 search results.    Typical.

I will go to my local police station next week and I absolutely guarantee you when I try to register, they will have no clue what to do.

Thailand 4.0.    The NBTC should make a secure web page for registering. When it is so difficult to register, nobody will do it.

Good idea,  but so was the Online 90 Day reporting and we all know how reliable that has turned out to be



Yep, quite right! We all freedom but we want privacy too. Drones can be used to invade that privacy.

So let's ban high powered binoculars also


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12 hours ago, Bonefish said:

That's a very good idea and a first step towards making them illegal!


Drones are unnecessary toys and should not be available to the public, same as assault weapons . The bigger ones can carry payloads of 20 kg or more, and are potentially extremely dangerous delivery systems for explosives, chemical and biological weapons and other nasty stuff.


Why they were ever allowed to be made available to the public is totally incomprehensible to me.


If you think you can sleep better at night because drones and assault rifles are banned, I have some bad news for you.  The devastating argument against these bans, is that terrorists and criminals do NOT care about laws.  They ignore them totally and consistently do so.


Just look at Paris!  Most stringent guns laws in the world, yet the terrorists had all the AK's they needed.


In short, put your "worry cap" back on. You are NOT safer because of these laws.

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15 hours ago, Pinot said:

I'm going down to the beach to smoke a few cigs and fly my drone...


This is a country that can't enforce a helmet law. 

That will be approx 200 000 Bath fine and maybe 15 year in jail. 

Lucky you were walking. If you drove without helmet it would be 200 Bath more. :cheesy:

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16 hours ago, Bonefish said:

That's a very good idea and a first step towards making them illegal!


Drones are unnecessary toys and should not be available to the public, same as assault weapons . The bigger ones can carry payloads of 20 kg or more, and are potentially extremely dangerous delivery systems for explosives, chemical and biological weapons and other nasty stuff.


Camera-equipped drones are also commonly used to snoop on other people's privacy and business dealings. They can go stationary and take photos and videos right through people's windows, even in condo and office buildings. And they can easily be used to take down aircraft, either on take-off or on landing approach.


Why they were ever allowed to be made available to the public is totally incomprehensible to me.

^Well, that's a very close minded way to look at drones. To me, they are not toys but a videography tool, just as my DSLR camera is a videography tool. Same thing. Only difference is one of them fly's and serves a different purpose for different shots.

16 hours ago, Deerculler said:

It is a world wide problem because of a few idiots.

I have a drone and happy to register it.

^Couldn't agree more. It's about time Thailand did something.

16 hours ago, JAFO said:

So I have to ask, what is the point of registering the drone?  They say register but what are we registering?  


I have had a Mavic for a year here. I fly responsibly. 


Anyone have a link to the registration form?


I laugh as its a 5 year jail term or 100k baht fine. People kill people here and apologize and give 30k baht and walk away.  



^The point is when one of these idiots fly's their drones over the grand palace, or a prison, or near an airport, they will be caught and dealt with.

5 minutes ago, watcharacters said:



Gosh,  Your first post and you're already on fire.


Careful or  you'll need to increase your blood pressure med dosage.

^lol well.... some things just need to be pointed out.

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17 hours ago, flyingdoc said:

Zaos may well be right, but what do you have to do in order to apply?


If you read the "other" newspaper it gives far more detail and tell you how to register.


Unfortunately we are not allowed to paste from that paper but the thread name is just the same.

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6 hours ago, bluejets said:


That doesn't look too complicated to fill in.


My 13 year old son bought one a while ago from his pocket money. Like most children of that age he wanted to play/use it now and not wait for Daddies help.


We last saw it flying away around the house and despite flashing leds we have never found it yet.


1,300 baht for 15 minutes fun. He has never bothered to ask for another one.

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Do we have to go to the place we registered them when we change hotel, province, or address?  Because the address on the registration form will be different as we move around the county! 


Do we have to pay a fee each time?


And, I can only list 3 locations I want to fly it?  



Edited by jak2002003
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18 hours ago, Bonefish said:


Probably more than you! I have much more interesting things to do than messing around with drones and invading other people's privacy!

A few months ago, I was sitting on my patio when a drone appeared and hovered a few metres away, probably filming for about 2 minutes, then flew away. If I had had a gun, or even a catapult, I would love to have shot it down.

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21 hours ago, midas said:

5 years in jail is a bit tough but then again it's not as bad as 10 years in jail just for smoking an e cigarette.

Amazing Thailand:giggle:

and justice reform (penalties matching the severity of the crime in human decency considerations) seems not to be mentioned anymore; guess it is dead

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1 hour ago, pennine said:

A few months ago, I was sitting on my patio when a drone appeared and hovered a few metres away, probably filming for about 2 minutes, then flew away. If I had had a gun, or even a catapult, I would love to have shot it down.


There are more and more devices on the market now, designed to take down or incapacitate drones which are snooping on your privacy. A simple laser beam is sometimes enough to take them out.


Several European countries, such as the Netherlands and France, are now training eagles and other birds of prey specifically to attack and destroy drones flying over sensitive sites such as nuclear power plants, airfields, military installations, etc. There are also some very sophisticated anti-drone weapons which automatically detect drones, incapacitate them and take them down.


This is much-needed equipment, as any idiot can now buy and fly drones. Just read some of the comments on these pages to understand what I mean.

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21 hours ago, Pinot said:

I'm going down to the beach to smoke a few cigs and fly my drone...


This is a country that can't enforce a helmet law. 

Nor for that matter a law that says driving against the flow of traffic is illegal. I've never seen anyone caught for this.

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3 minutes ago, jimster said:

Another newbie who wants Thailand to be like the country he came from.


Yes registering drones is stupid. No I'm not going to apologize for this comment. No I don't think there will be any problems flying unregistered drones in places like beaches, housing estates and other places that are away from crowds and are not considered sensitive areas. If I buy a drone I also won't bother registering it. I doubt I'll be using it often enough to make it worthwhile nor would I ever consider flying it near any so-called "sensitive" areas anyway.

^You CLEARLY missed the point, badly. As consumer drones can be purchased by anybody these days and is getting into the hands of the masses (and untrained pilots), they NEED to be regulated and accounted for. Good for you for staying away from sensitive areas. But the foolish idiots flying near airports, prisons, the Grand Palace, etc need to be punished.

"Another Newbie who wants Thailand to be like the country where he came from" - hahahaha..... good one. Funniest thing I've read in a while. I might be new to Thai Visa, but not new to forums at all. Do you feel special because your post count is higher than mine? It's the same BS in every forum. These "forum veterans" always trying to make themselves feel better. And oh, Thailand IS the country where I came from. Don't get ahead of yourself. Silly farang.

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15 minutes ago, Always Lit said:

^You CLEARLY missed the point, badly. As consumer drones can be purchased by anybody these days and is getting into the hands of the masses (and untrained pilots), they NEED to be regulated and accounted for. Good for you for staying away from sensitive areas. But the foolish idiots flying near airports, prisons, the Grand Palace, etc need to be punished.

"Another Newbie who wants Thailand to be like the country where he came from" - hahahaha..... good one. Funniest thing I've read in a while. I might be new to Thai Visa, but not new to forums at all. Do you feel special because your post count is higher than mine? It's the same BS in every forum. These "forum veterans" always trying to make themselves feel better. And oh, Thailand IS the country where I came from. Don't get ahead of yourself. Silly farang.

Yeah right. You're a "farang from Thailand". Funny. So am I and most other "farangs" on here. Get off your high horse.

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26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.

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27 minutes ago, jimster said:

Yeah right. You're a "farang from Thailand". Funny. So am I and most other "farangs" on here. Get off your high horse.

Get off my high horse? What do you want to see... my passport or something? LOL. I honestly don't give a damn if you believe me or not, but don't start something you can't back up.  :laugh:

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23 hours ago, midas said:

5 years in jail is a bit tough but then again it's not as bad as 10 years in jail just for smoking an e cigarette.

Amazing Thailand:giggle:

it was 100,000 baht fine or one year in jail IF caught smoking....NOT TEN YEARS.....sorry you are talking about an E cigarette... thort you were on about the no smoking ban on beaches

Edited by garbolino
read the post wrong
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22 hours ago, Bonefish said:

That's a very good idea and a first step towards making them illegal!


Drones are unnecessary toys and should not be available to the public, same as assault weapons . The bigger ones can carry payloads of 20 kg or more, and are potentially extremely dangerous delivery systems for explosives, chemical and biological weapons and other nasty stuff.


Camera-equipped drones are also commonly used to snoop on other people's privacy and business dealings. They can go stationary and take photos and videos right through people's windows, even in condo and office buildings. And they can easily be used to take down aircraft, either on take-off or on landing approach.


Why they were ever allowed to be made available to the public is totally incomprehensible to me.

Wow! I don't think regression because someone is too lazy to register a drone merits that.


Even though the above facts stated above are true, not everyone would do that.


Why not take everyone's computers off them as well; a lot more people doing a lot more damaging stuff with them than there ever will be with a drone. A lot more operating systems un-registered as well while we're at it................:thumbsup:


don't know why they were ever made available to the public sometimes, I really don't

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On 11/10/2017 at 6:57 PM, wakeupplease said:

jail for Fartinting cannot be too far away, these so called leaders and law makers should be the ones trying it out first nobs

Depends a lot on the colour of the tinting.  Curry, Chillie beans, Tom yum.

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