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Thousand of tourists complaining but Thais doing a great job, say Thai Rath


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Tourists complaining who would have thought it?

Next we will have expat residents complaining ....oooh never mind. 

Millions coming every year, what do you expect..every single one is happy happy happy?

Fact is there will always be a hardcore % for whom things will never be right and who expect 5 star for 1 star money.

For the pitiful small group that they are..who cares.

Go to tijuana, bournemouth, cancun etc etc and you will find incorrigible bleaters abound.

If you dont like where you live, holiday, work etc etc do something about it rather than bleat ie go elsewhere. 

Edited by Expatthailover
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not in London or in your link. It doesn’t cover events just in London so why would it be called that?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Chinese very loud and demanding, chite right on the sidewalk , no care and no respect for Thai wat or it's people..say everything over priced after  they eat it or take.....I walk away when i see them....Not wanna get mad at their animal mentality....

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I would say that the Chinese have quite a lot to complain about


42 Chinese tourists dead and another 14 missing. 


And, this is just the most recent of a long line of drownings, fatal coach crashes, robberies, etc. that tourists do not expect.


Yes, I know there have been examples of very poor behaviour by Chinese visitors, but sending them home in body bags is a bit more serious than letting their kids poo in the gutter or fighting over the seafood bufet.

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Who would you believe? Those that are involved in increasing sales or those who have made the purchase with poor results? It is difficult to pain all of those involved in the Thai tourist industry with the same brush but there are many that are just there to fleece visitors to the Kingdom and they are tainting the image of Thailand to a degree that will eventually impact the number of people that come to visit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The cop in the picture talking to the lady is prob saying " Honey have you been scammed by the locals yet" Her answer would be"Not yet"  He would reply" Don't worry by the end of the night you will be I can assure you"

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i've stayed in hotels in thailand and had great service and rubbish service but one recent tale from a friend made me smile. he was staying in an upmarket hotel and heard some fellow guests complaining about their room and the rude staff, the staff's response was interesting; ' complain to booking.com' they said...?! when their complaints were clearly falling on deaf ears and inactive customer service bodies the guests asked to see the manager; ' you have to make an appointment' was the reply. so they requested an appointment, but... the only time the manager was 'available' to meet them was the day after they checked out.  strange that.

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3 minutes ago, samsensam said:


i've stayed in hotels in thailand and had great service and rubbish service but one recent tale from a friend made me smile. he was staying in an upmarket hotel and heard some fellow guests complaining about their room and the rude staff, the staff's response was interesting; ' complain to booking.com' they said...?! when their complaints were clearly falling on deaf ears and inactive customer service bodies the guests asked to see the manager; ' you have to make an appointment' was the reply. so they requested an appointment, but... the only time the manager was 'available' to meet them was the day after they checked out.  strange that.




I did just that!   ... went down the Booking.com route.

Bleated about the 'new' room we copped at Suvarnabumi Novotel.

All had been silent from the Desk downstairs, but after posting my Booking.com Review, there was a pert damn quick response from management, received by the time one awoke the next morning

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There is no doubt there are many problems in Thailand but how many of those problems created by tourists themselves ? 


Chinese who often lack any and all manners as well as even basic English skills.


westerners who act like morons with a foul mouth.


indians who are plain disrespectful on top of being cheap and everything else.


having travelled all around the world , I think Thai are doing pretty well, better English and infrastructure would not hurt but then it would not be thailand ?



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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/16/2017 at 1:48 PM, moe666 said:

During my life span never been any where that was perfect. Years ago while in London the London Times does an article on why the majority of tourist never came back. The research showed it was the general lack of customer service, and a lack of feeling welcome that kept many tourist from returning.

Or the very high hotel prices. People go to Thailand for cheap prices then complain it's not perfect.



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On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 1:51 PM, burgdawg said:

...the Chinese influx of tourists will sooner or later---be driving many falangs to rural moobahns, or straight back to their falang countries. The public spitting alone is very disgusting. Adios Thailand.

Currently working in the west and they're all over the place, so there's no escaping it there either I'm afraid. In my line of work I have to deal with hoardes of the rude baystards. On a recent flight out of Thailand, my wife and I had to laugh when we were greeted on boarding with "welcome to the jungle".????

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  • 4 weeks later...

As  a person who lives in Singapore and has many Thai friends who have visited me on tourist visa, I must say that Thai Rath or Thai police is still very nice and polite. 

Last time when I extended my visa to travel to the east, I got treated politely by 2 Immigration policemen. They even checked my friends contacts to make sure I dont get scammed in any smuggling deal hehe. 

Meanwhile' I saw my friends who got deported from the immigration gate before they even entered Singapore. Or they came into my place at night to check on my friends with very rude attitude and lowest level of academic English and understanding of the laws. 

Seeing what Thai policemen are doing to protect the country and still can keep their manner, I appreciate their efforts! And also feel shamed for ICA singapore.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/16/2017 at 10:40 AM, worgeordie said:

"Thousand of tourists complaining but Thais doing a great job," say Thai Rath

That headline does not make sense,if they had been doing a good job ,they would

not get so many complaints,the seem to be putting the blame on Chinese tour operators,

regards Worgeordie

I often agree with you but not on this one. 2671 complaints out of 20 million Chinese tourists (10 M per year) is really nothing... That is 0,01%

Does not take away that it is 2671 complaints too much. 

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