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VIDEO: Thai man brutally assaults Aussie expat in Pattaya following road rage incident

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2 hours ago, Russell17au said:

How did all this start? There are many unanswered questions that no one on here knows. What happened before any of this video was taken? Who took the video? The video only shows the Aussie get out of his car and get the knife out but it does not show anything that included the Thai man on the video. The Aussie did not approach the car with the video.

looks like dash cam from the car further back there on the soi


the story goes that the OZ driver scratched the car of the Thai and rolled down the window and gave a finger (or a few "words) and off he went ... Thai followed, overtook and stopped in front of him ... Old one jumped out of the car and waste no time to pull his machete from the trunk and hop hop went for the Thai car's window, where the wife and little baby were inside ... the rest u've seen ...

58 minutes ago, Thai Ron said:


I'd have waited until the copper had gone.


What would you have done?

Challenged him to a dance off?

So you would have waited until the cop was gone, and THEN coward punched him?

I seriously recommend you check into the nearest psychiatric facility, or perhaps get yourself checked out for rabies.

2 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

So you would have waited until the cop was gone, and THEN coward punched him?

I seriously recommend you check into the nearest psychiatric facility, or perhaps get yourself checked out for rabies.

No need to "coward" punch him once the copper was gone but that wouldn't occur to a girl's blouse who'd be showing off his best Charleston moves.

3 hours ago, balo said:

I wonder if the Aussie is a member here ? Maybe he can tell us his version and why he lost his mind ? 


Very unlikely. we only have the finest well mannered gentlemen on this forum.:passifier:

1 hour ago, Bang Bang said:

Yep, crazy Aussie. Got what he asked for.


Having thought about it, I reckon both were looking for trouble and found it.  Initially, like many, I thought both were guilty of serious offences, but I had some sympathy for the Thai.  But thinking about it he repeatedly got himself in to provocative situations, and finally committed a serious assault.


Both should be locked up for the public good, but I suspect that as neither inflicted lasting damage the matter may be settled out of court, with the police showing a healthy profit in to the bargain.

6 hours ago, puffy said:

The Aussie is scum, attacking the Thai man in his car with a machete in front of his wife and young child. He is lucky he was not put down permanently, because if someone attacked me with a machete with my wife and baby there, I would do whatever I had to do. Deport the senile old b###### after spending a couple of years behind bars.

His daughter is better off without him,  What is someone thinking anyway having a child at 64?

And if that person was called Conor McGregor and not a 72 yr Aussie. I'm sure you would have attacked him.


I don't care who started it.

But the Thai guy committing a violent assault on school grounds in front of children (and a policeman) is unforgivable behaviour and he should be jailed.

What if these two fools had started using weapons or their vehicles as weapons in the school car park at the end of school when the area is full of CHILDREN being collected! 

If the police don't prosecute him then the school should do as the school has a duty to protect the kids from violent raving lunatics coming on school property and violently assaulting people, regardless of the provocation.


After having seen both videos and NOT knowing the exact cause of their two vehicles coming together which seems to be the beginning of the incident. Seems like the Aussie just went berserk at the scene of the fender bender, if indeed that is where the accident occurred. He got out of his car and immediately went for the knife. Then runs the guy down and leaves. If I had been threatened with a knife, hit with a car where the driver had left the scene, I would likely have wanted to see the guy dead. Then I would have calmed down I would just have hired some guys to beat the guy to a pulp and break his legs. Sorry but from the two videos, the Aussie lost it and got what he deserved. Hope he also ends up being sued for running the guy down. Let's see if there is additional reporting to see if the actual facts come out in this bizarre incident. 

14 hours ago, AllThaiedUp said:

And... dropped by a girly punch. That big ring the guy's wearing is the only reason it drew blood. Guess he thought he was safe because the police were right there but let that be a lesson... Always expect the unexpected.

Yes, the Thai had the Thai police there to protect him. 


Maybe he should not have road raged and go out of his car because an old man was yelling at him. 


An example of Thai having no respect for elderly and being a racist country. 


Prove you're not. 


A 27 Year old Thai man Knocks out a 72 Year old Falang??? What is wrong with this picture???

Typical Thai, if the Falang was younger, the Thai would of got some friends to help !!! 

The Land of Cowards !!!  Disgusting !!!!:shock1:

Anyone who has lived here for over 10-15-20 years can see the difference in the Thais attitude to farangs, They (Thais) are  constantly being shown News reports & seeing for themselves, complete farang "Knob heads" staggering around drunk, climbing telephone poles, running around naked, urinating in the streets. Begging because they have run out of money --so are pretending they have sickness or an injury so they can stay.
Running scams --Boiler rooms etc--shooting the opposition. Of course I am not condemning all who live here...but Christ this place does attract loons. And not just for 2 weeks holiday, a lot when they get here just wont go back.
Then the usual rant against Thailand---why do we have to have a visa...we've got money, they should be happy we are here.
Khao-San-Road- On almost any day of the week
How old is that pic they was there years ago are they still there. I remember the white guy would just drink sato all day.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Just now, juice777 said:

How old is that pic they was there years ago are they still there. I remember the white guy would just drink sato all day.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

But what a bloody beard he has on him. 

3 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

Yep, crazy Aussie. Got what he asked for.

Rather than making silly comments such as these, you should be concerned about Thai behaviour in a more general sense, as well as police behaviour, as it is quite dangerous. The fact that a Thai person brutally assaults (for whatever reason) an old, frail foreigner 2 feet away from a police officer should tell you something. I'm not frail by any stretch of the imagination, but I've had a Thai guy lunge at me in an attempt to hit me, twice, directly in front of a police officer. He didn't connect, but he was close. As I said in an earlier post, my wife was attacked by an aggressive Thai lady IN the interview room of the Soi 9 police station, IN FRONT of senior officers and video surveillance.


They just don't care about police officers when they want to get at a foreigner for whatever reason. Remember this if you ever get into a sticky situation. Don't expect the cops to help you out and always stay on your guard and watch out for sucker punches.


It might be worth mentioning too, they are not afraid of court. They have this preconceived notion that courts will always protect their own when it comes to court cases involving foreigners. I was pretty sure my first lawyer was helping the defendant. Whether he was or not didn't make much difference because he messed up our court case so badly that the defendant was legally able to come after me in a follow-up court case. (he submitted key evidence a few days late). I had to find this out myself 6 months later as he failed to tell me and he knows I cannot read Thai and wouldn't know they dismissed the evidence.


I changed lawyers and won 2 follow up court cases with a good lawyer who was on our side, but I could see the plaintiff was very angry with our lawyer after the hearing. "How dare a Thai lawyer help those scum Farang" was on their mind for sure. "It's just not right. It's our country, our courts, our lawyers" - they should always win. Sure, these Thai people were brain-dead, but people like them are not hard to find in Pattaya. I don't know about the rest of Thailand. Brain dead = very dangerous.

14 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

The agitated Thai man delivered a wicked sucker punch. But as the video clip clearly shows, there was prior provocation. Both men in the wrong, yet the Aussie escalated the matter by taking a deadly weapon (machete) in hand and NOT in self-defense mode. You should NEVER take a deadly weapon in hand unless it's "justified" (i.e. in self-defense w bonafide threat to life/limb or protection of family or other 'innocents' who are under similar threat). In this case, there was no bonafide reason for Aussie to pick up the weapon, nor valid reason to run over the Thai man. But the Thai man did lose his cool and his sucker punch was gutless. I think both men should pay a price. 


The gutless POS drops a man 3 times his age with a gutless sucker punch,what a pussy. I hope someone goes to the 99 gold shop and takes care of this A- hole.


2 hours ago, idannyb said:

The agitated Thai man delivered a wicked sucker punch. But as the video clip clearly shows, there was prior provocation. Both men in the wrong, yet the Aussie escalated the matter by taking a deadly weapon (machete) in hand and NOT in self-defense mode. You should NEVER take a deadly weapon in hand unless it's "justified" (i.e. in self-defense w bonafide threat to life/limb or protection of family or other 'innocents' who are under similar threat). In this case, there was no bonafide reason for Aussie to pick up the weapon, nor valid reason to run over the Thai man. But the Thai man did lose his cool and his sucker punch was gutless. I think both men should pay a price. 

IMHO I believe only the foreigner will pay a price here. Provided they have enough evidence of his blade attack (clear video identifying him and the victim) and witnesses, he will probably be convicted of an unprovoked assault with a deadly weapon, serve some time, fined and deported. Perhaps the police will not press charges on either side. It will be interesting to see what happens next. I don't think the Thai gold dealer feels the foreigner has suffered enough yet as he was taunting him after he'd knocked him out and he woke up. Perhaps he does actually want to kill him and may try.

Just now, tropo said:

IMHO I believe only the foreigner will pay a price here. Provided they have enough evidence of his blade attack (clear video identifying him and the victim) and witnesses, he will probably be convicted of an unprovoked assault with a deadly weapon, serve some time, fined and deported. Perhaps the police will not press charges on either side. It will be interesting to see what happens next. I don't think the Thai gold dealer feels the foreigner has suffered enough yet as he was taunting him after he'd knocked him out and he woke up. Perhaps he does actually want to kill him and may try.

Or perhaps  both families may reconcile the issue with mediation from the police and live happily ever after.



19 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:



Video: Thai gold shop owner floors Aussie pensioner in school parking lot



Image: Daily News


A video taken by a news reporter showed an angry 28 year old Thai man floor a 72 year old pensioner with a fist to the face in a Pattaya
school parking lot.


The assault was right in front of a traffic policeman who was trying to sort out a road rage incident that had happened earlier.


Gerard Collins was left with a bloodied face as his 8 year old Thai/Aussie daughter rushed to his side and teachers and students looked on.

Seconds earlier 28 year old Sumeth Rungratanaphan had said: "I have (a) clip - you wanna kill me".


No charges have yet been made as injury reports have been requested by police.


Daily News said in their headline that it "was not known yet who was in the wrong" after Sumeth claimed that before going to the school the Australian had come at him with a chef's knife.


The Daily News reporter was picking up his own child when he became aware of the incident that was developing at Aksorn Suksa School in Soi Korphai, South Pattaya.


He said that Sumeth - owner of gold shop "99" at Wat Chai Monkhol market - had told police that before arriving at the school he had been involved in a minor traffic scrape with the Australian.


Sumeth was in a white Honda Brio while the Australian was in a Nissan NV (Plate 1152). The Australian was indicating to turn right so Sumeth passed on the left but there was a coming together.


He claimed that the Australian wound down the window and started swearing.



Image: Daily News


Sumeth told the reporter: "I stopped and got out. But he went to his boot and got an "Ito" knife and came to attack me. There was blood running out of wounds on my left and right arms.


"I fled in fear of my life. He slashed at my car with his knife causing two windows to be smashed and then he fled the scene".


This all allegedly happened at the end of Soi Korphai.


""I saw him drive into the school", continued Sumeth, "so I called police and followed him in there".


Pictures showed that there was also window damage to the Australian's car.


Once in the school police tried to sort out what had happened.



Image: Daily News


Meanwhile the wife of Sumeth, cradling their one year old baby, filmed along with the reporter.


Then in front of shocked teachers and students Sumeth lost his temper and aimed one punch at the Aussie flooring him in front of the policeman.


The Australian's 8 year old daughter who he was picking up from the school came out and rushed to her father's side.


Through her he gave his side of the story saying about the Thai man:


"He was going to attack me first. I got the knife to protect myself. I didn't intend to harm him".


Nakornrat Nonsrilat of Pattaya police investigating said that both of the men went to hospital and he was waiting for injury reports before proceeding.


More witness statements would be gathered and no charges had yet been made.


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-10-12



UPDATE: Footage emerges of what happened before Aussie was floored in school parking lot

Taking the law into your own hands is Thai mentality...One day this coward will encounter a youger and more determined advisory...END up dead or in Hospital

1 hour ago, tropo said:

IMHO I believe only the foreigner will pay a price here. Provided they have enough evidence of his blade attack (clear video identifying him and the victim) and witnesses, he will probably be convicted of an unprovoked assault with a deadly weapon, serve some time, fined and deported. Perhaps the police will not press charges on either side. It will be interesting to see what happens next. I don't think the Thai gold dealer feels the foreigner has suffered enough yet as he was taunting him after he'd knocked him out and he woke up. Perhaps he does actually want to kill him and may try.

I feel that you are correct, however, I think that the old man should leave immediately after his day in court or sentence as I would think that with all the low pay workers in Thailand, I'd be surprised if the gold dealer wouldn't hire someone to bash or kill the old guy.

18 minutes ago, Thechook said:

I wonder what happened prior to that between the two that upset the old guy.  Anyone have footage of what started the whole thing.

This is why everyone is rushing to judgement based on the one video. This should be taken to court and all witnesses are heard from before a determination is made.


So much anger out on the roads today.

Personally I play relaxing music, the type you hear in the legitimate massage places, and also burn incense, like an aromatherapy. Problem is I keep falling asleep.

8 hours ago, Thai Ron said:

No need to "coward" punch him once the copper was gone but that wouldn't occur to a girl's blouse who'd be showing off his best Charleston moves.

You do a lot of assuming facts not in evidence. You know nothing about me.

Has it occurred to you that if you showed the same aggression and insulting demeanor in real life, as you do behind a keyboard, you would get yourself in serious trouble sooner rather than later? There is always someone bigger, stronger, faster and more skilful than us out there.

I'd suggest you need to attend some anger management courses.



Scary thing is this Aussie seems to have procreated. They mention his daughter.


What might be a happy ending though is that his wife manages to grab his assets before the old thug gets deported. After which she spends most of her windfall buying gold at Sumeth's shop.

21 hours ago, AllThaiedUp said:

And... dropped by a girly punch. That big ring the guy's wearing is the only reason it drew blood. Guess he thought he was safe because the police were right there but let that be a lesson... Always expect the unexpected.

mate NOT a girly punch more like a sucker punch which i think would of floored most people.


your right about he thought he was safe as the police were there as i think most farangs would of thought that.


a coupe of points i notice most people are very brave behide the wheel or when they have a weapon and the other guy dose not, i can see how this played out ozzy get aggressive cos hes got the knife thai man thinks ozzy thinks hes a tough guy with a knife or when the police are there, thai man thinks ill teach him then, punches him. whats this ozzy playing at ??????? having kids at 64 and getting out the car at 72 to a young fit thai man. :shock1: sounds like he half got what he deserved to wake him up as to the way hes behaving in his life.

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