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Cure for a weak bladder??


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I’m a 33 yr old in good shape male but my bladder is doing my head in! Last night for example was waking up every 30 mins to pee and it wasn’t like just a small pee it was like a full bladder pee. Anyone know any treatments cures etc. if I’m on the beer I’m in the bog every 30 mins it’s annoying!



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Yes you can try "Saw Palletto"  It has worked very well for me I had the urge to pee several times a night maybe 5 or 6 or more


Now maybe 2


Also had the urge to go but did not do too much


It takes about  2 to 3 weeks to work but it works well You will see lots of info on the internet about it


I am taking 1000 mg per day

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I disagree with those that advise a doctor's visit.I am a few days shy of my 60 th, and have had this problem for as far as I can think back, probably since my childhood.It seems to run in families, as my brother has the same problem.

Your bladder isn't even that bad:

I gotta pee every 30 to 60 minutes when not drinking,  and every 10 to 20 minutes when drinking alcohol.

It is a massive nuisance, but more likely than not nothing serious.

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11 minutes ago, thecyclist said:

I disagree with those that advise a doctor's visit.I am a few days shy of my 60 th, and have had this problem for as far as I can think back, probably since my childhood.It seems to run in families, as my brother has the same problem.

Your bladder isn't even that bad:

I gotta pee every 30 to 60 minutes when not drinking,  and every 10 to 20 minutes when drinking alcohol.

It is a massive nuisance, but more likely than not nothing serious.

Clearly the OP is worried and therefore this is not something he has experienced all his life, or is "normal" for him.


Therefore it is something that has changed, and he ought to get it investigated.


Even if his situation was the same as yours, which it isn't, it is a failure of logic to assume that because you experience something that has not turned out to be serious, the same applies to everyone on earth who experiences this.


The causes could be different e.g you might have a tragically small urethra, while the OP may have just developed diabetes.

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Thx for advice guys. I’ve always had a weak bladder so has my dad. But recently I’ve noticed I’m urianting even more. Anyone got any good recommendations for a urologist or doctor specialized in this?

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3 minutes ago, stevymac said:

Where can I buy saw palletto??

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I had the same problem from.childhood. Peed the bed every night until I was 14. When I started drinking I peed the bed every night. Whenever I stayed away, a hotel or whatever my wife would ask "did you.leave your trade mark behind you last night". Got checked out, it turned out I had a small bladder. Went in to have it expanded. Not pleasnt, stuck a tube up the eye of my penis, pumped water into my bladder and left it inside me to let the water drain off slowly. ...Great....only one problem, they failed to tell me that was only good for a few months, after that it would return to the same as before. Had they told me that at the start off I wouldn' t have bothered.

 PS. That was a long time ago, maybe things have moved on since then.


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31 minutes ago, stevymac said:

Where can I buy saw palletto??

Surely, you're not serious, taking medical advice from a Thaivisa poster who cannot even spell the name of the confirmed to be useless extract that he is taking?  You might do yourself a favour and research it, or,even more sensible, ask someone who knows what they're talking about (a doctor, for example; any hospital will help you) before throwing your money down the toilet as well.

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Not knowing where you live, it would be impossible to give you a recommendation. But most major hospitals have Urologists on staff, especially in Bangkok. I just went to a Urologist at St. Louis Hospital on Thursday.  I would advise you not to take Saw Palmetto. It is a diuretic and will only make you urinate more. You could go to Web MD website and use Symptom Checker for information. But my advice is to see a specialist for a consultation and avoid self-treatment. 

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See a Dr.

2 Doctors have advised me that the 2 main reasons for older guys frequently visiting the toilet of a night or day are, Enlarged Prostate Gland and diabetes.

I have had an enlarge prostate gland since my mid 40's and I am type 2 diabetic.

RUNS to the Hong Nam are just part of my life.

And I mean RUNS.



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38 minutes ago, stevymac said:

Just weird i asked a simple question, I’ve done research on this and now I want to try it but thanks for your totally useless reply.

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Actually, I thought his advice was quite sensible. Opinions vary.

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It's normal when you drink some beers that you've got to go more often. But you could also have a bladder infection that you should get checked as soon as possible.


    It's great that some posters tell you what helps for them, but you should first rule out that you haven't got something that must be cured.



Edited by jenny2017
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41 minutes ago, stevymac said:

I’m in ratchada area near mrt Rama 9. Any good urologists in This area?

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 There's a good one near Bang Rak: 


About Bangkok Nursing Home Hospital From their webpage:


This hospital was established to provide healthcare for expatriates in Bangkok in Thailand. The hospital later extended its services to Thais Medical services include general and routine checkups, IVF, dental care, dermatology, diabetes clinic, internal medicine, nutrition and dietetics, eye clinic, pediatrics clinic, orthopaedics, gynaecology, heart surgery and emergency department. Luxury and single rooms are provided for patients. The hospital consists of a team of renowned specialists in different medical disciplines. The hospital provides patients with excellent service from consultation to diagnosis and from planning to treatment.




   People wrote some good reviews for this place. 

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3 hours ago, realenglish1 said:

Yes you can try "Saw Palletto"  It has worked very well for me I had the urge to pee several times a night maybe 5 or 6 or more


Now maybe 2


Also had the urge to go but did not do too much


It takes about  2 to 3 weeks to work but it works well You will see lots of info on the internet about it


I am taking 1000 mg per day

what does :saw palletto: mean in english please ?


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