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Frustrated by Congress, Trump signs order to weaken Obamacare


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3 minutes ago, riclag said:

Awesome.  No more boarder line's .Now I don't have to go to Massachusetts to get In network Care.I can purchase HI anywhere in the USA especially in California where I live.It's about time. I was held prisoner to  HI only available in my company plan's state of Massachusetts. Every two years I had to fly 3000 miles to get a physical and various test which I couldn't get  free in California

What are you on about? You first write that you were using your company's insurance and now you're saying that you can buy insurance anywhere? So do you think you're going to save money by buying your insurance yourself rather than having to pay for it? And if you wanted to buy insurance that didn't come from your company before, what was stopping you?

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

This could have been accomplished with amendments to the ACA.  Sadly, Trump is trying to kill off anything to do with Obama.  Terrible.


Iran is another example of Trump's "scorched earth" policy. 

I also like the fact more insurance companies will be competing for my membership.Which will offer better prices.


I also like that I won't be forced to maintain a higher degree of coverage and pay penalty to the Fed's if I don't  choose  it.(If you don't maintain a Obamacare minimum coverage you pay a penalty starting from $95 and up).


And of course I don't have to wait around for the Dem's or the GOP to decide if it's good for them and their party.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

Really?  Tell that to my friend in Michigan who can't renew his health insurance policy due to this mess.


You'll need to provide credible links for what you are saying.  In the mean time, here's mine:






It's yet to be proven this "illegality" as stated by the White House.  It's far from being vetted properly.  Somewhat similar to the botched travel ban? LOL


Such a loser.  Messing around with people's lives due to politics.  And his hate for Obama.  A truly sick man.

Trump is using what Obama used his EO power.The Obstructionist will have to figure some other way to discredit this (can cross state line's HI plan).  

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15 minutes ago, riclag said:

I also like the fact more insurance companies will be competing for my membership.Which will offer better prices.


I also like that I won't be forced to maintain a higher degree of coverage and pay penalty to the Fed's if I don't  choose  it.(If you don't maintain a Obamacare minimum coverage you pay a penalty starting from $95 and up).


And of course I don't have to wait around for the Dem's or the GOP to decide if it's good for them and their party.

The part about new packages is interesting.  Supposedly, they will not have as many benefits, but will cost less.  I'll try to find the research on this, but I read it has a detrimental effect overall.  It may help some, but hurt others.


I live full time in Thailand.  So don't have to mess with this.  But also can't visit home for more than 1 month a year or I might get into trouble with ACA. :sad:

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

The part about new packages is interesting.  Supposedly, they will not have as many benefits, but will cost less.  I'll try to find the research on this, but I read it has a detrimental effect overall.  It may help some, but hurt others.


I live full time in Thailand.  So don't have to mess with this.  But also can't visit home for more than 1 month a year or I might get into trouble with ACA. :sad:

"  But also can't visit home for more than 1 month a year or I might get into trouble with ACA. :sad:"








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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

As for the insurance subsidies Trump is doing away with, the courts have already Obama acted illegally when he provided them

Lost in District Court but -

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court determined that the federal subsidies that help nearly 6.4 million people pay for their Obamacare health plans are legal under the Affordable Care Act.


King v Burwell.pdf

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WHat is astonishing to me is that even now, the elementary logic of why Obamacare is structured the way it is, simply escapes the comprehension of so many. Basically, for those in the insurance market, it's a 3 legged stool. Which is the way it is in every country providing prpvding universal health care via insurance companies. Here are the 3 legs of the stool.

1)People with pre-existing conditions should not be penalized or shut out of the insurance market.

2)Because of this, you need to mandate healthy, generally younger people buy insurance to subsidize the higher costs of caring for people with pre-existing conditions.

3)Because some people can't afford to pay the rates necessary to pay for people with pre-existing conditions, they need subsidies to help pay.


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16 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Lost in District Court but -

In a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court determined that the federal subsidies that help nearly 6.4 million people pay for their Obamacare health plans are legal under the Affordable Care Act.


King v Burwell.pdf

The future of the payments has been in doubt because of a lawsuit filed in 2014 by House Republicans, who said the Obama administration was paying the subsidies illegally. Judge Rosemary M. Collyer of the United States District Court in Washington agreed, finding that Congress had never appropriated money for the cost-sharing subsidies. (Source: The New York Times) (See also House v. Price).

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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

WHat is astonishing to me is that even now, the elementary logic of why Obamacare is structured the way it is, simply escapes the comprehension of so many. Basically, for those in the insurance market, it's a 3 legged stool. Which is the way it is in every country providing prpvding universal health care via insurance companies. Here are the 3 legs of the stool.

1)People with pre-existing conditions should not be penalized or shut out of the insurance market.

2)Because of this, you need to mandate healthy, generally younger people buy insurance to subsidize the higher costs of caring for people with pre-existing conditions.

3)Because some people can't afford to pay the rates necessary to pay for people with pre-existing conditions, they need subsidies to help pay.


If I remember correctly, it was partisan bickering that caused many of the problems.  Health care is a tough thing to get right.  Remember Hillarycare? LOL.  They can't get it right after all these years.  They should all be fired.

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2 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

Nobody is being denied coverage...get your facts straight.


As for the insurance subsidies Trump is doing away with, the courts have already Obama acted illegally when he provided them (no suprise there) so the President is just complying with a court decision. Isn't that what  president is supposed to do?

 I am effectively denied affordable health care. 

I am 60 years Old and if I retired right now I would have enough to live on from my employment pension and rental property income. but if I did I would lose my medical coverage and won't be eligible for medicare for another five years.   I  also have a pre-existing condition that requires expensive care. 

So I am forced to work and maintain my insurance until the Insurance issue is resolved one way or another and I know what my prospects are .  

All that this executive order did is it pushed the issue a couple of more years down the road and me into a couple of more years of purgatory.

 It will be a few months to a year until all the rules and regulation concerning the executive order are written and we all really know what its affects will be, then there will be the predictable litigation that  will take at least another year or more to resolve

This is simply sabotage to force a play, with people's lives held in the balance.



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2 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 I am effectively denied affordable health care. 

I am 60 years Old and if I retired right now I would have enough to live on from my employment pension and rental property income. but if I did I would lose my medical coverage and won't be eligible for medicare for another five years.   I  also have a pre-existing condition that requires expensive care. 

So I am forced to work and maintain my insurance until the Insurance issue is resolved one way or another and I know what my prospects are .  

All that this executive order did is it pushed the issue a couple of more years down the road and me into a couple of more years of purgatory.

 It will be a few months to a year until all the rules and regulation concerning the executive order are written and we all really know what its affects will be, then there will be the predictable litigation that  will take at least another year or more to resolve

This is simply sabotage to force a play, with people's lives held in the balance.



So give it off to the Dem's and GOP not to decide and bicker and more and more people lose coverage because of health care companies leaving   . I for one applaud this EO ( offering no state line's coverage plan's)  

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3 minutes ago, attrayant said:

CBO analysis: The Effects of Terminating Payments for Cost-Sharing Reductions


Expected 20% spike in premiums next year

Projected increase in the deficit is $194 billion over the next ten years



Maybe we'll soon be adding the national healthcare system to the list of Trump's bankruptcies.


Pre  EO    

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Trump has been threatening for a while to do this, so the CBO did an analysis back in August highlighting consequences of what Trump has been threatening to do (and now, has done).


22 minutes ago, riclag said:

Pre  EO   


What's your point?  Do they have to do another analysis?

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The order does nothing to provide universal healthcare. What it does is allow people to get limited coverage for a lesser premium. If they become ill- the coverage will be relatively worthless and the current system in which people have good coverage offset by the Government subsidizing the coverage will be gone.  Premiums will skyrocket -making people go uninsured because they cannot afford the premiums.


Absolute madness- if Trump was concerned about Americans he would move to expanding medicare to everyone and paying for it through larger contributions taken from a person's salary.  If one is unemployed or not of working age- medical care is free. If one is older than Age 5- all medical care is free.


The plan is simple- it gets rid of greedy insurance companies; forces Big Pharma to lower their prices and forces for profit hospitals and doctors to also lower their prices. Instead Trump's plan and  any plan put forward so far by the politicians forces people into bankruptcy when they become ill.


America is the only industrialized country that refuses to initiate universal paid healthcare. However, America has no problem with increasing the defense budget to almost $800 Billion the largest in the World- while its citizens die without adequate healthcare.

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Well, he did it.

Total aggressive SABOTAGE of the ACA.

As the Washington Post said today, trump OWNS the American health care system now.

It should no longer be called Obamacare.

It should be called trumpcare now.

The American people, especially the older, poorer, and less healthy, are about to see how little the corrupt perverted clown potus actually cares.


The next election will be about impeachment, health care policy, and probably a war or two.

As Bloomberg said, God help us. 

Edited by Jingthing
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More details about this truly awful, truly EVIL thing that the perverted corrupt clown potus just did --




Trump’s acting like Obamacare is just politics. It’s people’s lives.


On health care, there are going to be immediate and very real consequences for Americans. There are real people who stand to be hurt by an administration that has actively decided to make a public benefits program function poorly.


Trump has long predicted the implosion of the Affordable Care Act. It’s now become clear he plans to use the White House to tear down his predecessor rather than to help the people who voted him into office.








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As one who does not yet qualify for Medicare but who has a rare cancer with very pricey treatments options, I have at long last changed my avatar dating from, well from forever, to that of my new hero, Kathy Griffin, the only person who had the balls to speak the truth of this total douche bag of a human being.

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20 hours ago, Thaidream said:

Trump knows nothing about governing nor developing a universal healthcare program for Americans. While Obamacare is nowhere near perfect- it is pure madness to undermine it with no reasonable and responsible program to replace it. Trump is reacting like a small child whose mother has said No.  The Congress could not pass a healthcare replacement for Obamacare because the bill was flawed- it would have thrown more than 20 million people off the healthcare rolls.  That is exactly why John McCain voted against it- poor legislation.


If Trump had any sense or any real feeling for the American people he would recommend the expansion of Medicare to all Americans and thus provide universal healthcare. He won't do this because that would eliminate greedy insurance companies and Big Pharma who have screwed the American public for years.


Trump is bough and paid for by the wealthy and will go down as the worst President ever.

Thank you. I would add the possibility that 45 will be (if not already) the most hated man in the world.

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19 hours ago, Thaidream said:

It is time for the 25th Amendment to be invoked and Trump removed from power-  the Vice President and the Cabinet need to step up and do their job.  Trump is mentally unstable- no person in their right mind would make the decisions he is making,  Pure madness.

Do you think they have the integrity/moral fortitude to do this? They will continue putting party above country. They will NEVER do what is best for country if it negatively impacts them personally. NEVER.

millionaire reps.jpg

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Amazing some still support this liar.  FYI.






Trump, the Hypocritical Imperial President, Is on Pace to Double Obama’s Number of Executive Orders


From the comfort of his reality TV-host perch, Donald Trump slammed then-President Barack Obama over his use of executive orders. Once in the White House, though, Trump has done the exact thing for which he criticized his predecessor—on a range of issues, from golfing days to attacking Syria to, yes, signing executive orders.



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22 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

The losses are for Democrat voters...and they're getting a belly full!

This move will cost tax payers, it will raise insurance premiums, and it will dump a million people off health care. Who exactly is the winner here? The only winner here is Trump being able to say he did something to hurt Obamacare, and his desperate legion of mindless minions who desperately need something they can claim as a positive. But if this is your positive, you're in a dark place.

Edited by jcsmith
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17 hours ago, Thaidream said:

The order does nothing to provide universal healthcare. What it does is allow people to get limited coverage for a lesser premium. If they become ill- the coverage will be relatively worthless and the current system in which people have good coverage offset by the Government subsidizing the coverage will be gone.  Premiums will skyrocket -making people go uninsured because they cannot afford the premiums.


Absolute madness- if Trump was concerned about Americans he would move to expanding medicare to everyone and paying for it through larger contributions taken from a person's salary.  If one is unemployed or not of working age- medical care is free. If one is older than Age 5- all medical care is free.


The plan is simple- it gets rid of greedy insurance companies; forces Big Pharma to lower their prices and forces for profit hospitals and doctors to also lower their prices. Instead Trump's plan and  any plan put forward so far by the politicians forces people into bankruptcy when they become ill.


America is the only industrialized country that refuses to initiate universal paid healthcare. However, America has no problem with increasing the defense budget to almost $800 Billion the largest in the World- while its citizens die without adequate healthcare.

Here'sssssssssssssssssss donnie.

45's health plan.jpg

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The "great" disrupter.

The article explains some of the complex issues of this pretty well. 

As the clown once said, who knew health care was so complicated? 

Everyone that isn't a moron knew. 




Timing of White House actions unrolling parts of ACA ‘couldn’t be worse,’ states say


After threatening for months to end billions of dollars in payments promised to health insurers, President Trump finally dropped the ax with timing that could inflict maximal disruption on the Affordable Care Act enrollment season scheduled to begin in two weeks.


The most immediate upheaval is playing out in a set of states where regulators had ignored the risk that the president might carry out his threat and told insurers not to include any cushion in their 2018 rates for ACA health plans. Officials in at least three states are now debating whether to delay the Nov. 1 start of enrollment as they rush to consider higher premiums to make up for the abrupt and immediate loss of federal money.




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